Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Get Wrecked.

Outer Rim

"I told you to strap that weapon in properly when we dropped."

Hamish was directing his voice to a well-built man who was rubbing the top of his bald head vigorously. The two were accompanied by another six men in the dropship, which had just touched down in a patch of desert a few clicks east of Mos Eisley. The bald man sitting opposite Hamish suffered from an unfortunate accident that occurred during landing. You see, he hadn't tightened the straps on his rather large and bulky blaster rifle adequately, so the jolt of landing forced the straps to give way to the hefty weight of the weapon - which then adopted a downwards trajectory.

The man's head was blocking the rifle's destination of down, and a substantial impact occurred.

The first blood to be spilled during this mission.

When the Empire dissolved, Hamish took his squad of commandos, a Carrack-Class Cruiser and skedaddled. Yearning for combat, action and adventure, the Ex-Sith Commandos decided to label themselves as mercenaries and take contracts whenever they bubbled to the surface. They tried to stay respectable, but sometimes the lure of credits could temporarily change their morality. Like in this instance. A group of escaped slaves needed to be returned to their masters... Dead or alive.

They were hiding out on this side of Tatooine, the location having been provided beforehand by an expert spy. Now it was just a case of deploying, marching towards the encampment and retrieving the slaves.

@[member="Darth Metus"]

(Yo man, I got really distracted towards the end, so sorry for a action-less first post.)

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