Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It was just them. Alone here on this beautiful island on the planet of Bandomeer.

Earlier the Clans made a reenactment of a Mandalorian Civil War on the Island of Pacifica as they were demonstrating their strength and might for the government reigning over the planet. While it was non lethal and no one had sustained major injuries, it was still fierce for the two opposing teams to capture the flag and bring victory, honor, and glory to their team and clan. While these war games were exhilarating for many as Mandalorians fought against each other in the simulation they were placed in, Vilaz barely found any interest at all in these War Games. The moment these games were over and done with, the Munin was so glad because that meant he had Bree all to himself and the couple would spend all their spare time with each other on the captivating island that they had all to themselves and would enjoy every minute of it.

So here was both Bree and Vilaz, in their undergarments, bathing in the rays of Bandomeer's sun while the Akaan was giving his beloved a massage. The two were in need of one after climbing that mountain for the flag during the War Game. Besides, this was a good way to start off their tropical island getaway.

"I bet those legs are killing ya, cyar'ika," the Alor said to his significant other as he was applying lotion on her back.

[member="Briika Tor"]
Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (semi-retired)
[member="Vilaz Munin"]

It had been hard trying to concentrate on the war games with thoughts of spending time with her beloved on the battle medic's mind, but warriors did what they had to do to enjoy life and it's rewards afterwards. And oh was Briika enjoying this moment. Vilaz and her had wasted no time stripping off their beskar'gam down to their skivvies, then the Mando couple rushed into the clear, caribbean blue waters to cool themselves off. Capturing the flag had been actually difficult in the end. The blonde's arm still smarted a bit where her opponent's bo staff had come down upon her gauntlet, but it would pass especially with all the attention she was getting from the Akaan.

The golden-haired baar'ur was laying on her stomach atop an army-style blanket on the sandy beach relishing in the combination of a massage and sunblock being applied. She liked to be efficient so this was killing two birds with one stone so to speak.

"Elek, ner cyare… They certainly do ache. I bet yours are just as sore, hmm?" Bree looked back over her shoulder, squinting with one azure eye on the rugged Concordian as he leaned over her body with the mid-day sun behind him; a sweet smile graced her lips. "I'm really glad we decided to take some 'us' time after the war games. I can't wait to explore the island with you. It lookes very adventuresome from what I've saw from when we landed on Pacifica."


Bree's mag shift swim attire; a quick dry sport bra and panty set. ;)
"Oh, they do a whole lot but I think these massages will do just the trick," Vilaz said to his significant other as he looked at her with a smile and a wink. His hands continued to massage Bree's back, and then focused on her aching legs which would require much more time and work than her back. During the war games, a lucky Team Mystic soldier managed to get a good shot on Vilaz's leg with his stun rifle. The Munin had limped a little bit during the Civil War simulation on Pacifica and was still recovering as he was giving a tender massage to his beloved, but it was way better than it was earlier during the Bandomeer War Games.

"Mmm, I want to spend as much 'us' time as I can with you, Bree. And I'm definitely going to cherish each minute exploring this island with you." And he would forever cherish every passing minute he was with her whether it was on this island, on a battlefield, or wherever they were together; and if they were distant from each other, then he would never stop thinking and loving the golden blonde that had rocked his heart and soul.

"Hmm, what do you think we'll find, cyar'ika? Snakes," the Akaan said to his beloved in a teasing manner.

[member="Briika Tor"]
Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (semi-retired)
[member="Vilaz Munin"]

Gods his touch… It was just a massage with the sunblock lotion but still. It felt real good.

"As I do too, Vil'ika," Bree answered with a pleased tone itched in her sweet voice relishing in the Akaan's ministrations.

Then, the man had to bring up snakes…. It made her shudder just thinking about the one she'd came across while climbing up the mountain side of Pacifica. But the battle medic knew what her beloved was meaning. It was a running sensual joke between the two lovers. It just so happened that Clan Munin's symbol was a cobra… and since Vilaz was the clan's alor it just kinda fit perfectly.

