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GBA: Felix Dunst vs Vrag

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Participants: [member="Felix Dunst"]
Location: Arkania, abandoned stone castle in the middle of a blizzard
Time: Make it night time
Rules: No restrictions on anything...ever. Except death, don't kill each other.
Canon: No

Arkania, the land of ice and snow. Upon a hilltop, a mad scientist built a large multi-story castle. The castles shape is a step wise formation, concentric structures on top of each other as one goes up the building. The structure has long been abandoned, the proprietor dying some time ago and foregoing the mundane task of spreading progeny. As such, the large stone doors are chained shut with some sort of unbreakable steel.

The duelists find themselves in the bottom floor of the building, the largest of the concentric circles. Its relatively standard in dimensions, spanning 15 meters from wall to wall and entirely circular. The room seems to have been hallowed out from furniture, the walls are decorated with crimson tapestries and paintings of the Arkanian who once lived here.

The howl of the storm outside pushes the structure to it's core, shaking loose stone from the walls and sending slate crashing to the ground. And occasionally, a blistering wind cracks open a segment of the wall, sending a howling wind of snow into the confines. But for now, the cold is merely the type that dives deep into the bones, threatening only comfort.

Why are the duelists here? Beats me. Maybe they heard about treasures and secret recipes hidden away from sight. Likely some sort of scavenging project, the fighters find themselves at odds: obstacles to their own purposes.


The Second Seal, broken.
Vrag wasn't exactly sure why she'd set out for the castle in the first place, but upon arrival her discomfort at the idea solidified into a strong gut feeling that something would, indeed, go wrong. Unusually for her, the woman ignored her instinct — perhaps out of sheer determination to finish her business after coming all this way — and entered the oddly structured fortress anyway.

It turned out to be a vary bad idea. Who would've guessed, right?

Now she was standing at the edge of a large, arena-like room opposite another individual whose general form suggested it was a he. Then again, one could never be sure, and since it bore little relevance to how their bout would play out, Vrag didn't waste any more thought or time speculating about their gender. She wrapped her fingers around her lightsaber in a firm, but not rigid grip and assumed a neutral stance of the Niman form, since she didn't yet know what sort of a fighter her opponent was. If need be, the Sith would easily adjust.

[member="Felix Dunst"]
Fingers slowly but surely curled themselves around the grip of a pistol nestled firmly within its holster as the man lazily pulled it out with one hand, his brown pupils never leaving the shadowy form of the figure standing in the opposite corner of the room as he looked her over from head to toe through furrowed brows. Thick smoke filled his battered lungs as he inhaled deeply of the thin cigarette nestled snugly between his cracked lips, the flickering ember gradually devouring more and more of the rolled up paper and the tobacco within in as the vapor washed over his face. His body trembled lightly as the cold breeze from the world outside slipped through the cracks in the wall and into the circular room the two individuals found themselves in, a sense of dread weighing onto his shoulders as he carefully examined the unflinching woman. The small pistol was angled down towards the floor as he brought it in front of his stomach, cautiously wrapping his other arm around and over the grip and trigger of the simple slug-thrower as he rolled the lithe cigarette from one corner of his mouth to the other with the aid of his tongue.

Exhaling harshly, the man tentatively put one foot over the other and began to move closer towards the taller woman while sticking his back to the wall. The sound of his audible swallow echoed within those walls alongside the slicing wind, forcing his meager clothing to bend and beat in the direction of the wind incessantly. His lips moved silently as he murmured profanities under his breath, mind wracking itself as it desperately tried to remember the exact number of bullets he had at his disposal to deal with the armored girl merely a dozen or so meters away from him. Any thoughts or concerns he might have once had regarding how he managed to end up in such an exotic locale quickly vanished from his nervous mind as he closely paid attention to the slightest movement of his opponent, her overbearing presence forcing his knees to buckle in a mixture of fear and horror as the hair on his body stood on its ends. "Last chance to sod off doll . . ." He shouted towards the woman with a shaky voice and through quivering lips, whatever attempt to show confidence quickly evaporating. The barrel of the pistol continued to be angled towards the stone floor beneath them, clinging onto the faint hope that he will not be forced to defend himself tonight.



The Second Seal, broken.
Did he just...doll? Seriously?

"I was going to let you off easy, boy," she grinned wolfishly behind her blackened visor and shifted her stance, holding her saber in a deactivated third guard. He was a gunslinger of some kind, that much was obvious, which meant that she would have to cross the distance between them as quickly as possible. Ranger fighters were, in her experience, quite useless in close-quarters combat, but you could never be too sure. Even then, single combat was kind of her specialty, so getting in the narrow measure was in her best interest anyway.

