Gen Gurasame

NAME: Gen Gurasame
AGE: 22
AGE: 22
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'11”
WEIGHT: 180 lbs
EYES: Dark Brown
HAIR: Dark Brown
SKIN: Olive!
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
HEIGHT: 5'11”
WEIGHT: 180 lbs
EYES: Dark Brown
HAIR: Dark Brown
SKIN: Olive!
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
-I'm a survivor, I'm not gon give up, I'm not gon stop, I'm gon work ha...-
Gen has spent...a lot...of time doing everything he possibly could to simply survive, and it wasn't always his own survival that he was concerned with. Consequently, Gen has a healthy amount of experience at surviving in situations where he should, in no logical way shape or form, manage to survive in through sheer strength of will and ingenuity.
-We Do NOT Whip That Out in Front of Guests-
Gen's family, while not having directly lived on Atrisia in quite some time, still carries with them a healthy amount of Xenophobia and, especially and most importantly, an awkward relationship with the force. While they knew of Gen's affinity for all things “Forceful” at a young age, his family heavily discouraged fostering that side of their son's gifts and Gen was more than happy to embrace the stigma. It's been a point of self-loathing for him, to be branded with what he believes to be a curse. It is such that, while he is not completely above using The Force, he instinctively represses any potential he might otherwise have, forcing himself to manipulate his abilities in considerably more subtle manners and substantially less potent ones. While this has at times been a blessing(he avoided detection for quite awhile and is more in tune with the more mundane, “rogue-ish” fields of study) it is quite the detriment to fostering his strength in the force through his will alone.
-Maybe if Anything Else About You Was Subtle-
Gen's abilities in The Force tend to be subtle...unfortunately nothing else is. The man is brash, loud, arrogant(usually without justification) and not without a rather unhealthy amount of snark. Aggression(including the passive variety) and volume are two of his most persistent traits, up there with idiotic amounts of confidence. Consequently, he's ill-suited for anything of a diplomatic nature, completely and utterly, and this carries over in to further detriment with his studies, often lacking the ability to use his otherwise impressive amount of intellect for anything but scorn.
There is not much outside of the readily available photographic evidence to describe Gen, mostly because there is not much to describe. Outside of the strikingly defined jawline and sweet Asian puppy dog eyes, there isn't much to saw about Gen. His body is toned, but not especially muscular and riddled with various scars from a good few years spent with slavers, a group of people who were not all that polite. The results of the majority of his adolescent and adult life were etched in to his skin and is not something he generally brags about to other people, preferring to wear a considerable amount of clothing to hide what he considers a shameful life.
Gen is a little hazy on the details. He knew that, somewhere back there in the family tree, that his family was something of importance on Atrisia. He also knew, that somewhere way back there in the family tree, they messed it all up. For whatever reason, and the reasons he'd been given had impressively ranged from a dalliance with the emperors daughter to a dispute over ownership of a tree, he and his name had been exiled from his home planet. Then, generations down the line to little Gen, the boy found himself in the fun and depressingly not especially unique profession of interstellar hobo. It worked, for a time. Gen's father would find work in various different planets that were not especially strict on the hygiene of their employees and Gen would take care of the rest of the family, making sure the kids were fed, his mother wasn't going insane, that they had clothes, that they weren't going to be eaten by whatever resident monster was patrolling the dark corners of whatever planet they were on...the normal duties bequeathed on to a seven year old boy.
It was not to last, it never does, and Gen's happy life was shattered around him. While Gen was perfecting his skills for the Super Extreme Space Vagabond Championships, the freighter that they had smuggled themselves on was attacked. Living in Sith Space, in general, was an occupational hazard, but even though he knew and had an ever present fear of, getting caught by any manner of Slaver/Sith/random jerk with a laser gun, he was still not prepared for it. His father was killed instantly when the weapons fired on the engines, flinging fire through the small freighter. What happened next was mostly a blur in Gen's memory, a period of time that seemed agonizingly slow and fascinatingly quick all in one. He remembered details, things etched in his brain. He remembered the fire, he remembered the Sith that boarded the ship, he remembered the look of terror on his siblings' faces. But anything else seemed forcibly removed from his mind. He returned to consciousness a few days later in a place affectionately termed “The Slave Pen.” He understood what had happened, vaguely. The idea of slavery was never far from their minds, but the idea of not being together, of his father just...not being there, was something he really wasn't able to process. He kept the family together though, or tried to at least, and some small amount of fortune did befall them, they were not split up. The family was sold to a Sith Apprentice. He was not especially talented, he was holding a Force Sensitive Slave and was completely oblivious to it, but what he lacked in competence he made up for in cruelty, which apparently was a legitimate metric for measuring worth among these disgusting creatures. What followed after was almost Saturday morning cartoon-esque levels of ridiculous villainy that was interspersed with legitimate atrocity. One day he'd threaten to cut off a slave's hand because their soup was too “brothy” and then other days, he would have Gen whipped and seared for daring to look in his direction Gen could never bring himself to act against him however the threat to his family was too great. They changed hands a few times, the only people who wanted to kill the men who owned them as much as Gen were the same kind of people who would take possession of the boy and his family.
Then, golden opportunity. They were a nice get away ship away from a platinum opportunity but they took what they could get. The family was finally taken in by a Sith who was not completely incompetent and while Gen had gotten rather good at hiding what he was, he had finally been discovered. Then, through what could only be an act of divine providence, which is completely more plausible than coincidence, Gen had a window. Killing each other and hoarding others belongings was not exactly a new practice, the spoils of war as it were. The amount of slaves in possession of one of these Sith were added to the victor each time...and math was apparently not their strong suit. The amount of slaves now in one space was reaching critical mass. Gen, displaying a mixture of cleverness, ingenuity, and utter hatred for his “master” roused his fellow slaves, pushing them past their fears and in to outright rebellion, a rebellion that Gen knew was destined to fail. It is a source of guilt for him to this day, the slaughter he had pushed many toward in order to save a few, but it was a decision he would make again and again if forced to. As the slaves rebelled, and were subsequently put down en masse, Gen took his family and used the distraction to steal one of the Starships. Gen could not take the thing far however, his pilot training had been entirely third party, watching the random freighters who'd let them stow away and watching the pilot's movements. It was a miracle he got it off the planet in one piece. Selling what he could afford to from his stolen ship, Gen managed to hire a pilot for the vessel and, hopefully, make it out of Sith space before his “master.” Managed to track him down.
Presently a low class freighter that probably won't survive past the first thread and does not deserve more than a cursory mention, he stole it from a tool though, totally justified.