Briika rolled over on the blanket, then reached up with her arms and placed them around the rugged Concordian's broad shoulders and pulled him down to her.

"There is only one snake I'm interested in and I think you know of what I speak of," she smiled mischievously, then captured the Cuir Rekr's lips, her fingertips teasing the long strands of his dark hair that touched the top of his bare shoulders in the back.
The Munin was very happy to hear that his beloved was enjoying the gracious massage he was giving to her and absolutely loved it when she called him by his affectionate name. It always made him blush whenever Bree's sweet, attractive voice called him by "Vil'ika" even though she had called him by that name many times during their relationship. Vilaz could feel Bree shudder a bit as his hands were massaging her thighs whenever he mentioned about finding snakes on this island. It was only , however, an inside joke that only the two lovers really knew what it meant. Not to mention that it was hilariously ironic that the golden blonde fell for the one Alor that happened to have a snake as the insignia of his clan.

As the Concordian continued to massage Bree's legs, he was suddenly interrupted as his significant other rolled on her back and pulled him down to her as her arms gripped on Vilaz's shoulders.

"Whoa," the Alor exclaimed as the golden blonde caught him by surprise, planting both of his hands on soft sand so that he wouldn't completely fall on top of his beloved. Their eyes met and gazed deeply into each other and they both smiled mischievously at each other. He didn't respond back to Bree in words. No, he responded in action as his lips interlocked with the battle medic and passionately kissed her as she kissed him back. His right hand was placed underneath Bree's golden head and his left hand brushed alongside Bree's right leg. The Cuir Rekr then rolled towards right side, his lips still kissing Bree's, and found himself lying on the sand while his significant other was on top of him.

Oh, how much he was treasuring this moment with Bree.

[member="Briika Tor"]
Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (semi-retired)
With the caressing touch of Vilaz's hand to her right leg, the blonde lifted it up and wrapped it around his left thigh as he rolled to his side. It was all a well-practiced fluid motion that had the rugged Concordian ending up on his back and Briika on top. Their lips never parted until she sat up to straddle his hips, then grabbed the bottle of sunblock from its spot at the edge of the blanket; pulling her long golden tresses off to one side first.

Squirting some onto the palms of her petite hands, the Tor started to spread the cream-colored lotion onto the Munin's honed, bare chest that had a light patch of dark hair, and defined deltoids and biceps; massaging the muscles sensually as he had done her back and legs previously.

"Now this is the life, huh cyar'ika?" Bree smiled down at her beloved, azure eyes twinkling with contentment.

[member="Vilaz Munin"]
Vilaz was lost from all reality as his lips danced and kissed with Bree's. It seemed that the only thing that mattered and existed for the Munin was the golden blonde that was with him. But then he was brought back to reality as the lips of his beloved parted from his. Did the moment truly ended for Vilaz? No, it didn't as he was here with Bree and that's all that mattered. The Akaan's sapphire eyes gazed up at his beloved as she straddled on his hips and reached for the sunblock lotion that he had applied on her body. Now it was his turn to receive a good, relaxing massage from the hands of his significant other.

"Mmm," Vilaz said in a pleased response as the battle medic's hands began to massage his his chest, deltoids, and biceps in a very sensual style that he was enjoying so much.

"Oh, it so is, ner cyare," the Concordian said with a delighted smile to his beloved, his eyes looking deeply into those azure orbs belonging to Bree. Despite having to risk his himself everyday as a warrior, this truly was the life and he would enjoy every last bit of it. "I'm so glad and happy I met you on that Loronar raid, Bree. I don't want to imagine what would've happened if I didn't."

[member="Briika Tor"]
Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (semi-retired)
"It seemed the good Manda brought us together at the right place and the right time," Bree nodded in agreement, then the blonde moved her hands further down over the rugged Concordian's washboard abs with the sunblock to spread along the waist band of his undershorts Vilaz wore like swim trunks.

