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Approved Tech Gen 2 Wormhole-Generating Hyperdrive

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Intent: To make an interesting component for future starship submissions.
Image Source: Marvel's Avengers (1), EVE Online (2),
Canon Link: Hyperspace Wormhole,
Primary Source: Type 3 Keldabe-class Battleship,

Manufacturer: Clan Dem'adas Corp of Engineers
Model: Gen 2 Wormhole-Generating Hyperdrive (G2WG Hyperdrive)
Affiliation: Closed Market / Dar'tome Mando'ade
Modularity: Limited
Production: Semi-Unique
Material: Standard metals, alloys, plastics, and composites

Classification: Starship Component

  • Can operate as a normal Hyperdrive with an Average travel speed
  • Comes with a Very Slow backup Hyperdrive
  • Can be utilized to open a wormhole, producing Extreme travel speeds
  • Can create a wormhole to escape or otherwise travel through areas of space that would be impossible or extremely difficult to escape by conventional hyperdrive usage
  • Typically can not control where or when the exit of a wormhole will appear, unless traveling to a very powerful hyperspace beacon
  • The ship suffers significant reduction in power while generating a wormhole. This power reduction persists for several minutes after use.
  • Can only be installed upon Battlecruiser or Dreadnought designs
  • Attempting to move Firegems through the wormhole will cause the wormhole to collapse, sending any ships within the wormhole to Otherspace
  • Attempting to generate a wormhole while a Firegem is in close proximity to the Hyperdrive will cause the Hyperdrive to explode

Based upon the same experimental technology that trapped the surviving members of Clan Dem'adas in Otherspace during the time of the Mandalorian Cataclysm, the G2WGH is an advanced form of Hyperdrive occasionally produced by Clan Dem'adas Corp of Engineers. While the Hyperdrive can be utilized for conventional travel through Hyperspace, the G2WG Hyperdrive can also be combined with a unique beam emitter located at the prow of the ship to produce a gravitic disruption to the null-quantum field produced by the activation of a Hyperdrive at the precise time and location required to create a hyperspace anomaly, better known as a Wormhole.

The product of several years of experimentation with Hyperdrive technology, the G2WG Hyperdrive benefits from a much improved understanding of the quantum mechanics involved in the creation of a wormhole and is a meaningful improvement over the original design. By installing the corresponding technological marvels pioneered by Mandal Hypernautics into a much larger chassis with a highly specialized hyperspace navigational computer and much more precisely calibrated beam/field interactions, Clan Dem'adas engineers have managed to improve upon the original design and can now create wormholes far larger and far more stable than those produced by the old Keldabe Battleship prototype.

Much like the original design, the G2WG causes a Hyperspace Wormhole to be created a short ways directly ahead of the starship with an active device. This wormhole is a few thousand meters wide and is spawned into existence a few thousand meters ahead of the starship that created it. Roughly speaking, the wormhole will be created roughly one starship length ahead of the ship that created it, and will be roughly one starship length in diameter. Where the original wormhole was highly unstable and began to destabilize immediately after creation, the wormhole created by the G2WG is far more stable and will persist for so long as the ship equipped with the exotic Hyperdrive continues to charge the device, though this does cause the ship in question to suffer a severe power draw during the process and will continue to cause power deficits for the ship in question for several minutes after deactivating the Hyperdrive. So stable is the wormhole created by the G2WG (relative to wormholes anyway) that the hyperspace anomaly will persist for several minutes after the generating ship has disabled its Hyperdrive and moved into the anomaly. After that time, the Wormhole will destabilize and collapse in on itself, often sending any ships still within the wormhole to Otherspace with significant damage to their electrical and electronic systems.

