NAME: Gethin “Dirge” Jones
FACTION: Empire of the Hand
RANK: Company Sergeant Major
AGE: 41
SEX: Male.
HEIGHT: 190cm
WEIGHT: 97kg
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: White
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Experienced Soldier: Gethin is an experienced soldier, having fought many campaigns for the Empire. He’s seen his fair share of combat and is experienced with many forms of arms
+ Tactical: As part of his job, he has to assist the officers in commanding at a Company and Platoon level. As a senior Warrant Officer, he’s been through several advanced courses as well.
+ Loud Voice: Sergeant Major Jones has a deep voice than can carry over a great distance. He is the bane of slovenly Privates.
+ Sideburns: No explanation required.
- Slow: He’s now feeling his age and isn’t as quick across the battlefield as he used to be. In cold and wet weather his right hip and knee still ache from old injuries.
- Stubborn: He is often blunt, doesn’t word things with any tact and is slow to change his ways.
Jones is a tall officer, with broad shoulders. He carries his dress uniform well, and maintains his appearance without fail. His boots are always polished, his sideburns trimmed meticulously.
Jones joined the army at a young age. His father had served in the military before him, and he had never excelled at school. He graduated the academy rapidly, and was soon serving on the frontlines for a Rifle Battalion, often from the Star Destroyer Objection.
He was recommended for Commando training and soon found himself as a Corporal in 2 Storm Commando. He served with distinction through two campaigns, before a long stint working from Commando Headquarters.
He was promoted to Sergeant at 26 and given command of his own squad. He started to build a reputation for demanding complete dedication from his men. Junior officers soon feared him as he would often dress them down in private for their behaviour.
He later made the rank of Platoon Sergeant, before taking on the role of Company Sergeant when his superior took a post in the academy.
For the last four years he has been applying for technical and academy posts, finally having had enough of serving on operations. He’s beginning to feel his age. However, he has yet to successfully find a different post and remains part of an active Company.
He split up from his wife Jarneen, ten years ago. They are now on amicable terms. They have a son, 15, and a daughter, 13. He hasn't held down a long term relationship since.