Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Staff General Rules Update

One minor update, one introduction of a new rule.

The minor update:

8. All political, religious or social discussion regarding modern IRL events is prohibited on the forum.

This rule has been updated to reflect that no real world events should be subjects of discussion on this forum. While this rule is all encompassing and can cover a great many of your "well, what about this" questions, the spirit of the rule is just keep the discussion focused on star wars, star wars rp, fandom, writing, art, etc.

We don't really have a problem with that in this community, but the previous wording was a bit weird, so it's been updated for the times.

9. Fire-starting, spreading negativity, or undermining public morale is prohibited.

Much like the concept of "self-inserts", I've recently been introduced to the label "fire-starting". It kinda explains itself, I don't really feel the need to explain it much BUT for the bad faith discussionists and the people who're habitually lost, fire-starting is an OOC concept where you drum up support publicly by denigrating or undermining another. The common scenarios we've all seen over the years are Factions.

Faction X feels slighted, Faction X is now mad, Faction X's staff team's private chats are now grumpy and sad and everything is Tefka this, SWRP Staff Team that. So an idea gets made, a new .com gets registered, nerd hate becomes real money and suddenly discord announcements start getting made and now its "We're not competing with Chaos, we're just doing our own thing."

Pretty much all of that is fire-starting. All along the way, trust and mechanitions were used in the community to spread an agenda, with the intent of personal gain. It's the ol' "you coulda just left, but you stayed to convince people to leave with you."

With the spirit of this one, nothing really changes, firestarting has been getting people banned since the beginning of Chaos. We're just joining the internet in applying a new label to an old trick. Sure, a few other rules generically cover this and sort of apply, but by naming this rule its own space, we're giving language that we can point to very specifically in the future and say, "yeah, you're doing this, this is what you're doing, what you're doing is harmful to our community, there's no way you didn't know you weren't trying to harm our community, so you're banned."
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