How he had figured her for a woman was a question she'd ponder after she'd dispatched the annoying obstacle in her way. With a huff she rolled her shoulders underneath the plates of her armor, cautious of any fast moves the man opposite her would attempt as she began circling around him in turn. She wanted to force his hand, to see what sort of tricks he had up his sleeve, and considering his weapon of choice it wasn't hard to guess who would attack first. After all, this was the only time in the whole combat he would still have a shred of advantage over her.

[member="Felix Dunst"]
Those threatening words ringed through his ears alongside the cutting breeze, a shudder trickling down the man's spine as beads of sweat began to form around his face. He hastily pressed his body against the wall behind him as the woman slowly shifted her weight and stance, a soft thud echoing through the room as he bumped the back of his head into the frame of a large painting. A low groan of pain rolled through his throat as his eyes fluttered for a brief moment, holding them half-closed as he continued to circle around the room and maintain his distance from the armored individual. "Forgive me for finding that hard to believe." He replied curtly through gritted teeth, eyes darting between the girls legs and her arms as he felt his pounding heart beat mercilessly against his chest. Slowly he raised the barrel of his pistol to align it with the woman, his arms extended and shoulders relaxed as much as he possibly could. Knees bended forward ever so slightly as he corked his head to the side a few degrees, one eye closing shut as he aligned the sights.

"Now let me repeat myself. Sod off before we both do something we'll regret." He spoke through a quivering lip while shifting his stance, finger securely nuzzled against the trigger as he looked over the woman from head to toe one more time. The longer he stared at her the weaker his knees felt, the instinctual realization that he was outclassed in most if not all departments quickly sinking in. He wasn't a fighter nor a soldier, not a marksman nor a ranger. The only things he had over the predatory-like woman were a meager pistol and a sharp tongue, the latter no doubt in danger of being sliced off. As he breathed heavily through parted lips, the only thought that swirled through his mind was just how flammable the numerous rugs and tapestries hanged around the walls and scattered across the floor were. "If you can't find a way out, do us both a favor and bash your head against the wall until you either make one or pass out."



The Second Seal, broken.
But the man just wouldn't shut up.

Vrag suppressed a low groan and kept her blue eyes trained on the retreating boy as she circled him with slow, calculated steps. Their dance wasn't unlike that of the prey and hunter, and there was a grin stretching her lips with the knowledge that both parties in the room were very well aware which role belonged to whom. The weight of her unignited weapon was almost comforting in her relaxed grip, and the stink of fear rolling off her would-be opponent was like the scent of blood in the water.

If he thought fast talk was going to get him out of this little predicament, the gunslinger was dead wrong, and Vrag had no qualms with showing him the error of his ways. Her left hand let go of the lightsaber and thrust forward in a short, controlled motion as she fell to her knees in an effort to avoid his shot, should he have time to take it. The Force push projected from her open palm was aimed at his head, hoping to smash it against the wall that was dangerously close to that delightfully unprotected skull of his.

[member="Felix Dunst"]
Brown pupils trembled fiercely within their whitened sockets and eyes widened in shock once the woman shifted her posture once more, a sharp inhale sinking through his nostrils as the digit wrapped around the trigger of the pistol hastily pulled back upon it reflexively and unthinkingly. It seemed as if the entire world stood still for the briefest moment, lips curling into the faintest smile as the delectable mirage of his survival flashed through his anxious mind. Yet that wonderful scenario dislodged itself from his thoughts just as quickly as it had been born, the cold hand of Death seemingly gripping his shoulder as those near invisible waves of the Force hurriedly approached him and diluted his vision. His body had been forcefully removed from the stone floor beneath him and slammed against the textile covered wall behind him, a powerful thud and a pained groan echoing through the circular room as his eyes shut tightly in agony. The slowly dying cigarette nestled between his lips flew from his mouth as his head impacted the large wooden frame of a portrait, falling down onto a nearby carpet strewn across the floor.

