Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ge'tal Vendet, formerly of Vizsla

NAME: Born Blake. Earned the name Ge'tal after a particularly bloody encounter with pirates, and used it thereafter. Now known as Ge'tal Vendet.
ALIASES: "Worker", his mercenary handle. "The Hunter" is his more famous epithet, given to him by the Mando'ade Cabure during his quest for vengeance since they had no name for him.
FACTION: Mandalorian; Vendet Clansman; ex-Vizsla Clansman; Bounty Hunter's Guild
RANK: Vendet Alor'ad; Master Hunter (One of 10 in the galaxy)
SPECIES: Calian/Epicanthix hybrid
AGE: 23.
SEX: Male.
HEIGHT: 6'5"
EYES: Green
HAIR: Dark brown
SKIN: Pale from extensive armor usage.
FORCE SENSITIVE: Minor. Unlike others, whose minor talent might manifest in unnatural luck or skill, Ge'tal's only Force-related ability is his innate Force Resistance. Many a Force User has been caught by surprise when they extend a hand and nothing happens. Epicanthix heritage grants total immunity to mind-related Force effects.


Green - Strength
Orange - Neutral Trait
Red - Weakness
Highly Skilled: "Some have said I'm Kad Ha'rangir made flesh. Others say I'm lucky. Let's find out which."
Disciplined: "A man's discipline is what makes the difference between the line breaking and holding."
Unshakable: "I've seen a creature from beyond the galaxy's edge that could disintegrate the most powerful Jedi I've seen with a touch. What are you compared to that?"
Survivalist: "Once you've lived through several deserts and the cold void of space, the rest is easy."
Deadly: "Never go for the arms or the legs unless it's to make yourself an opening. Every blow has to be a death blow if you want to live. No showing off. No flair for the dramatic. Just you and the corpse-to-be."
Quiet: "..."
Killer: "Hate to leave loose ends. Comes back to haunt me from time to time, but I deal with the consequences."
Overprepared: "Better to have something and not need it than to need something and not have it."
Obedient: "Good soldiers follow orders..."
Independent: "...until the orders don't make sense. Then it's just you, your blasters, and you against the enemy."
Professional: "I'll do the job, and I'll do it right."
Avenger, 1/2: "Gabriel Gra'tua. You may not have pulled the trigger, but you killed my father. Prepare to die."
Honorable: "If I say I'll do it, I'll do it."
Emotional: "I've been pushed to true anger maybe twice in my life. Both times, I nearly died..."
Stoic: "... so I push it all away until there's nothing left but the job."
Psychopath: "I've cared about maybe one person in my life. The rest? I've manipulated, extorted, or killed most of them."
Arrogant: "After facing everything that's been thrown at me so far, there are few in the galaxy who could hope to take me down."
Avenger, 2/2: "I don't care if I die. He killed my father. Gra'tua will. Not. Live. No matter the cost to me, to you, to anyone in this whole damn galaxy."
Dependent: "Cae'ika, you're the only thing keeping me sane. If you were ever taken from me... let's just say that I'd be seeing you in the manda real soon."
Terrible Pilot: "Did you really just ask me to take us in? Your fault if I crash."
Wounded: "Left arm doesn't work the way it used to. Neither does my head."
Memory Gaps: "Means I don't remember things as well as I should."
Blind Hatred: "They use child soldiers and brainwash 'em into thinking that they're doing the right thing. At least the Sith acknowledge that they're pieces of poodoo. Jedi are scum and I won't be convinced otherwise."

Height, weight, eye color, hair color, and skin color listed above.

Ge'tal was originally just an experiment by Sylar Vizsla -- to see if Force Sensitivity could be manufactured in adjusted quantities. DNA was willingly collected from two Jedi, and offspring artificially created through rather simplistic methods known to races that hadn't even reached the spacefaring stage of their development yet. Sixteen of these created children were given to various Forcie orders, and results painstakingly recorded. The strongest of the children died off quickly, meaning that Vizsla had, in some way, failed in his experiment. Sylar proceeded to hunt down the children and kill them surreptitiously to avoid incurring the wrath of their new guardians, but one managed to survive Sylar's attack and even fight him off even though he lacked the raw power of his brethren. The child, now a teen, was kidnapped instead, and taken to the Mandalorian homeworld. He had impressed Sylar, and earned his right to life. Vizsla didn't stop his experiments, but focused on training the young Blake. Blake proved to be a prodigy and quickly took to Mandalorian life, which Sylar suspected was only due to his minor Force talent, but could never prove. He adopted Blake when he passed his verd'goten, covered in the blood of those who had stood between him and adulthood, and gave him his new name on accident as an offhand remark.

Ge'tal reinvented himself, utterly unaware of his beginnings, believing that he was only ever some child that had been dropped at the Jedi's doorstep. He embraced Cin Vhetin and abandoned his origins, leaving the Jedi behind forever.

He threw himself into being Mando'ade in every way possible, following in the footsteps of the most famous of his kind and becoming a bounty hunter, seeing only minor success. It seemed as though he were doomed to an existence of mediocrity. The tenacity of a young Mandalorian was nothing special. It seemed as though he would be one of many who believed themselves to be the next Master Hunter but would die quietly, unknown. That all changed when his adoptive father died at the hands of the Mandalorian Protectors due to machinations set forth by the Crusader in disguise as a Codex Follower, Gabriel Gra'tua, who had risen to the rank of Commander.

