Location: Coronet City, Corellia
Equipment: Little Black Dress
Companion: None, currently
Disorienting. That was probably the best word to describe it. Being back in civilian life. As the scion of a multi-generational aristocratically wealthy family, she'd grown up wanting for nothing. Anything was available to her. She could virtually go anywhere, anywhen. Afford the best of everything, from education to entertainment. But then joining the GA military was like being dunked in a vat of icy water. She'd known what to expect, of course. She wasn't any slouch, and had already been doing in a civilian capacity, what she'd signed up for. But the imposition on personal freedoms, and more had chafed.
But then, the order and structure to most of it had been kind of freeing in it's own way. Go here, do this, do that. A lot of hurry up and wait. She'd still bought her own starfighter, allowing her to treat it like her own personal vehicle. And of course it was, but having it maintained by an army of military technicians kept it in perfect working order. Mostly.
She generally was able to take leave for important events. Jumping across via the officer exchange to the SJC had been interesting. It was the first time she'd seen real action. Fighting the Kastolar Sector Raiders had been... not the theater she'd intended at the time. She'd wanted to take the fight to the Bryn. But the Raiders had proven to be, after a time, to be worthy opponents. She'd made friends with a number of folks, including at least one Jedi.
Aveline Cuiléin
came to mind, she broke into a smile, her face heating a little. She still had that picture
Jax Thio
had sent her of the three of them. For a moment, she let the image of those two float in her mind for a moment. It had been months since she'd seen either of them, and found she missed both quite a bit.
With a sigh, she took another shot of the whiskey cradled in her hands.
These people. They had no idea what was really going on out there. here they were, in Coronet City, just partying like they didn't have a care in the world. She used to be just like them. Their idea of the war going on was only what they saw on GNN. That was only a teensy-tiny fraction of the true nastiness the Bryn and others were visiting upon places.
Her lips twisted for a moment before downing the glass, letting it trail fire all the way into her belly.
Six years in the military. Frak it. She was on leave between assignments. At least that was what she told herself. Truth be told, her contract was up, and she was still debating on whether to re-up or not.
Shifting on her perch, a small bar stool in front of the bar, she adjusted the little black dress she'd worn and caught one of the three barkeeper's eye with a held up finger. As they made their way over, she inclined her chin a little. "
Reload," she half shouted over the pounding bass pumping out over the dance floor.
A moment later, she had more of the amber liquid ready to down. A warm hand on the small of her bask caught her attention. "
'Scuse me," a warm baritone voice came drifting to her right ear. She glanced over to see another club goer sliding in between the stools to get to the bar. the hand melted away. He flashed Kayla a smile. "
Sorry didn't want to startle you. Looked like you were in deep thought." Turning his attention to the barkeep he gave them a reverse-nod. "
Ah, two Kessel Killers, please. One for the lady."
No thanks." Kayla shook her head at the order.
Oh, come on. Let me buy ya a drink."
You know, normally I'd be all about it, but not tonight."
The man paused for a moment then seemed to sober a little, taking a second look at her. "
That bad, eh? Wanna talk about it?"
Forestalling an answer, Kayla took a long sip of her whiskey, then idly stirred the ice a little. Screwing her dark ruby painted lips around she thought about it for a moment. "
Not right now, nerf herder."
He gave a half laugh, inclining his head. "
Alright. But if that's the case, why'd you come to such a packed club?"
Kayla fixed him in her green gaze sharply. After a moment it dulled, either from the alcohol, or changing her mind on what she had been about to verbally stab him with. "
What's your name?"
Listen, Kerlan, you seem like a good guy and all..."
Kerlan gave her a slow single nod, then shook his head. "
Hah, you think I'm trying to pick you up?"
The thought did cross my mind."
Ker broke out into an ear to ear grin and shook his head. "
Typical. Just being friendly, is all." He glanced around to the rest of the club then back to her. "
Look, I'm gonna be over that way, having a good time. Come find me if you wanna have a good time too, or wanna talk about whatever is eating at you. No strings. Promise." With that he gave her a quick pat on the shoulder. He downed one of the Kessel Killers he'd ordered, and wandered off with the other.
Kayla let out a long sigh and ran her fingers through her long dark chocolate locks.