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Approved Tech GE-BSI

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Intent: To create a battlefield and personal carry bacta injector for immediate emergency use.
Development Thread: If Required.
Manufacturer: G.E.A.R
Model: GE-BSI (Bacta Self Injector)
Affiliation: Open Market
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Durasteel | Flexsteel | Bacta
Description: The GE-BSI is a device that is intended to be used on the battlefield, or in emergency circumstances in either the medical field or even personal use. A three inch needle is injected directly into the patient's thigh before pulling on the trigger. Doing so releases a single dosage of bacta directly into the patient's bloodstream, immediately spreading throughout the body and accelerating the healing process as if the recipient had been submerged inside of a bacta tank. Known side effects range from temporary blurred vision, difficulty walking or operating machinery, maintaining focus, and slurred speech. It is advised that this type of injection be used only when a bacta tank is not immediately available and the patient is in critical, life-threatening condition. Side effects can last anywhere from five minutes to five hours, depending on size, weight, and species. Humanoids tend to experience far greater side effects than other aliens.

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Pending initial review

Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review

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