Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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GBA: Horror vs Krest

Participants: [member="Horror"]

Location: Tython
Time: Evening, Sun fading in the background
Rules: Open format, no rules
Canon: No

The force flows upon this world like no other, undulating through the valleys and atop the mountains, an unseen aurora borealis. The winds gently rise from the east, carrying a sort of sea spray about it that lifts above geological formations and drops into the plains, dry and chapping. Discovering unexplained presence in this world , once plush and verdant, the duelists now find themselves in a thickness of ash and barren wastelands delineated by the folding of the surface into hilltops and lows between. Strong in the force, either side of the spectrum, the duelists may find their aura the origin of brutal force storms and groundquakes.

To the east, a large mountaintop cuts into the rust flavored sky, blocking view of a body of water tinted the hue of tea. To the west, a deep gash cut across the land, signifying the once lush existence of a large expanse of woods and wetlands. To the north and south, the continuity of the meandering barren valley remains unbroken as it tosses and turns between hillscapes. It was light for now, but Tythos was slowly fading from view, overcome by the upwelling of land as the sun set, to give rise to Ashla and Bogan. The origins of the Je'daii Orders interpretation of the force. Clouds gently turned over on one another above, threatening incoming storms and deluge.

But for now, the duelist would be separated by a small distance, the world around them gently stirring in anticipation for the fight to come.

Special Consideration: No events. Feel free to write in force storms and groundquakes, but there will be no specified interval. This is a showdown.
Horror's gloved hands replaced the power packs of his twin sonic blasters, set the disruptor rifle hanging from a strap on his shoulder on lethal, slid his electro-staff on his back and cracked his knuckles before settling into a battle-ready stance all in record time.

The narrow yellow line of transparisteel that made up the visor of his vaguely skull-shaped helmet conveyed killer intent as the psycho-for-hire concentrated on his opponent, ready to quick-draw his sonic blaster and fire a shot straight into his chest the moment he moved.

@[member=Darth Ferus]

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