Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Captain Gezzo, 73rd Infantry, Charlie Company CO
NAME: Gezzo
FACTION: The Republic
RANK: Corporal
SPECIES: Geonosian
AGE: 32
WEIGHT: 130lbs
EYES: black
HAIR: none
SKIN: dark and light green


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
- Gezzo has wings so he can fly high above the battlefield and scout without being seen
- The Geonosian is one of the many genetically altered warriors of the species. As result from the altering he is much bulkier than your average Geo and much stronger


- He is still connected to the hive mind of the Geonsians so he will periodically receive orders from the queens that he must struggle to disobey.
- His personal ambitions get in his way, causing him to do things that get him into trouble with the Republic military.


Gezzo was born during the reign of Torga the Divine, a South Systems Syndicate lackey who was installed as the leader of the rebuilding planet. He was apart of a Hive ruled by Queen Yi'Tak, a fierce resister of the corruption that Torga promoted on the isolated planet. A short time into his birth, Gezzo was taken by a group of Geonosian scientists who were genetically altering those born into the warrior caste to make the perfect soldier. Throughout his whole life he was brainwashed by the thoughts of the Queen who constantly transmitted her brainwaves through the Hivemind to control her subjects. By the time he was six he was going out into the deserts to kill the Geonosian Hives that had gone feral during the 400 year darkness, slaughtering them without mercy or hesitation as a part of his conditioning for the coming war.

Parts of his past are hidden in mystery [to be revealed IC] but after the War of Corruption Gezzo left Geonosis and joined the Repbulic as a soldier. Being the first Geonosian to leave Syndicate Space since the reign of Torga the Divine, many have questioned his motives and taken a disliking to his lack of speech in the Republics official language, Galactic Basic. He has learned some basic since migrating to the Republic, but translators are usually needed by those who wish to converse with him.

Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.


Post the links and the titles to all of your characters Role-Plays. To make things easier, post the link and name here as soon as you enter the Role-Play thread.


Professor of Alchemy
Oh Force, the Republic is going to send insects at us. Whatever shall we do?

OOC: Geonosian. I'm impressed. Have fun.

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