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Getting Into The Swing Of Things [Somarae]

Getting Into The Swing Of Things
The Citadel
Her name was Jyn Sol; the Shaded Sun, the Failed Sith, the Light in Darkness. Thrice her life had been turned on its head, and now it came to be that once again her world would be changed. She was a willing subject of Tirdarius, his Apprentice and follower; she would do as he bided, regardless of where it led her. He had saved her, redeemed her from the smothering darkness, and nothing he could put her through would ever make her feel less of him. Not even if it meant being surrounded by some of the scariest individuals she had ever met, and having lived amidst the Sith that was saying something. She did not understand it, but for whatever reason the Inquisitors set the young girl on edge. And it is with one that I now meet. Her training could not be permitted to stagnate, even with Tirdarius' brief absence. She felt hollow without his guidance, as though wandering aimlessly around the Citadel was all she could amount to, alongside the infrequent visit to her haven, her ruins. Once I was told that broken things served no function, and while in most cases I have to agree this is one such moment I cannot. The ruins prove for me what the Citadel cannot: security and freedom.

When she stepped into the training grounds her tiny eyes soaked in the entirety of the scene around her. Her hand was missing the tender feel of Fuz's skin, but the monkey had not been revealed to the Atrisians as it stood, he remained hidden away like a good little pet. Although strictly speaking he was no pet, merely a companion to her. Now all that was left was for her instructor to appear; they would be no Master to her, no one could replace Tirdarius, but she needed to be taught all the same. I just hope they are not too zealous.

So I'm to teach someone now.

Somarae tried to fight down a slight frown, and mostly succeeded. She'd forgone the typical formal robes of the Inquisition for a set of military exercise fatigues and a pair of sturdy boots. Her hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail, and she absently blew a few stray strands out of her eyes.

What am I supposed to do here? I've never taught anyone how to do these things before, nevermind a child...

She paused on a walkway approaching the training yard. Her eyes shut and she drew a slow, deep breath.

Relax, Somarae. Relax. You can do this. Find common ground and establish trust, from there teach. Just like the Academy. Demonstrate what you are capable of and that you can be relied on, worry about camaraderie later. See if you can't figure out something she likes.

She fought down the little voice in the back of her head that tried to remind her that for all the respect she had from some of her peers in the Navy, there were very few who were actually friends. If any. Shaking off her doubts, she broadcast her presence through the Force; it wouldn't do at all to startle her student before they'd begun. That would send entirely the wrong message.

She rounded the corner and made her way down the steps to the training circle, offering a gentle, if forced, smile to the young girl that awaited her. She bowed her head in a thoroughly Atrisian greeting, "Good afternoon. It is Jyn, correct? You may call me Song, I'm here to help in your instruction."

... What do children like, anyway?

@[member="Jyn Sol"]
Jyn remained somewhat stoic where she stood, her eyes seeking out every aspect of the room she was within. Her hand twitched, longing for the coarse feeling of Fuz’s fur between the fingers, dancing across her skin. Was this as good an idea as she had thought it would be? Part of her wanted to back away and leave before anyone turned up, but she knew Tirdarius would not approve. You have to progress somehow, Jyn, you can’t remain rooted in time and space forever. The thought of Tirdarius was all that kept her there.

Slowly she began to move around, feeling the need to stretch her somewhat aching legs. Jyn spent little time within the Citadel, deciding instead to venture out into the outlying landscape, specifically to the ruins. No one knew of these specific ruins, she presumed, save for Tirdarius of course. He always had an idea of where she was. Sometimes she wasn’t permitted to leave, but she made up for that late at night during her sleepless state. What would they do if they knew?