Arms went limp by his side as the man teetered on the brink of consciousness for a few precious seconds, sliding down against the wall onto the floor beneath him and dragging the portrait of a tall and white haired individual dressed in robes alongside him. The meager pistol dangled between his straightened fingers before slipping off of them and falling onto the floor with a clang, a trail of blood visible upon the frame and the cloth covered wall behind the man. Dirt, dust, and cracked slates began to fall down onto the kneeling man from the ceiling and walls above as the force of the impact seemed to shake the building itself, slamming themselves against him and breaking upon his back and the floor nearby as the sharp wind from outside began to pour ever more within the chamber. Blood poured from the back of his head as a boiling and piercing sensation washed over his body, a small puddle of the thick liquid forming underneath him as it stained his clothes on the way down. He leaned forward through pained screams, hands clutching onto the thick material of the red rug underneath as he panted and moaned heavily. Trembling fingers tapped against the carpet as he aimlessly stared down upon it through foggy and glassy eyes for his weapon, tears streaming down his cheeks as blood began to pour down from his nostrils.


  • Total Shots Fired : 1
  • Weapon Status : Unavailable
  • Head Status : Fractured [Back]


The Second Seal, broken.
Even though Vrag had dived into a croush, her opponent's aim was surprisingly true, and hot pain exploded in her left shoulder as the accelerated projectile dug into the durasteel pauldron protecting the sensitive joint. She gritted her teeth to suppress a yelp, but the ache that blossomed in her arm was a momentary one, quickly flooded with adrenaline that roared in her veins.

Without wasting a second, the Sith launched herself at the fallen man with a powerful push of her legs, using the Force to jump much farther than her muscles would carry her. Pulling off a perfect landing was hard with these things, even doubly so when your skill with the beloved space magic was as basic as hers. A good thing, then, that she had never planned on a graceful touchdown, twisting herself in the air to smash into her adversary with the rounded weight of two hundred pounds, made even more devastating with the aid of the Force and gravity. The man was a large enough target, sprawled on the floor as he was, and the thought of cracking bone brought a gleeful smile on her face.

[member="Felix Dunst"]
Pathetic whimpers slipped through the mans blood coated lips as his digits nervously clutched the rug beneath him him, the incessant and repugnant noise of gagging and choking bouncing between those circular walls as he desperately tried to fight back the overbearing nausea settling upon him.Quivering lips moved silently as his entire body heaved with each panted breath, a wave of terror running down his spine as he felt the cold embrace of Death wrap itself around his shivering body. Blood smeared itself over the mans lips and chin as it endlessly poured down from his nostrils, sending his mind in a fit of fright as he watched droplets of the red liquid drip down onto the carpet. For the briefest moment, it had felt as if time itself had stopped in it's tracks once the sharp sound of air being cut apart ringed through his ears. He lifted his wounded head, blurry eyes widening in shock at the sight of a black figment hastily coming down upon him with all of its weight. Maneuvering himself as best as he could, he attempted to roll away to the side and onto his back.

Yet it was unfortunately too little, too late. A guttural scream of agony slipped through the mans bloodied lips as he felt a heavy weight drop down upon his left hand, his eyes closing shut in pain as as his body arched itself upwards involuntarily. His fingers straightened themselves for the briefest fragment of time before they went limp underneath the armored woman, the sound of bones crackling and breaking underneath her weight adding themselves to the vile cacophony of the room. Adrenaline and instincts began to cloud his mind and keep him on the edge of consciousness for what little good they could do, the fingers of his free hand quickly curling into a fist. Shifting his body underneath hers, the man attempted a desperate swing into the woman's visor, silently praying through pained screams that he can get her off.


  • Total Shots Fired : 1
  • Weapon Status : Unavailable
  • Head Status : Fractured [Back]
  • Left Hand Status : Broken / Limp / Bones Cracked [Around Wrist]


The Second Seal, broken.

Nothing quite like cushions made of muscle, sinew, bones and blood. The impact travelled up her torso, and boy was she glad that she hadn't landed directly on the hard stone; that would've probably meant a shattered calcaneus, with added fractures along the tibia as well. She half-rolled, half-fell forward as her balance was disturbed by his twitching body, and a strain of expletives slipped from her mouth as she unceremoniously met the cool floor.

The man beside her wouldn't shut up even after she'd clearly shown him who was boss, and despite the incoherence of the voices he was producing, the sound annoyed her just the same.

"Oh, for frak's sake," she spat out and batted away his clumsy attempt to… what? Caress her cheek? Unbelievable. She picked herself up with a few practiced movements and finally ignited the red blade in her hand. The action seemed almost… excessive, somehow, but Vrag went along with it for the sake of habit. It was hardly a proper showdown with a Sith if her opponent hadn't even had the chance to see the trademark color of her order.

So cliché, she snorted at herself as the lightsaber hissed to life, the white-hot energy sizzling perhaps an inch away from the face of her downed adversary.

