Renegade Rodian

Name: Gervayse Blackshackle
Affiliations: Helix Syndicate
Force Sensitive: Yes, Knight [04/13/2018]
Age: 30
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Height: Tall Enough
Skin: White
Eyes: Brown
- [Schemer] - Gervayse thrives on matters of intrigue and deception.
- [Duelist] - When in combat, Gervayse prefers speed and cunning over raw strength. While quick on his feet and on the draw, he's not all that strong.
- [Dogmatic] - He often has issues reaching compromise, preferring things done in a certain way... Which is, generally, his.
- [Prideful] - This ego bruises more easily than others, and will frequently undergo extreme measures to avenge itself.
There is some disparity between the person Gervayse would like to be and the person Gervayse is. He styles himself as if nobility, though really his parentage is utterly mundane. He sees himself as an advocate for the rule of law, civilization, and First Order-style Imperialism, but is an operative of a highly corrupting criminal empire. Gervayse goes to quite some lengths to rationalize his present position, assuring anyone who grills him on it too thoroughly this is merely a transitory thing.
He attempts to be cordial and polite in all matters. This usually grates with his more callous or terse handlers, who only find their sense of decorum when it is absolutely necessary - or money is on the line. The criminals he all-too-frequently consorts with consider him stuffy, pompous, and formal to a tiresome degree. Which is fair, he does seem to think that his rigid adherence to common decency somehow makes him of a higher cloth... Despite the fact he regularly engages in the same wretched criminal affairs as the rest of them.
Well, that's the way things go sometimes. Condescend to people for the job you want, not the one you have.
Little of note can be described in Gervayse's life. He was an expat from Serenno living in the Tapani Sector, serving as a rather unscrupulous saber rake to a variety of parties. By all accounts, he made a decent enough living - but events transpired that made remaining in the Sector impossible if he wanted to stay alive. Gervayse traveled off, being rejected for entry into the Knights of Ren and instead finding his home among the Sith. After a brief stint in an academy, Gervayse was eventually selected for service with the Sith Justiciars.
Eventually, the High Inquisitor of the Eye decided to have Gervayse reassigned. Now the Serennian serves as his sort-of apprentice. This mostly just amounts to Gervayse handling the day to day tasks handed down to him by his master's pet project: the Helix Syndicate. Most of his orders come from an annoyance of an Umbaran rather than the High Inquisitor. In exchange for his toil and the continued staining of his reputation as an asset of a criminal empire, Gervayse is occasionally granted Sith wisdom in the form of cryptic, nonsensical utterances.
Truly, this is the life he always dreamed of. It's this kind of treatment that has led him to, perhaps, doubt his Sith teachings.