Finally someone appeared, a blue skinned Chiss. Jyn had never met this specific person, and the way she greeted her was a little odd. But respect was key, and thus she repeated it, in an unpractised fashion. “H-Hello, Song” she said, biting her lip for a moment. “Yes, I’m Jyn.” A silence stretched out from the girl after that, radiating awkwardness. What did she do? What could she do? Instead she awaited some sort of instruction or discussion. I miss Tirdarius and our debates…, but for now Song would have to make up for that. After all, the Atrisians had stolen her Master from her.

How could she trust them?

"I'm pleased to make you acquaintance, Jyn. Let me begin by stating that I have no intention of replacing your master. The bond between a master and apprentice is something I hold in far too high regard to undermine. Instead, I am here to aid and perhaps offer another perspective," her smile remained strained, but her body language began to relax. Training itself wasn't new to her, she'd run drills with her squadron both in the Navy and Academy before. The force, however...

Well, I have an idea about that...

"Unless you have any questions, I'd like to begin with a brief hike. Nothing strenuous, but I believe it would be a good opportunity to learn of each other before we begin your study in earnest. We can depart as soon as you're ready."

@[member="Jyn Sol"]
The words of this woman proved a relief for the child, who swiftly nodded her head in understanding. "I... Appreciate that" she said, biting at her lower lip as she pondered on the rest of what the woman said. Another perspective? What else could there be? Don't be so ignorant, Jyn, there is always plenty more on offer. Done scalding herself she took a slight step back and waited for further instruction or communication from the Chiss Lady.

"I have no questions" Jyn added when the response was due, and she found herself stepping over to the woman to follow her lead. "I'm always ready to explore, Miss, and hiking sounds good right now." Walking helped to clear her mind, or focus her on one of her nagging doubts. It did not do to feel so fearful or flippant around people like these, she had to try and keep relaxed, or they might have realised something was wrong. I want my Fuz... But the monkey was hidden away, and she didn't want him taken from her.

"Excellent, then let us begin," she nodded her head once, turning sharply with military precision to walk away from the training room, following a path through the courtyard to leave the Citadel behind and begin to walk into the forest and mountains beyond.

"I feel there is something I should explain. I cannot claim to know Master Tirdarius's methods, but I know you must be familiar with the Sith. We do not operate as they do. No Inquisitor is quite like another. We have no central philosophy of the Force. No religious bent to what we do. What we have, is duty. My duty to the Empire is what gives me my strength. It drives me, focuses me. I do not expect you to feel as such. At least not at the moment. But regardless of where you find your strength, as a part of the Inquisition that strength must always be used in service to the Empire, and not random, selfish ends. This is not to say it cannot be ruthless, but it must be controlled. Inquisitors must always serve the greater good of the Empire, no matter what. It is our burden for as long as we live."

The path they were on slowly turned from stonework to dirt, moving to follow alongside a small creek as it wound its way between the trees.

"Ultimately, we are weapons. A hidden blade poised to defend against any who would use the Force to harm the Empire or its citizens. Our secrecy, our anonymity, is our greatest advantage. Keep this in mind when we begin our lesson today."

They still had some distance to cover before that, of course. She shut her eyes and drew in a long breath, taking the moment to savor the mountain air before she continued, "But for now, I would like to hear more about you, Jyn. Who you are. What sort of things you want. How you feel your own connection to the Force."

@[member="Jyn Sol"]
[I am SO sorry for how late this is! I’ve been trying to decide which direction to take her in ]

Jyn said nothing as she followed after the blue-skinned Chiss; she was beyond grateful when the woman decided it best to leave the Citadel behind and instead led her out into the beautiful forestry beyond its borders, a place she had always found mystifyingly beautiful, an area she could relax and be somewhat herself again. Fuz, she knew, was out here somewhere, exploring in the treetops and finding her new places to explore. She could sense him – sometimes, if she tried hard enough, she could even see where he was, as if his eyes were her own. But to do so would require focus, which in turn would make her presently too occupied to follow after Song.

