Keepin Corellia Weird
Needed to take a break for a while, and now i'm seein what's shakin to see how much I want to devote time here for. So what's new? Who hates who, who is going where? What planet did the OS conquer and turn into a dreary waste land? Who is [member="Reverance"] abducting and doing weird things to? Did [member="Strider Garon"] finally die of a dementia induced gun cleaning accident? Really, did he? 'Cause if he did, I should have probably at least sent like... Flowers and a six pack, or something... Do you send beer to a funeral? You do, right?
Actually...Who wants a thread... ? And for the love of Jeremy Bulloch, please be more inventive than a PM for me to make you some ridiculously over powered beskar thing of DOOM... I'm not saying I won't make you things, it's kinda my thing, but I'm a bit tired of being a straight dev monkey from the last stint here. So pitch me some story ideas.. I've got a cool ship, cool toys, and can teach you to slice and dice your enemies, and maybe (just maybe) make you a nice breakfast (depending on gender, age, and species, last two highly negotiable).
I am not picky who, what your affiliation is, or what Faction you are, i'm open to pretty much all ideas. Have a gander at my bio, check my threads(most of them are there, it's only a little out of date.. I hope) and pitch me your idea here, or in PM.