"Apologize, motherkarker, and I might let you live," the words that left her mouth were as surprising to the firrerreo as they probably were to the gunslinger, but once they were out in the open, she just decided to go along with it. It wasn't like the guy was in any position to say no; and if he somehow had the guts to do it, Vrag would be more than happy to open him up and see for herself. To underscore her point even more, the woman ground his already broken wrist into the stone slab with a decisive move of her foot, and her nostrils flared at the grinding sound.

[member="Felix Dunst"]
Beads of sweat poured down the mans tear stricken face, crimson cheeks beating red as he squirmed nervously underneath the sizzling ember hovering precariously over his twitching face. Whatever bones remained in his broken arm were quickly and mercilessly grounded into dust underneath the cold metal boot of the armored woman sitting on top of his wrist, the vile cacophony of tearing muscle and shattered bones blending seamlessly with the pained screams slipping through those bloodied lips as they echoed within the oval room. Numb fingers jerked violently as the girl grounded her foot against his wrist, the mans right hand desperately grasping at the stone floor beneath him. Agony washed over his body as nails chalked themselves against the cold slab, tearing and breaking themselves from his fingers and only adding to the unbearable pain coursing through his veins. Quivering eyes widened in a mixture of shock and anxiety as those merciful words ringed through his battered ears, hope flashing through his bloodshot eyes as his facade quickly crumbled underneath the promise of freedom.

"I beAAAAAAH!" Came those pleading words through a shaky and sorrowful voice, quickly morphing themselves into screams of misery as the woman continued to toy with the broken limb underneath her boot. Dreadful sizzling ringed within the pairs ear as he craned his neck backwards from the pain, flocks of his beard burning themselves against the blazing plasma meant to keep him in place. Legs trashed and kicked violently against the desolate floor as his right hand clutched onto the nearby tapestry as if he were holding to life itself. "P-Please! I beg you! I FETHING BEG YOU!" He screamed towards the woman as his twitching eyes peered into the blackened visor, unconscionably pulling down onto the tapestry with whatever strength remained in his battered body. Time seemed to stand still for the defeated man as a dreadful cling echoed within the room as the masterful tapestry recording the the life of the manors proprietor began to hastily fall upon them, the golden bar mounted onto the cloth falling down towards the woman's head with a slab of stone in tow. A low sizzling could be heard behind the standing Knight as the ember of the cigarette slowly began to burn strands of the nearby carpet.


  • Total Shots Fired : 1
  • Weapon Status : Unavailable
  • Head Status : Fractured [Back]
  • Left Hand Status : Broken / Limp / Bones Cracked [Around Wrist]
Holy hell I apologize profoundly for this massive delay. Also I feel that the slab itself falling as well might be a little excessive, but I went with the notion that the wind plus the earlier slam into the wall would be enough to allow it some wiggling to slip loose. As always though, do tell me if there's anything you wish I would change / tone down for realism and I will more than happily oblige.


The Second Seal, broken.
Rationally, she knew full well why the man was screaming, but it annoyed her nonetheless. With a growl, she did the only thing that would shut him up for sure; a short, efficient flick of her wrist sent the blade in her hand upwards. The gunslinger hardly had room to breathe, let alone avoid the slash, which would remove the mandible, a part of the maxilla and the nasal cartilage as well. It certainly wouldn't kill him, and Vrag would stay true to her word, but without a tongue to speak of, the man would be much less of a nuisance.

The Knight had never been much of a Forcer, and used it only when opportunities presented themselves. Still, one of the innate advantages to being a sensitive was just that; being a sensitive. Vrag shared the superhuman reflexes of most Jedi and Sith, and just like with the rest, that particular ability stemmed from the Force. Instead of relying on it to speed up her movements, however, the user in question simply stayed open and aware, as any good duelist would.

And Space-magic didn't disappoint.

Her body reacted instinctively when the warning came, perhaps a fraction of a second before the masterpiece tore off the wall, and the Sith didn't waste a single moment wondering what was going on. Her motions were awkward when she stumbled back and away from the prone man, her heel catching the edge of bunched-up rug on the floor.

With a flail rather unbecoming of her reputation — was she ever glad that what happened here would never leave this room — the woman fell down on the stone, suppressing a yelp of pain at the impact. The padding did its job well, but she was sure that her coccyx would be a pain in the ass for days to come.