When the Chiss began to speak she turned her gaze across to her and focused. Her words made sense, it reminded her of the Imperium and oddly enough the teachings of Tirdarius himself. And with this knowledge she understood why he had brought them here... Perhaps it wasn’t as bad as she had previously thought it to be, however most of the Inquisitors still set her on edge. It was a very pleasant surprise to find that Song did not; perhaps it would be easier to work with her in Tirdarius’ absence. “I understand” she softly chimed, and the words were not laced in naivety as they often were where Jyn was concerned, more often than not the lessons she had being the first of their kind; no, this was something she was familiar with, it was genuine understanding.

The Sith seek power, and in doing so, in serving only their own whims and desires, they destroy that which lies around them – I’ve seen it, whole worlds destroyed as a proof of power and racial extermination. But that which is destroyed is useless, it is the ending of what could be. A last resort.” Chewing on her lower lip she breathed in slowly. “Whereas to serve is to give up your own longings, it limits the chance that a megalomaniac gains a foothold in the Galaxy – a Force Sensitive megalomaniac is the worst kind, they hold more power than they should.” It was then that she realised she was rambling on, that she realised this was not Tirdarius she was speaking to. Jyn dropped her gaze and murmured an apology.

The next part scared her slightly; Jyn was not very good at explaining her own self, her own desires and beliefs. She was more assertive with the opposite, with what she deemed toxic and bad. One thing she did know, however, was that Fuz unlocked potential in her that she never realised she had – it was the monkey who had solidified the connection she held, that which she had tried to break at the hands of the Sith – she had never once wanted to be like this, she despised it to begin with. “There was a time I saw it as a curse” she confessed, “I never asked for it, it wasn’t a conscious choice, and it only led me to difficult situations – the Sith, for example. But… It works in strange ways; if it had not happened then the only companions I’ve ever known would never have come into my life.” Song would only be aware of Tirdarius, of course, none in the Citadel knew of Fuz. “I don’t seek power, fame or infamy. I don’t want to be known or remembered… I just want to Understand.

Somarae listened to the young girl speak in silence, weighing her words. She gave a slight nod as Jyn finished, her lips curling upwards with just the smallest sign of approval.

"I'd not have expected such deep thoughts from one your age, but I suppose it reflects well both on the pupil and her true master," she shifted her stance, feet resting shoulder width apart as she folded her hands behind her back, "Knowledge and understanding are honorable pursuits... but you must be wary of digging too deeply, Jyn. Some things are best left alone until you're truly ready."

Easy, Soma. You're not much more experienced than this child is. Don't push it too far.

"Ahem. Regardless, we're nearly there. Let's return to the trail."

She turned sharply on her heel, remaining quiet and reaching out with her senses into the forest as they moved the last half kilometer to their destination. She sensed nothing sentient around save the two of them.

When they at last rounded the final bend they found a clearing nestled inbetween the trees and a slight rise in elevation between Atrisia's mountains. It was fifty meters wide at the largest point, and roughly in the shape of a malformed oval. The ground itself was naturally empty save for shin height, untended grass, but a duracrete shed stood out against the trees at the far side. Somarae promptly made her way to the lone structure, keying in a code to open the door with practiced ease.

The door opened with a soft hiss, and she raised her hand. She stepped back from the door, and as she did a footlocker floated through the opening after her. With a careful flick of her fingers, she sat the container down in the grass between them.

"And this, will be today's lesson," she knelt down, unlocking the container's lid and throwing it open. With the lid facing Jyn, the girl was unable to see inside from her current vantage point, but Soma quickly went about sorting out whatever contents were inside. She stood upright just a few seconds later, tossing a black and silver object in the child's direction.

"And that, is a DH-17 blaster pistol. Have you ever fired one before?"

Stupid question, Soma. Why would she have ever used a gun?

@[member="Jyn Sol"]
The young girl frowned to what the woman said, but in truth it did all make sense. "It's not so much a desire to find the answers to the unsolvable or buried, Ma'am" she said, slipping her gaze to her feet. "More to become more aware of myself..." But that was touching on something completely different, and thus she was grateful when Soma had them continue on.

