Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Man in the Mirror
Where some have method, he’s simply madness.

Name: Gauntlet
Species: Probably Human
Age: 45
Sex: Male
Physique: Pretty tall, muscular with a good layer.

Homeworld: Somewhere forgettable
Allegiance: A good time

Force sensitivity: Hasn’t descended yet


  • Bruised knuckles: One might say fighting is in the blood. Not necessarily his blood, but blood is usually involved.

  • Unwavering: Nice try with your “be the better person” monologue.


  • Broken record: Don’t expect him to try anything new. He’s bad at that.

  • Stim junkie: All that smoking makes it hard to breathe, but nothing stims won’t fix… Now how to fix the withdrawal?

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