[member="Felix Dunst"]
Soft whimpers slipped through the mans quivering lips as he saw the crimson blade hovering above his face move, eyes instinctively shutting tight for the briefest fragment of a second before opening wide as he felt a prick-like sensation wash over his battered frame. Trembling body went limp for a few brief moments as he continued to stare up into that darkened visor, his vision blurred from the tears and damage inflicted upon his retina only a few short minutes prior. Whatever protesting or pleading words he tried to speak came out as nothing more than a short series of disgusting and guttural moans and groans as his dilated pupils rushed to look downwards, trembling body shivering ferociously onto the stone floor as he watched in disbelief and shock as the lower half of his face rolled down his neck and chest onto the ground besides him. Disbelief raced through his mind at the vile sight, quickly overtaken by an intense searing pain as the cold wind poured ever more strongly through the new opening in the wall, scratching against his now mangled jaw. Blood poured down onto his neck as the man felt the wind cut into his exposed flesh and nerves, searing pain overtaking every single fiber of his being as his screams of agony became an unearthly cry.

Eyes quickly began to roll into the back of his head as the cloth draped itself over what remained of his face, blood seeping through the textile and leaving a damp spot into the fabric as his body rocked back and forth endlessly. With the Knight safely out of danger, the stone and hinge continued its descent without interruption only to shortly fall down upon his jerking frame. Muscles being torn apart and bones cracking under the weight formed a sinister duet that echoed within the circular room, the mans upper body lurching forwards from the sudden impact before falling back down onto the floor. And soon enough, nothing but the cutting wind could be heard within the arena as disfigured man tattered off into unconsciousness, his mind and body ceasing all but the minimum functions required to still let him cling onto his final thread of life before the intense pain was enough to kill him. Slight jerks could be noticed every few seconds as he laid onto the ground, the ember slowly consuming one of the nearby rugs idly.


  • Total Shots Fired : 1
  • Weapon Status : Unavailable
  • Head Status : Fractured [Back]
  • Left Hand Status : Broken / Limp / Bones Cracked [Around Wrist]
  • Jaw Status : Torn off
  • Tongue Status : Cut apart
  • Stomach : Crushed
  • Inner Organs : Badly Damaged

Well played Vrag. Hope you managed to enjoy our fight at least a fraction of how much I did. Only regret I have is that I couldn't put up a better fight.



The Second Seal, broken.
With a final groan, the wall crumbled upon her opponent, his pathetic gurgling silenced by the cold stone. The echoes of the small avalanche reverberated around the arena long after the last rock came to a stop on the floor, the ghost of his guttural protest still ringing in her ears. Naught but the sound of the merciless gale could be heard, its howling unrelenting as it assaulted the man-made hole in the circular room.

Vrag watched, enthralled, as his fingers kept twitching, overcome by the sort of fascination one feels when bearing witness to a unpreventable disaster. The Knight wasn't a sadist, not really, but she couldn't tear her eyes away nonetheless, her breathing quick and shallow.

"I warned you," she rasped out tiredly as she stood up again, absently massaging her ass. That was going to be a queen, that was for sure.

With a groan, the woman edged closer, grimacing with every step.

"I ought to do you in for that alone, fether," she spat out and nudged the mostly limp body with the tip of her boot. "Looks like the elements got that well in hand, though," she couldn't resist that one last remark, her tone fraught with smugness and triumph. Her blue eyes lingered on his crushed forearm for a moment more, and then the firrerreo turned to retrieve what she had come for in the first place.

[member="Felix Dunst"]

It was definitely fun, if a bit short. When time allows for it, I wouldn't be opposed to another round. :)
The winner is VRAG.​
Vrag, very realistic hits taken for what was thrown at you. Very, VERY clear posts - I could visualize what Vrag was attempting in every post without a problem. Also as usual I enjoyed your creativity in attacks, particularly "Vrag cannonball". I also noted that in the last few posts you seemed to take in to account my last judgment as far as letting things go. I felt all the of sarcasm and eyebrow-raising in these posts was fully in Vrag's character and I thoroughly enjoyed the inner thoughts.

Felix Dunst, who told you I'm a sucker for description?! Seriously, I loved the picture you painted for the reader in every post, especially your inclusion of the weather and the building itself. My biggest issue here was pacing in terms of hit-taking. I appreciate your willingness to take hits but I wanted to see more before more mortal injuries were taken. For instance, your opponent used a fairly simple force move to begin with, but this sent you flying back in to the wall and effectively took you out of the rest of the fight. I don't feel like I got to see any of your fighting.

That said, both of you gave posts that were a JOY to read and were fair to each other's pull of the narrative. Overall fun to read and I hope to see more at some point!

[member="Vrag"] | [member="Felix Dunst"]​
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