"To be honest, Vil'ika, I've never been happier than with you," the Baar'ur smiled at the Akaan with sincerity itched deeply in her blue-green orbs as she gazed down at her beloved laying on the blanket before her. "And I'm glad I make you feel the same way. I didn't think I'd ever have another chance at love. I certainly wasn't looking for it, but so thankful we connected that fateful day."

[member="Vilaz Munin"]
Vilaz honestly didn't know if it was the will of the Manda that had brought him and Bree together as a couple. For sure, he knew it definitely wasn't the will of the Force as many Jedi had said when one was questioned about their destiny. But if the Manda had any play with Vilaz and Bree falling in love for each other, then a million praises for the afterlife of the Mandalorians. All the Munin knew was that he was definitely happy and in love with the golden blonde that was massaging his muscles, and all he cared was having a fulfilling life and future with her.

Nothing more and nothing less.

As the battle medic's hands began to massage his abs and his waist, Vilaz's hands grabbed onto Bree well shaped hips and began to gently caress and massage that area of her body.

The Akaan was happy to hear that the Tor had told him, very honestly, that she had never been more happier than with him. Yes, he knew that there were other men in Bree's life before she had met him, but he didn't mind that. Would he had love to bet her first and true love? He did, but there was nothing he could do about being her first love; however, he had a good feeling that he would be her last love which was bound to be true and genuine. "I never knew how it felt to be really happy and alive, Bree. But you changed all that," the Cuir Rekr said in a sweet tone and a smile as he continued to sensually massage her waistline. Like his beloved, Vilaz never really gave the thought of finding love or having a chance at it, but that fateful day on Loronar said otherwise to those thoughts of his. "I'll always remember that fateful day, cyar'ika, and I'll always remember when you called me an old man on that private comm channel of ours."

He chuckled at the end of that sentence, blue ocean eyes still looking into his beloved's enchanting azure pools and still caressing her body.

[member="Briika Tor"]
Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (semi-retired)
Mhmm Briika liked the way the rugged Concordian was rubbing her waist and hips and upper thighs. It certainly was making her feel good. And the way he was responding to her massaging strokes, well Vilaz was seemingly in the same frame of mind.

Here, on this uninhabited tropical island, neither had a care in the world other than for each other. This getaway from the crusades and war was to bring them closer together… though to be honest, the Akaan and Baar'ur really couldn't get any closer except if they married. But it was too early for such a thing, right? They'd been a couple for a while now, but with Mesh'la just returning with Little Val in tow and trying to get Lok squared away with his rehabilitation from spice, blending their two families together right now just seemed like a stretch, or was it? Maybe the stability would be good for all of them. But all Briika knew right now is she wanted the man beneath her… though somewhere new and exciting.

"Believe me when I say this, you are no old man where it counts, and have proved that true pleasingly many times over, Vil'ika."

A delicious smile graced the golden blonde's lips, then she leaned forward placing her hands on either side of the Cuir Rekr's head and pressed said lips onto his for a sweet and enticing kiss.

"I just like to tease you because you're way older than me," Bree grinned with a smirk, then pushed up and scrambled to her bare feet in the sand.

"Catch me if you can, Old Man," she shouted playfully, then the battle medic took off down the sandy beach along the surf.

[member="Vilaz Munin"]
The Concordian smiled as he could tell from Briika's face that she was very enjoying his hands rubbing onto her thighs, hips, and waist. Vilaz always aimed on pleasing Bree and make her feel wanted, and the battle medic did the same. And there was a whole lot of evidence between the two lovers that they indeed wanted and loved each other. They had been a couple for several months and it felt as if they were already married; however, they weren't but one day they would tie the knot and be able to call one another husband and wife. For now, they were going to enjoy each other's company and spend whatever free time they had with each other.

The man knew that the golden blonde loved to tease him and knew when she did, and Vilaz loved it as well. Of course, he also teased his beloved in calling her an old lady since she was already a grandmother, but he'd always add that she was a good looking grandma. Vilaz listened to what his significant other told him and knew what she said was true and genuine. Then a smile graced Bree's lips and she leaned forward to plant her lips upon his, and the couple kissed each other.

