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Approved Planet Gefängnis - The Grave World

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  • Planet Name: Gefängnis
  • Demonym: Der'vergeben
  • Region: Wild Space
  • System Name: Outer Rim
  • System Features: Feuer Ungeheuer - The star most local to the planet. Solar flares produced by the star are at constant threat to Gefängnis' habitability.


  • Major Imports: Self-sustaining.
  • Major Exports: Slave labor, extraction of exotic specimens for research & ecological anomaly exploration.
  • Unexploited Resources: The planet holds a wealth of minerals for repurposing into Biomesh. Strange chemicals can also be extracted from the fauna within the planet with varying effects. The drug BLITZ is an example of chemical synthesis from one of the planet's resident species - a venom that has been altered to affect the brain in different ways.
  • Gravity: Standard - weight of gravity noticeably lessens the deeper organisms go into the planet.
  • Climate: Dry and scorched over. Any semblance of habitable living space is reduced to a red sand across the surface.
  • Primary Terrain: Rocky terrain has strategically formed to overcast vast distances of the planet, allowing for the construction of "extraction" tunnels shaded by the insulating environment on cooler parts of the surface. Hotspots on the planet (surface area of the planet facing towards Feuer Ungeheuer) tend to corrode these large sheets of rock supported by small naturally forming pillars.
  • Atmosphere: Type I
  • Capital City: N/A
  • Planetary Features: Multiple reinforced tunnel systems have been dug deep into the planet's core. These extraction points are the only examples of modern technology on the planet, as alien life have built these gates into the core in order to move large quantities of "resource" seamlessly. The inside of the planet has turned into a sort of terrarium, recycling moisture through the dense plant life that squeezes through the claustrophobic cracks of the underworld. The competition for sustenance is strong, so certain plants within the planet have developed evolutionary traits that adopt the use of chemicals to dissuade predators. This method of defense is also seen in the bigger creatures, as the Yuk'mar species that live on the planet disorientate predators with varying types of venom to disable predators or prey.
  • Major Locations: EX-L 1-1, EX-L 2 & EX-L 3. These are the names of extraction points across the planet. EX-L 1-1 is the main hub for the shipment of resources in or out of the planet. All these locations look similar; a deep hole framed with a layer of reinforced structural metal, with an extendable mechanism for a reflective dome meant to protect the gate as the rotation of the planet scorches the surface intermittently. EX-L 2 and EX-L 3 have been built on opposing sides of the planet.

  • Native Species: Der'vergeben, Yuk'mar
  • Immigrated Species: N/A
  • Population: 24 Billion
  • Demographics: Humans are unable to live comfortably within the planet and live off-world, simply visiting the planet for business reasons. This goes for other sentient lifeforms that aren't the primary inhabitants. Despite the visitors being few in numbers compared to the population of the Der'vergeben, the native population is still persecuted due to their fragile forms leaving them defenseless most of the time. More curious visitors who attempt to explore Der'vergeben communes however are more likely to find themselves in a tunnel trap, such as a triggered cave-in or a bed of stakes.
  • Primary Languages: The Der'vergeben mainly communicate by touching each other's bodies in varying ways. A knock on the shoulder or a heavy press of the thumb into the collarbone are literal interpretations of language due to the sound dampening effects of the tight burrows limiting verbal speech.
  • Culture: The Der'vergeben are generally seen working on great feats of stonemasonry and large excavation projects. In their free-time, they enjoy finding a tight, claustrophobic space to nestle in. If they're not enjoying the tight spaces, they're exploring deeper into the planet to seek more food or precious, exotic resources.
  • Government: The Der'vergeben lack a distinct government body, choosing to pass motions differently in their respective communes. Different groups have different forms of government that range from civilized to tribal. These bodies of government can change vastly overnight however, as rules adapt to the priority struggles of the commune.
  • Affiliation: N/A
  • Wealth: Poor. There is no consistent form of economy within the planet. The inhabitants generally rely on a bartering system, but some sparce groups have begun to trade types of plants for other resources due to their rarity and useful chemical deterrent.
  • Stability: Low. The inhabitants are reactive to their alien oppressors, who isolate and take away their people for their own devices; communes are well defended so human attacks on communities are rare. Since the communities can vastly differ in government, socioeconomic systems and struggles, the greater population is divided heavily throughout the planet.
  • Freedom & Oppression: The planet is under constant oppression by the star Feuer Ungeheuer. The population is also being exploited by shady alien visitors, generally slave traders and criminals who deal in blood and bone.

[*]Military: Due to the Der'vergeben's recent transition into a vaguely feudalist age of technology, weapons have been produced primarily for use in tight spaces and burrows. Long flexible pikes are used to feed down enemy sightlines and puncture their heads. Traps are placed within the vast systems of tunnels excavated by the Der'vergeben and other local fauna in order to protect communities or secure vantage points that are resource rich.

The Der'vergeben's abilities to adapt and evolve through the harshest circumstances for any lifeform have granted them an indestructible desire to survive and overcome adversary. Through their times of oppression, they've struggled through generations of cannibalism and resource wars to come out the other end with an unbreakable sense of community. Gefängnis is in itself a tale of hope and overcoming vast odds. Despite their abilities to adapt, large groups of inhabitants have been taken away to other planets for varying reasons which have enhanced their struggle. Now outside of the hellish prison that is their planet, these spacefaring instances of the Der'vergeben are finally given the space to grow and evolve their minds and bodies, and at an exceedingly rapid pace.

As of recently, a passing rumor has spoken about the planet's subjugation by one noteworthy individual. Whether this has made a significant impact on the populations of Gefängnis or not has yet to be recorded.
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Vergessen Contii Vergessen Contii

I'll be reviewing this and doing my best to make sure we get everything here we need in one shot. Most of it is minor and easy to fix.

1. Major Imports - I am assuming this means they are fully self sustaining on their own?
2. Unexploited Resources - Can you expand on what you mean by stranger and more valuable substances. Are they unique to the planet or are they alloys and such that can be found on other planets as well.
3. Location: Even though you do not have to add it to the map, I do need you to tell us what hex it is in.
4. Force Nexus: Since it is optional and you have opted not to have one, you may remove all associated fields for the Nexus portion of the template.
5. Population: I am not understanding your explanation here. If the planet is uninhabited please list that. If it is inhabited please give a at the minimum a general population number.

I think if we deal with this it will be easy enough to approve from there!
Vergessen Contii Vergessen Contii

I'll be reviewing this and doing my best to make sure we get everything here we need in one shot. Most of it is minor and easy to fix.

1. Major Imports - I am assuming this means they are fully self sustaining on their own?
2. Unexploited Resources - Can you expand on what you mean by stranger and more valuable substances. Are they unique to the planet or are they alloys and such that can be found on other planets as well.
3. Location: Even though you do not have to add it to the map, I do need you to tell us what hex it is in.
4. Force Nexus: Since it is optional and you have opted not to have one, you may remove all associated fields for the Nexus portion of the template.
5. Population: I am not understanding your explanation here. If the planet is uninhabited please list that. If it is inhabited please give a at the minimum a general population number.

I think if we deal with this it will be easy enough to approve from there!
I've added all the changes you've asked, but there's one thing I'm not sure on.

What did you mean by hex? On what map? Pardon my ignorance. I included the fact the planet is in the "Devil's Asteroid System" within the Outer Rim Territories, but I'm not really sure if that's what you mean.

Also, for the population number I think I left that blank at the time for a lore related purpose I didn't end up writing.

I ball parked the population at around 24 billion. I hope that's not too big - the der'vergeben species give birth to litters of 12, so they multiply rapidly.
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