Six, seven, eight, nine....
The bolt rifle reached maximum charge with a satisfying click. The massive weapon's fire light lit up a bright green to show that it was ready to fire. Book grumbled his approval as he pried the charging apparatus from the aft end of the weapon.
Smoke curled up toward the bright orange sky from the remains of the freighter he had procured under Architect orders. Their technology was secure, but now he was stranded. There was enough good aboard the freighter to last a few weeks, a month if he rationed carefully. Still, hope of a rescue on such a remote world was fleeting.
"Are you done?" He asked quietly.
"Almost. Your armor is severely lacking in its operational capability. Can those suit even produce a map?" A disembodied voice crackled through his comms.
"Top right corner of the HUD Stanley." Book grumbled.
The Dreadguard ran an armor encased hand over his visor to wipe away the thin debris sticking to it from the crash. He stood within the skeleton of the freighter; taking refuge with the destroyed husks that were once weapons of the Architects. It made for acceptable shelter, though the slow radiation leak from the shattered hyperdrive was going to be an issue sooner or later.
"Ship's sensors are picking up life signs. Upright and armed. Sentiments." Stanley quipped through the comms.
Book tensed up a moment, and expanded the external cameras of the frigate on his HUD. Felucia came into full view on his visor, from the overgrown plantlife to the massive fauna a bit too curious about the downed ship.
One such creature seemed to be walking on stilts. It had bright green scales, a four beady black eyes, with long knife-like teeth in a narrow jaw.
"Also that. Records identify it as an... Acklay. Carnivorous, and this one is bigger than the usual. I think we've attracted an alpha." Stanley continued. A transparent green triangle appeared in the corner of Book's HUD; the closest thing to a body that Stanley had.
"You sure it doesn't smell these strangers?" The Master Sergeant asked as he pulled back the bolt on his assault rifle.
He stomped over to the exterior entrance leading to the top of the frigate. Slinging his rifle over his shoulder, Book scrambled up the ladder two decks high, and came out on the ship's exterior. His boots clunked against the hull as he crossed over to get a better look at the creature.
Sure enough, the Acklay was stalking the frigate just beyond the treeline. Book was higher than it could reach, but the six meter tall monster could wait until he left. There was still the issue of the intruders.
"Scattered into little charred pieces all over the flight deck. You do remember how we arrived on this lovely planet, right?"
Book grumbled a curse, and brought his rifle up to his shoulder. His index finger centered over the trigger, and squeezed. The weapon coughed its reply as emerald bolts arced toward the monster. The beast roared its outrage, and charged the ship. It crashed into the hull, denting the durasteel inward, and scurried back for another charge.
Book let another burst fly.
"External sensors are picking up two snub cruisers on approach vector. ETA give minutes."
Another charge made the ship shake and took Book off his feet. He slid across the deck - and almost over the edge.
"They want their kit back." The Dreadguard breathed as he rolled away from the Acklay's snapping jaws.
"How far are the two on the ground?"
"Should be closing momentarily. I'm sure they can hear you. You're rather loud."
Book scrambled up the bulkhead to escape the Acklay. The beast roared in a warbling baritone that shook Book's very bones. "What about my shields? We're going to have to detonate the ship if the pirates take it back."
"Recharging. Radiation drained them on entry - you could blow the ship with the bolt rifle."
The Acklay crumpled back as another bolt pierced its hide. Growling its protest, the monster retreated into the treeline. Book could see it moving just on the edge, but the underbrush obscured his view. He could not fire.
"How far out are the strangers now?"
"Not far."
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Gherron Vael"]