While much less erratic than the original, the wormhole created by the G2WG Hyperdrive is still an incredibly unpredictable way to travel. Where the original device would create an exit point anywhere within an entire sector of space vaguely in the direction in which the ship was pointed at the time of creating the wormhole, the G2WG Hyperdrive is capable of narrowing down that exit point to somewhere within a {Hex}. A significant improvement! Similarly, where wormholes generated by the Keldabe Battleships of old would sometimes produce travel times that took several months to travel to a neighboring star system, and sometimes transport a startship across a sector in only a few hours, the wormholes created by the G2WG Hyperdrive are far more consistent and produce travel times roughly comparable to a class 3 Hyperdrive. However, due to the unique properties of traveling via wormhole, ships utilizing this unique form of travel will find their travel speeds unaffected by local hyperspace conditions. Likewise, due to the need for Hyperdrive users to exit to realspace to re-orient themselves regularly, traveling via wormhole can prove to be a significantly faster means of traveling long distances, in spite of the inaccuracy of the point of exit.

Additionally, a unique anomaly of wormhole physics would be discovered as pilgrims, raiders, and explorers of the Dar'tome Mando'ade began to explore the Outer Rim of the Skyriver with modern Clan Dem'adas warships. Should one or more operational Merrill Lighthouse be actively broadcasting in the same general location (Hex) as the intended exit-point of a wormhole created by a G2WG Hyperdrive, the exit-point wormhole will almost always come into existence in close proximity to the active Lighthouse (or other insane Pyronium Hyperspace Beacons).

NOTE: Much like all Hyperdrives on SWChaos, this too operates at the speed of plot convenience.
[member="Olivia Dem'adas"]

This is a very interesting concept, but before we get too much further I have just one question.

How is this any different than a Hypergate which is on the banned technology list?
[member="John Locke"]

John and I had this conversation when I made the Type 3 Keldabe Battleship. We went through a lot of revisions before we came up with something that felt functionally correct for SWChaos. Long and short of it is that Hypergates provide instantaneous transportation between two fixed points, typically located on the surface of a planet. They allow for an individual to wake up on Dathomir, get a Holonet call from Coruscant, and walk a whole army through the gate and instantly, at the exact same moment in time, arrive at Coruscant. The Hyperspace Wormhole I use here is nerfed enough to make it, functionally, just a flashy Hyperdrive. The tunnel through Hyperspace that the wormhole creates is only capable of transporting the user at speeds that are comparable to Hyperdrive use (and not "instant" in gameplay terms). Functionally speaking, the Wormhole created by this Hyperdrive operates in much the same way as this S-Thread Booster, but much slower, MUCH rarer, works over much larger distances, is reusable, and is incredibly inaccurate without an active (exotic) hyperspace beacon to target.

It has some niche uses, particularly in the Deep Core and Outer Rim, but otherwise it's just a flashy Hyperdrive that moves ships around space/threads at similar speeds to an average hyperdrive.
[member="Olivia Dem'adas"]

Thank you for clarifying that.

I can see where you're going with this, and while it is powerful it's a very interesting concept which I really like.

I just have a few questions. Could the wormhole be used as a weapon? (I know you had to deal with that in the previous sub but it's not mentioned in particular in this one) and is there any way an opponent could disrupt the formation of the wormhole?
[member="John Locke"]

At face value, I really can't think of anything too dramatic.

It's not a Dovin Basal, the funky spacial anomaly it creates doesn't do damage to things.

Best I can think of would be to try and shove another ship through the wormhole. But at that point the other writer just chooses to fall in or not. Similarly, I made it stay open for a few minutes so other (hostile) ships could come in after to chase down the ship's using this.

And for blocking it's creation... Maybe? If someone came up with some clever use of Isotope 5 or Pyronium to disrupt the formation of Hyperdrive fields in general, that'd probably disrupt this as well. That sort of reasoning is why I chose to give this thing the same violent reaction to Firegems that normal Hyperdrives have. Fill some missiles or boarding torpedoes with Firegems, shoot them at the wormhole, wormhole collapses pretty much immediately.
[member="Olivia Dem'adas"]

Thanks for clearing that up.

All in all this is a really nifty little piece of tech.

I'm going to approve it, but the general disclaimer applies. If it gets abused in RP it could be pulled up for a review.
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