"But you know I love it when you tease me, Bree," Vilaz said to her with a grin after their lips departed from each other.

The Tor suddenly got up on her two feet and then sprinted off, teasing the Cuir Rekr by calling him an old man and challenging him to catch her.

"You better run a bit more faster, grandma," Vilaz shouted in a playful manner as he got up on his feet and began to pursue her. He felt like a teenager just by chasing after his beautiful beloved on this gorgeous island that was all theirs. And frankly, he enjoyed the feeling of being a youth all over again as the couple played and teased with each other.

This was truly the good life.

[member="Briika Tor"]
Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (semi-retired)
Vilaz made the twice married battle medic, mother of two, and now grandmother of one feel young and alive again. Though at thirty-six, Briika was hardly old in the real sense of things nor was the Akaan. The rugged Concordian was two years her senior, though he had never been married and his only child, a teenage son, was adopted. The couple's future was an unknown, but the two had agreed that they both wanted to be in each other's lives for as long as the Manda let them.

"Hope you ate your Wheaties this morning cause you're gonna need the energy, pops," Bree called back over her shoulder, then made a sharp dart across from the incoming waves to take a path up and over a rocky outcropping along the beach. The golden blonde stopped when she got to the other side because the vista was to die for…

"Oh my, cyar'ika… I think we just found our little piece of heaven," she exclaimed with the biggest smile.

[member="Vilaz Munin"]
The two ran and laughed in a way that they never experienced in their life. Or at least for Vilaz. He never knew what it was to have this kind of fun or to be in love before the Crusades and Ra as their Sole Ruler. The man was extremely strict, serious, and unhappy back then before Bree became part of his life. He was still serious and strict in the eyes of his clan, but he was happy and full of life which was all thanks to his romance with the one woman he solely loved. The Munin definitely wanted to spend the rest of his life loving Bree and being happy despite what outcomes the future gave them.

The fun game that the couple were enjoying ended when the Akaan wrapped his arms around the golden, making sure his momentum didn't cause the two to collapse on the ground. "Gotcha," the Concordian said to his beloved, planting a few a kiss on the side of her neck before putting his attention onto the scenery that the golden blonde stopped to see.

"Oh, gosh. It looks so beautiful, ner cyare[, the Cuir Rekr said, complimenting on the vista which was Bree and Vilaz's little piece of heaven that all theirs to enjoy. "Hmm, what should we do first with our little piece of heaven, cyar'ika? I feel like taking a shower under that waterfall over there." He smiled and pointed towards the small waterfall of the vista in which the couple could take a shower under.

[member="Briika Tor"]
Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (semi-retired)
Tilting her golden head to the side, Briika relished in her beloved's kisses upon her neck as his hands grasp around her slender waist from behind. She leaned back into Vilaz as he spoke. It truly was a beautiful and very romantic spot the had found. The island was supposedly inhabited, but still the medic felt a little shy getting all intimate out in the open. Here though was very private. It made her want them to fully enjoy the moment.

"Mhmm I think that is a wonderful idea," Bree smiled up at the rugged Concordian with a warmth that should melt the man right to his core, then the blonde raised her hand back and pulled him down for a kiss over her shoulder.

"Ni kar'taylir darasuum gar, Vil'ika."

[member="Vilaz Munin"]
That beautiful smile the golden blonde gave to him indeed melted him to his core. Everything about Bree melted him. Her lips, eyes, smile, and the list goes on and on. "Mmm, I'm glad to hear you like that the sound of that idea," Vilaz said to his beloved, and warmly smiled at her just before raised her arm and pulled down his head so that the two lovers could have their lips meet each other and kiss one another.

As they kissed, the Munin heard his significant other declaring that she loved him in their native tongue. The Akaan knew that these words were true and genuine just like their love for each other, and these words said by the golden blonde rocked his heart and made him immensely happy. No other woman besides Bree had ever told Vilaz that he meant to them or that they loved him. Nor had the Cuir Rekr told any other woman that he loved them.

