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Character The Lady, Augustina Presius Nargath

Lady Augustina Nargath, Baroness of Valkan A.K.A. Gussy


The Lady Augustina Nargath, Valedictorian at Eriadu Military Academy

FACTION: Eternal Empire, House Nargath

RANK: Commodore

SPECIES: Eriaduan Human

AGE: 50y old

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 1.83m

WEIGHT: 76kg

EYES: Scarlet

HAIR: Gray

SKIN: Alabaster caucasian

FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, but wholly untrained and uninterested [chalks it up to having very keen senses]

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
  • Trained in the art of war: Augustina has gone through the mandatory four years of military academy as per the House Nargath's precedent that all those who are not the encumbant head of the house must go to the Eriaduan military academy for the basic training before either finding their own path or being designated a place within the family's holdings. Augustina chose the former, having run through the full military course, and has run the officer's education as well. Following this up, she went on to expand her horizon by obtaining further study in diplomacy, strategy and military martial arts to make sure she was fully rounded.
  • Adheres to a strict military mindset: Regarding herself as a soldier first and foremost, Augustina has dedicated mind, body and soul to keeping herself in perfect physical condition at all times, working out at a regular basis and adhering to a strict nutritional diet. A such, even at her age, she manages to keep up and exceed the capabilities of many half her age, be they man, women or any other genotype.
  • Ruthless: Sometimes considered a weakness by the fools and weakhearted men and women in the galaxy, Augustina's ruthlesness has served her well, for it allows her to keep calm and steady of mind even in the most dire of situations, following a path of cold and calculated moves which are considered the most logic, no matter how depraved or disgusting such decisions and actions might be perceived as.
  • Keen senses: Augustina has a surprisingly accurate gut instinct, though this has been attributed to her possible force sensitivity, she simply chalks it up to being trained and experienced. However, these keen senses along with her considerable intellect have saved her in several tough situations.
  • Irritable: In her desire to show her own capabilities in the face of her House, Augustina has managed to become irritable and though she is known to hold her cool in the ways of combat, this is not exactly the case on a more personal level, as such she is better in strategic operations rather than diplomatic missions. Sadly, this irritability has made her somewhat hard to handle and hard to deal with when it comes to more politically minded superiors, resulting in her still having the position of Commodore despite enough recommendations having been given by likeminded commanders and members of the military.
  • Respiratory issues: Do to a collapsed long during the height of her career, a follow up diagnosis of Pulmonary Hypertension almost forced AUgustina to quit the military. She had opted to perhaps join with strategic command and take a more backseat approach, but eventually refused to do so, preferring being chained to a respirator during strenuous activities, while during her regular day to day activities she has to rely on medication which opens up her lungs' bloodvessels to take in as much air as possible...because of these issues, she has practically foregone the idea of appearing in public without the respirator and has rarely been seen without it.

Augustina is a tall human female, with an athletic build. Though she still looks very good for her age, there aren't many who have seen her face in recent years, which leads to speculations that she must have scars or other visible marks of not just her age, but her occupation as a soldier. What is known though, is that just like her uncle Credius Nargath, she had a pair of amber colored eyes that when enraged seemed to shift more towards a brighter red due to the widening bloodvessels in her eyes, and that she used to have silver flowing, almost ethereal looking hair which shone like the most pure pale moonlight.

Augustina Nargath was born in 852 ABY as the oldest daughter to Wilhuf Nargath and Amelia Tarkin, she was the third of a total of four children, having two older brothers and one younger sister. Her youth was in all senses of the word unremarkable, for as a daughter in a house ruled by salic law, her only options were to seek out her own fortune or to become an asset to the House itself. At first she had thought of the latter option, seeing as she liked her mother very much and knew that her marriage too had been one of convenience and mutual benefit rather than true love. However, things changed when she learned about her uncle, the former Marquis of House Nargath prior to her father. Delving deep into the records and noticing that despite there being not a single trace of the man left to be found on Eriadu, the family had not removed his name from the register yet, she wondered why the one person in the whole House of Nargath who did not need to go out on his own, did exactly that.

Finding new inspiration in this realization, this confontation with self determination and manifest destiny, Augustina enrolled in the Eriaduan Military Academy, after which she went on to further specialize in several subjects before managing to gain a position as Naval lieutenant aboard the Eriaduan Defense Force's system fleet, which consisted mainly out of small ships as part of the operational agreement with the Confederation of Independant systems.

However, when she heard that among a faction, the old Zweihander Union had risen once again, she resigned from the ESDF and attempted to enlist within this minor faction in order to try and find her uncle, but it was all for naught, as he wasn't there and this Zweihander Union was a farcry from the one she had read about. Nevertheless, she was in the need of a job and her only option now was to join the rank and file within the Eternal Empire, where she has managed to rise through the ranks to become a Commodore...though she knows as well as others that she deserves to have been promoted by now, she understands the diplomatic nature of having people in high positions and as such has also seen some benefit in the relative freedom her position as Commodore lends her.


ENS-RR4 Rapid Response Fleet




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