Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Intent: Codify the "Scalpel" in Lareina's GEIST Unit
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  • Crew Name: Strategic Protection Executive - Covert Threat Enhanced Response (SPECTER)
  • Crew Type: Special Operations Team
  • Base of Operations: Oracle Shroud
  • Crew Size: 5
  • Loyalties: Stybla'rei'naodo Stybla'rei'naodo
  • Description: The SPECTERs are a clandestine unit tasked with executing covert operations, maintaining stealth and precision in their executions. They are specialized in various fields, ensuring adaptability and versatility in their missions.
  • Name: Kral'al'tipom "Lalt" - Phantom
  • Age: 34
  • Species: Chiss
  • Role: Team Leader (When Lareina is not operating with them), Tactical Expert
  • Standard Weapons: CAS-23 "Silent Specter" PDW, SPS-25 Whisper Suppressed Sidearm
  • Languages: Basic, Cheunh, Mando'a (Mandalorian), and Bocce
  • Description: Lareina's right-hand man and the official leader of SPECTER when she's not commanding directly, Phantom and Lareina go back to her days as a Intelligence Officer and his days leading a team of Chiss Warriors. Impressed by his acumen on the battlefield and his loyalty to the Chiss People, Lareina personally recruited him to the UAG and hand picked him to be the leader of SPECTER, serving as the handle with which she can wield the Scalpel.
  • Name: Daeseha'te'iko "Atei" - Umbra
  • Age: 27
  • Species: Chiss
  • Standard Weapons: CAS-23 "Silent Specter" PDW, SPS-25 Whisper Suppressed Sidearm
  • Role: Pointman, Hand-to-Hand specialist
  • Languages: Languages: Basic, Cheunh, and Huttese
  • Description: The heart and soul of the team, Umbra's lack of a fancy specialization shouldn't lull one into thinking that she's less skilled than the others. Carrying with her an almost inbuilt sense of direction and having the best fire-and-maneuver scores on the team, Umbra is one of the most capable soldiers on the team, and almost as good a fighter as Lareina is.
  • Name: Erighal'tri'errylu "Ltrie" - Shadow
  • Age: 25
  • Standard Weapons: CAS-23 "Silent Specter" PDW, SPS-25 Whisper Suppressed Sidearm
  • Species: Chiss
  • Role: Engineer, Demolitions Specialist
  • Languages: Basic, Cheunh, and Huttese
  • Description: The silent genius of the team, Shadow's always had a talent for construction - and destruction, as things would have it. Viewing each of her jobs - construction or demolition - as an artform, she finds beauty in the precise timing, shaping, and yields of her explosions. While her silent demeanor contrasts strongly with her role, she's well regarded as an unwaveringly loyal member of the team.
  • Name: Stybla'orm'titor "Laormti" - Ghost
  • Age: 25
  • Species: Chiss
  • Standard Weapons: CAS-23 "Silent Specter" PDW, SPS-25 Whisper Suppressed Sidearm
  • Role: Slicer/EW Specialist, Droid Technician
  • Languages: Basic, Cheunh, Ubese (can understand Droidspeak)
  • Description: An orphan from the streets of Naporar who survived hacking his way through just about any system he could get his hands on - Ghost earned his name, and his place among the Stybla family, after saving Lareina's life on one of her Missions as a CEDF Officer. This made him stand out to her as a candidate for SPECTER. A man of few words, his skills allow him to breathe life into droids, machines, and computer systems, and bend them to his will.
  • Name: Dasklo'al'iklo "Oali" - Mirage
  • Age: 21
  • Species: Chiss
  • Standard Weapons: CSSR-47 Charric Rifle, SPS-25 Whisper Suppressed Sidearm
  • Role: Sniper, Scout
  • Languages: Basic, Cheunh, and Huttese
  • Description: Mirage is the youngest member of the team, but he perhaps is the deadliest, at least for a single target. Raised on Copero, he developed a love for hunting at an early age, learning to disappear into any environment and eventually being able to hunt the feared Wampa which stalked the mountains. His tracking skills making him perfect scout and his skill with a charric rifle nearly unmatched among the Ascendancy, Lareina plucked him right out of the CEDF's Warrior Training, naming him Mirage because his enemies don't see him until it's too late.


The SPECTER crew's origin can be traced back to Lareina's tenure as an Intelligence Officer. Recognizing the strategic importance of a covert special operations unit that could operate in any theater, she proposed the creation of SPECTER. The aim was to create a unit so versatile and elite that it would be the unseen force behind the most significant covert operations in the galaxy. Each member was handpicked by Lareina based on their unique skills, but more importantly, their unwavering loyalty to the Chiss people. Despite the nature of their work, the team shares a bond forged in the fires of countless operations. They're more than just a unit; they're a family. With Lareina at the helm, the SPECTER crew continues to ensure that any threat to the Chiss is swiftly and silently neutralized.
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