Ge'tal began a one-man war against the Mandalorian Protectos, and surprisingly... he started winning. Mandalorian after Mandalorian fell to him as he cut his way to Gra'tua, showing little in the way of mercy along the way. He accepted several contracts against Gabriel in the meantime, all of which were with a massive reward. After all, who believed that the leader of the entire Mando'ade Cabure could be taken down by anyone but a legend, or several hundred men going up against his forces?

But in the midst of his one-man war, Ge'tal had fallen for someone on the other side. A Protector, like Gabriel, but someone who believed him. The only one in the galaxy, it seemed, who believed that the Mando'ade Cabure Al'verde, who should have been the personification of loyalty to the Codex, could be something else. With time, this Cabur, Caelyx, began to convince others within the Cabure of Gabriel's true nature, and Ge'tal, who had now become christened "The Hunter" by the Cabure as they were lacking an actual name for him, stopped killing. Until finally, the Cabure turned on Gabriel.

When it all came to a head, Ge'tal Vizsla stood aside Jiriad Vendet and several Cabure as a broken Gabriel lay slumped near a third story window. Jiriad lit a cigarra and dumped alcohol on Gabriel.

Some Cabure pleaded with Ge'tal to toss the cigarra Jiriad had handed him and fight Gabriel, honorably, one on one. To not be like him.

With a whisper of "I am like him," Ge'tal set Gra'tua ablaze and kicked him from the window.

These were his defining moments. After this, Ge'tal joined clan Vendet, his only tie to Vizsla having been his father, and married Caelyx. He went on to use the fame he had garnered from becoming the notorious Mandalorian killer-of-Mandalorians to become a high-ranking member of a rising pirate faction, Vespira, that finally fell when he retired from it, and tried to make up for his dishonorable execution of Gabriel for the rest of his life by living and breathing the Supercommando Codex, eventually becoming one of ten Master Hunters in the Bounty Hunter's Guild. Sylar Vizsla had hoped to become Mandalore one day, but never achieved much. The son had long since surpassed the father, and his martial skill became something even veteran Mandalorians respected. Even so, Ge'tal Vendet never stopped hunting, despite severe injuries that left his left arm slightly numbed and shrapnel in his skull that ate away at his sanity until removed, leaving permanent damage to his psyche.

He will hunt until the day he dies. The name of "The Hunter" is one he'll wear to his grave.

By way of Caelyx, he has two children -- Tor Vendet and Ca'tra Vendet.

None. Tends to use shuttles.

6 Mandalorian Protectors [SECOND LIFE]
1 Mandalorian Protector Captain [SECOND LIFE]
Gabriel Gra'tua, Mandalorian Protector Commander [SECOND LIFE]
4 Jedi Apprentices [GALAXY FAR FAR AWAY FORUM]
1 Jedi Knight [GFFA FORUM]
6 Imperial Commandos [SECOND LIFE]
1 Mandalorian Impostor (of himself) [SECOND LIFE]
Ahruman Kasc, Dark Spirit of the Old Empire [SECOND LIFE]
19 Mandalorian Supercommandos [GFFA FORUM]
15 Mandalorian Cabure [GFFA FORUM]
2 Sith Lords [SECOND LIFE]
Darth Corvus, Emperor's Hand [SW: Saga Edition]
18 Pirates [SECOND LIFE]
13 Vespira Organization Traitors [SECOND LIFE]

None collected thus far on this site. In previous RP, too many to count. Several high-profile captures.

Rifles: Expert
"One shot, one kill."
Pistols: Novice
"Why shoot with this little thing at all?"
Underworld Knowledge: Apprentice
"Learned a thing or two running with Vespira. Shut your mouth, let me do the talking."
Melee Knife: Expert
"Didn't get my nickname by walking away without spilling some red."
Hand to Hand: Adept
"It's all reflexes and quick movement."
Melee Sword: Expert
"I've never felt as alive as I have with a sword through someone's chest."
Jetpack: Novice
"I've never really had to run from a fight. The ones I should have run from, I didn't run very well."
Armor Systems: Expert
"Triple-load explosive rounds into right wrist slugger. Flamer on my mark, half-second delay on burst from slugger. Follow with Z-6 missile... MARK!"
Galactic Knowledge: Apprentice
"Been almost everywhere. Haven't really been paying attention to the names, though."
Tactical Knowledge: Apprentice
"No Mando lives long out there without at least a basic grasp of tactics. Remember that, kid. Raw skill isn't nearly enough to get the job done."
Mechanics: Adept
"I can fix my armor. Anything else? Not happening."
Electronics: Adept
"I know how to bring up holodramas for free on the projector. That's the extent of my expertise."
Pilot: None
"I can fly from one place to another and that's it."
Xenobiology: Adept
"He bleeds blue, the other guy bleeds green, I bleed red. I know where their vitals are, and where mine are. That's all I need to know."


None as of yet.


MISC. NOTES: Due to his current status, Ge'tal is rarely searched out for most bounties. Only extremely high-profile bounties come to him, though he does take simpler ones on his own initiative for the sake of regular pay. He's a man of few words, and his tone rarely shows what he's thinking, garbled as it is behind a modulator. He can be counted on to do what he says he'll do, but is volatile and unpredictable when not on your payroll.


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