Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gerard Lussk



Name: Gerard Octavius Lussk
Alias: N/A
Species: Human-Sanguinius-Vampirika Hybrid
Homeworld: Adumar
Faction: Primeval
Rank: N/A
Force Sensitive: Yes


Gender: Male
Age: 21 GSY
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 165 lbs
Complexion: Pale Caucasian
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Chestnut
Appearance Description: Gerard is a young and handsome man with gentle features and a dashing smile. He stands tall and slim as he has more lean muscle than muscle mass. His skin is rather pale and stays that way all year round. Gerard's eyes are a soft emerald green. They tend to have a shine whenever he's stressed or other times of strife.


Marital Status: Single
Sexual Orientation: Gynosexual
Languages: Galactic Basic (Fluent), Epicant (Fluent), Sy Bisti (Fluent)
Occupation: Classified
Residence: Classified


Martial Weaponry: Gerard grew up on Adumar, a world known for it's populace that is known for their obsession for dueling. Because of this, Gerard had to master the arts of martial weapons in order to cement his family name as superior. His extensivev training has led him to be one of the greatest swordsmen in Adumar's history.
Rich Boy: Gerard is the son to the current perator of Cartann, the most powerful nation of Adumar. As the sole heir to the "throne", he has a massive fortune to dip into whenever he pleases.
Ace Pilot: Another custom on Adumar is their love of starfighter combat. Anyone who is anyone on Adumar practice their piloting skills to be revered as the best planet in the world. Gerard is no exception to that. He has practiced piloting for many years. He's a self-proclaimed master at the arts of piloting and his skills support it.


Thirst: The other half of Gerard's genetic code plagues him deeply. The thirst for blood hits him harder than most of his kind. It's an eternal struggle has not found a solution for. At times, he loses control of all logical thinking.
Green: While Gerard is experienced in melee combat and piloting, he hasn't experienced the galaxy at large. He's gone to several other planets, but only a couple of sectors away. There's been many places he hasn't seen and experiences he hasn't had. His naivety is greater than he'd care to admit.
Pride: Gerard, rather frequently, let his pride blind him. He oversees quite a many things and rarely sees anyone else's worth. This leads to him doing things on his own which doesn't end well most of the time.

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