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GBA: Teto Gravos vs Fatty (Alt)

Participants: [member="Teto Gravos"]
Location: Mustafar, Mensix Mining Facility
Time: Mid afternoon, hard to really tell though
Rules: Both participants have reached the apex of their training, whatever that may mean (Master Level)
Canon: No

Weird place to end up, if I do say so myself. The duelists find themselves upon blackened bridge, connecting two mining structures that breach from the mountains like rocky outcroppings. Beneath the bridges, not more than 10 meters, lava moves along to the flow of a river, colored in yellow and orange and red and black splotches of coagulated magma. The red material flows out of the mountain ranges like water from a sieve and the sky weeps rust colored clouds.

The system, being highly unstable, erupts volcanic magma and ash in unspecified and random increments. From beneath them, the solid and moving surface bubbles and burps, sending magma and debris towards and over the bridge, potentially raining down upon the combatants. Overhead, automated mining droids fly over, carrying pales of magma for smelting and refinement. They crest over the bridge and then plummet towards the magma before moving further down the flow, to rush over other bridges, much like the one that the combatants now find themselves fighting upon. Ya know, they actually look like they may be able to support the weight of an individual, considering they carry magma with seeming ease. Maybe that's just being hopeful!


Mercury Zealot

Monstrocity of Moross - Deceased
(OOC: Hope you're cool with this)



That was mostly all that was on the Morossian Aesir thought. He did not like it. Everything around him was blurry from all the heat, and his mechanical disposition heated up and irritated his biological parts. The flesh of Darzu as well as the Vong encased his silicon fishy interior, but the lack of moisture in the air simply bothered him even if it did not directly irritate any of his biological functions.

Aesir Liad had come to this world expecting to find some new creature supposedly in the depths of the magmic rivers and lakes of this dreaded world. It was in the interest of his Crusade to seek them out, though the exact purpose was unclear to him. Understanding had never been his forte, despite having once been a staunch follower of Neth. When it was revealed to him however, that Atrox the Deceiver was removing the divinity from the living Gods, and that all were under the deception of Atrox, Stone Hermes (whom he was before) completed the cure to the plague of his people, ascending him into a higher state of power in order to face off and destroy Atrox. It seemed he was capable of this, as when he did he gained the feeling that he was no longer Stone Hermes but... Liad. The Aesir had inherited a body plagued two fold with the two of the most deadly and rarest viruses known to the galaxy: The Technovirus, and the Vong Spawn Virus, which when combined was dubbed "The Resuspawn Toxin". It took many months and years to find a way to make the second virus compatible with the Resu's silicon biology, but through a complicated process eventually Liad could take "tissue" samples out of a carbon creature infected by both viruses and transplant it into a Resu Warrior... himself.

The results were magnificent. His reproductive organs were once again fertile, along with a newer more menacing transformation. He could not be touched before by his enemies due to his infectivity, but now he was doubly as dangerous. If you were not turned into a machine, you would be turned into a vong. The Resu hated the vong, which was a very bad thing for anyone who is turned into one.

Every inch of his body was like a blade of Durasteel, from his back spines, claws, teeth, and his Tusks that he used just as often to stab as to arc electricity in the air with, Liad had become a beastly thing. He was the ailment as well as the cure, a being of pure disease. Most of his body was an unnatural machine spawned from Sith Magic, granting him an equally unnatural resistance to lightsabers and a funny knack of absorbing electricity more effectively. However, with his latest cure found within the clutches of the Resu's most hated enemies, Liad found that his body was now half immune to direct influence from the force. The 226 kilogram Monstrosity was difficult to move as it was, but now a force user would require colossal focus and strength to move him even a short distance, and his alien silicon labyrinthine mind was only guarded further by this development. Lastly, his signature meter long blade of unnatural Durasteel born out of his own flesh could now also at a moments notice transform into a venomous whip, with the Durasteel blades still attached, similar to a Vong's amphistaff.

These changes however, did not assist him see through the heat of Mustafar, or remove his dependence on guarding his supply of Hydrogenated Water. Nor does it protect him from pulses of electromagnetism, that would serve to hamper the technologically dependent parts of his body. The will and determination of the god-like being however would serve to see its desires fulfilled despite these weaknesses. Despite being inheritor to a being of unimaginable power, that had been responsible according to his faith, for the desolation that was the Four Hundred Year Darkness, his body was still mortal.

So the hulking creature stood in wait, alone in his confidence, within the facility. Waiting...

[member="Teto Gravos"]

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