Despite how far their journey was taking them, the young girl was oddly unphased nor tired. The sight of the meadow-like area set a smile upon her face and she soon found herself kneeling down to run her fingers through it. "It's... Beautiful" she breathed, before bristling. She really had to keep herself in control here, this was not Tirdarius, she could not trust the Inquisition.

Standing to her full height she watched as Soma brought out a footlocker and proceeded to open it. The gun which was tossed to her she caught well enough, and it became an immediately comforting presence in her hand. "I have, actually; though not this particular model..." She chewed on her lip, remembering the initial 'lessons' her Father had provided, before shipping her off.

The Sith had taken the blaster from her, deeming it unfit for an Acolyte, but it was a reminder to her all the same. "What are we doing here, Ma'am?"

"There's a saying in some parts of the galaxy. Perhaps you've heard it? 'To the man with the largest hammer, every problem looks like a nail,'" Somarae moved her hand over the opened locker, pulling forth a few more small containers and spreading them around the meadow, "The Force can be quite the large hammer."

She moved from box to box, punching in a few commands into a small pad on the side of each as she continued to speak, "The Force, lightsabers, general flashy displays of power... they have their use. They're tools that can serve you more than adequately. But never forget they are not your only tools, or tools that can only be used together. Maybe you're good enough to get by with the hammer, but sometimes the hydrospanner would have been the smarter choice."

She stood up again, dusting off her hands as she finished with the final container, "I trust your master has his own lessons in mind for you, and I seek not to contradict them. Instead, I merely offer another view. And today, we practice with other tools."

With the timers and programming set, the containers opened, and a half dozen remotes launched into the air, flying in slow, meandering trails through the air a few meters above the grass.

"First, with any skill, comes familiarization. You know how to shoot, so we'll keep this short. The safety's on the left side of the grip. Don't worry about power settings, I have them locked on stun. Take a few shots at the target drones and get comfortable with the model. Feel the weight in your hand, the contours of the grip, the resistance of the trigger. Note how your arm absorbs the kick, how it differs from any other weapon you've used before. It won't occur immediately, but with time any weapon can be known just as well as you know your own hands and fingers."

Arms folded in front of herself, she stepped back and out of the way, leaving Jyn with an unobstructed view of the remotes as they continued their pre-determined flight, "Begin when you are ready. When I feel you've had enough practice, we will continue."

@[member="Jyn Sol"]
She turned the weapon over in her hand, getting a good feel for the weight of it. When the probe droids rose into the air she watched their pre-set path, with a small nod towards the Chiss at her side. "Everything has its place, its use, but those with this curse often forget the simplicities of life. Non-users get by just as fine as they do." She shrugged, her dislike of the Force still constant and apparent. "But, I like that analogy." A quirky little smile was made apparent upon her lips as she breathed out. This felt much more natural to her, and thus her body began to relax. The blaster already felt like an extension of her. But how would she feel once she shot?

Her first shot was carefully measured, and not in fact toward the droids but instead a stray tree which lay to one side. She wanted to check how far she would have to adjust her aim in order to have an accurate hit, and testing that on a moving object wasn't exactly helpful. With one small nod to herself she gauged the movements of the little flying droids and aimed to one which was on the furthest right. The backlash was heavier than she was used to, but the blaster she had been handed was larger than that she had used in her younger years. Her arm braced into the shock which travelled through it, yet otherwise she showed no outward signs.

She had been a little off, but the movements were somewhat disjointed. On the field it's just as difficult to accurately gauge what your opponent will do, it's all a matter of chance, precognition and intuition. This time when she shot she aimed a little further to the left, right into the probe driod's path. This all felt so much more natural to her than the Force, of course she didn't realise that for the most part a lot of her keen senses were being aided by that very thing...


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