Okay, so now that I'm back, I REALLY want to get Ilanthria/Vishune's plot rolling. To catch everyone up on said plot, here's a summary:
Ilanthria was a beautiful-beyond-words Diathim who was training to become a Jedi Healer. The warlord Dredge from The Primeval caught wind of her immense Lightside energy and otherworldly appearance, so he laid a trap for her. The poor Padawan was subjected to continuous torture. Because no one knew of her whereabouts, no one could help her. And because she had no other Jedi to help her contain her Darkness (i.e. Vishune, her "other half"), Ilanthria eventually relinquished control of her body to Vishune. Now Vishune's the one calling the shots while Ilanthria remains trapped deep inside her own mind.
Anyway, Now that Vishune's out terrorizing the Galaxy, she needs someone who can find a way to train her in "The Dark Arts" if you catch my drift. I want her to be a Knight before anyone tries to turn her Light back on........ (You see what I did there? COMEDY! )
So, who wants a Corrupted Diathim Apprentice? I suggest reading her bio before you make any hasty decisions. She may be more of a handful than you realize...