Getting Into The Swing Of Things
The Citadel
Her name was Jyn Sol; the Shaded Sun, the Failed Sith, the Light in Darkness. Thrice her life had been turned on its head, and now it came to be that once again her world would be changed. She was a willing subject of Tirdarius, his Apprentice and follower; she would do as he bided, regardless of where it led her. He had saved her, redeemed her from the smothering darkness, and nothing he could put her through would ever make her feel less of him. Not even if it meant being surrounded by some of the scariest individuals she had ever met, and having lived amidst the Sith that was saying something. She did not understand it, but for whatever reason the Inquisitors set the young girl on edge. And it is with one that I now meet. Her training could not be permitted to stagnate, even with Tirdarius' brief absence. She felt hollow without his guidance, as though wandering aimlessly around the Citadel was all she could amount to, alongside the infrequent visit to her haven, her ruins. Once I was told that broken things served no function, and while in most cases I have to agree this is one such moment I cannot. The ruins prove for me what the Citadel cannot: security and freedom.When she stepped into the training grounds her tiny eyes soaked in the entirety of the scene around her. Her hand was missing the tender feel of Fuz's skin, but the monkey had not been revealed to the Atrisians as it stood, he remained hidden away like a good little pet. Although strictly speaking he was no pet, merely a companion to her. Now all that was left was for her instructor to appear; they would be no Master to her, no one could replace Tirdarius, but she needed to be taught all the same. I just hope they are not too zealous.