"I love you too, Bree. I love you so much."

All suddenly, Vilaz grabbed and picked up his beloved in his arms. With that, the Akaan with his beloved in his arms began to head on towards the vista's little waterfall where they would take a pleasant shower in.

[member="Briika Tor"]
Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (semi-retired)
Briika squealed delightedly as the rugged Concordian suddenly swept the blonde up in his strong arms and walked them over to the waterfall. The Akaan's love for the medic was palpable in the tropical air, but more so in Vilaz's actions. He was always putting her first in war and peace. Being spoiled or attended to had become an art. She felt special and only hoped he felt the same from her. They really were two halves of a whole fitting beautifully together.

They kissed passionately under the spray of the refreshing water as it came down to the sandy cove from the rocks above from what seemed like an eternity, but it was only a few minutes in real time before the Munin let the Tor down. The golden blonde smiled warmly with a mischievous glint in her azure orbs as her hands grabbed the bottom of her sports bra and pulled it up and over her head; giving the undergarment a little toss to the side.

"Well if we are to shower, we should do it right, hmm?" Bree said with a sly grin as her fingertips ran down over her beloved's well-honed wet chest to the waist of his shorts. This was as romantic as one could get right here, right now. The word paradise didn't even cover it.

[member="Vilaz Munin"]
There was nothing else that Vilaz loved more than Bree. He loved her more than his credits; he loved her more than his bragging rights; and he loved her more than the title of Akaan. His actions and words clearly defined that as he would spoil and attend to her, say loving words to her, and put her before himself. The beautiful Tor also showed that she loved him more than anything else as well which was evident; however, Vilaz knew that she truly loved him after their time being together and after what they had been through.

The Mandalorian couple passionately and romantically kissed as they showered under the falls they stood below in, and it was a pleasant and delightful moment that the two were enjoying very much. And it was obvious that the two wanted more.

"Absolutely, cyar'ika," the Akaan responded back to his beloved with a warm and mischievous smile as Bree took off her sports bra and cast it aside. It really wasn't a shower if one had clothes on, right? Vilaz could feel his beloved's fingertips brushing his muscular chest all the way to his waist where his undergarments were. The Concordian placed his hands on his boxers and began to pull them off of his waist, throwing the piece of wet clothing aside.

"It's almost a shower now, ner cyare," Vilaz said to his significant other in a warm and sweet tone of voice, gazing into her azure pools with his sapphire eyes, and grinning at her in a mischievous manner.

[member="Briika Tor"]
Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (semi-retired)
[member="Vilaz Munin"]

"Mhmm… Almost," Bree winked with a pleased glint in those azure eyes of hers as they took in her beloved standing there in all his glory under the waterfall. It didn't take long for her to slip her bottoms off as well, kicking them over to the side where the Akaan's were.

"Better?" she smiled with a soft chuckle, then wrapped her tone arms around the rugged Concordian's neck and pulled his well-honed body against hers and kissed him most passionately.

The rush of the fresh water running down over them made the moment even more romantic as the Munin and Tor washed each other sensually leading to them becoming one in the time to follow against the rocks behind them.

Life just couldn't get any better.
Vilaz's eyes took all in at the beautiful and gorgeous sight of Bree just as she removed her last piece of clothing and tossing them where his were at in the sand.

"More than better," the Akaan replied back to his beloved with a smile and a light chuckle as his muscular arms wrapped themselves around Bree's back just like the golden blonde's arms wrapped themselves around his neck. Together they pulled to each other and pressed their wet bodies against one another, both kissing each other very passionately and romantically.

The fresh water that showered them from above was a wonderful element which made this moment unforgettable and romantic. The couple would kiss and wash each other in a sensual manner, and they'd become one in spirit, body, and soul aginst the rocks right behind the two.

The Munin was certainly enjoying the first day of his getaway vacation with Bree, and he was sure his significant other was feeling the exact same thing.

[member="Briika Tor"]

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