Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ghost Fleet

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
The Tower of Jade was a place she had not thought to look at, with all fo the works they were doing it proved a lot more effective in some cases to be careful with your different works instead of just roaming around the galaxy. So Krass had brought it here to work on, with the stealth components they had on the Rac and on the Nirvana as a guide she had some more ideas of what she would be able to do with it. How to better mask the signatures of the ships themselves and thanks to some lovely work with the stygium they had stealth plating and cloaks they could use. To make the ships that much more protected and concealed. Krass was looking at this like a small scale project that would help defend them more in the long run as getting the jedi in and out of an area would sometime be a lot more important.

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Krass continued to work on what she had to develop here within the tower. it functioned as a small scale ship construction yard when Krass was walking seeing the different systems that were being brought in to help them with all of these things. Krass started working on the installation process of it to get the ships looking just right so they would be able to fit the polymer on it, have the stealth field able to work and with the grav modulator it would be able to protect itself. She wanted to make sure this ship like many of the ships that they were making for protection and she was looking at some fo the other things as one of them came to her. "Padawan Krass there are some concerns about this and what we might be able to do effectively with it." Krass was looking at them while she was raising an eyebrow. "Alright tell me what it is."

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
"Well we have been running the numbers and it is ulikely we will be able to make a fleet of stealth ships as the original intent... however we have been crunching it and we might be able to change this up in the development process. Instead of ships we can make a parts package to install in the newest ships once we have better shipyards to work with the others. Collecting them to go together like the blackest night system we have installed on the Rac would also eliminate the cost as we can machine the parts easily enough while waiting for new information and news about all of the things we have been doing." She siad it and Krass had to agree, it was easier to make a new part as opposed to a whole lot of new ships and the parts would give them plenty to work with. "Alright then start the process of machining the parts and we will establish this for Saotome."

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
She might not be able to get the better things but there was a benefit to making the stealth systems that didn't involve the stygium. She knew how hard that was to find if you were not careful and didn't have access to some of the planets with a nod of her head. "Understood padawan Krass we will work on it for you while changing up the construction efforts. THere are a few other things that we want to start putting into some of our new designs with Saotome. It should work well with the stealth cloaks we have developed and the polymer for stealth systems. We lack the nightshadow of the blackest night and the reflect so just the inner ships systems that we will be able to work with." Krass looked at her with a nod fo her head prepared to work on more fo the things. She had a few ideas of what she could work on with Sorel her master later as well.

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Krass was looking at it as they prepared some of the reports and sensor packages, collecting the information on what they would need to do so the systems could be installed on other ships that were being upgraded and constructed. Krass wanted to make it more of a universal idea going for them before she was looking over more of the information to collect it and make the appealing package for the operators that would be doing it. Giving the right information was crucial to get them to sign off on what they were doing here and investing in it. "Alright then, lets get to work with it and here in the tower we can do that a lot easier, the machined parts and sections are ready to work with as well as other parts we have developed. Use one of the manufacturing ships so that we will get to have it tested and installed on some new ship."

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Krass rolled her shoulders while she was preparing with a lot of the things before she was bringing up the screens of the systems themselves. She thought about what they might be able to do. She knew Sorel was working hard on a number of things as well so she wouldn't have to bother her master in this endeavor but they could upgrade her ship and in most cases upgrade Krasses ship itself. Providing the coldfire with a stealth system to match its manufacturing systems would at least allow her to roam around and not have to bother with some of the really tiring and complicated problems that arose. Some of the others in the galaxy seemed to believe it was their duty to oversee and police everyone elses actions so she would get to relax.

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Krass was looking at the different designs of the ships that were being brought upm some fo the newer models they would be able to make for themselves and if they could fit these systems on some of the fighters themselves to provide stealth fighters to handle and go around quickly. Stealth gunships and troop transports that would be able to get troops down towards planets for quick insertion and extraction. The padawan was working on more of it when she brought up the design of one fo the dynamic freighters that had been bought by Sasori then looked over parts of it setting up the systems. A way to travel around the galaxy for the silver jedi and complete small scale, small team missions instead of being at risk.

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
She had some other ideas of what they might be able to do though, Krass worked it out for herself when she brought out the droids whowere feeding them new information about it all. She saw more of it and the thrust tracer dampeners, the grav modulator and the sensor masking were important to what they were wanting to do. She stuck with it as they no longer had to try and buy from Jaut the blackbirds to get the grav modulators but they were able to machine their own for these purposes. Easily enough with the tech thanks to their work in stealth research projects. More information came to her on the screen though detailing some of the ships that were being built around the tower itself and they were the better things to test on the universal nature of the system.

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Krass stuck with many more fo the things form it as she saw the frigates docked with them, developing them from being personal ships that the order ccould use into a new line of what would be assault ships developed to fly around. She knew there were the new harrison classes rolling off the line thanks to the new droids that had been developed to repair, build, rebuild and man the ships. Their biot droids were proving ten times more effective in many of the cases while the padawans were roaming around the area. "Lets stick with it and start on these ones being built up, install the new package and parts then we shalll see how it competes against the Rac itself." Krass gave a nod of her head while they were heading off with some of the information bringing up the Rac's specifications.

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
The design of the Rac and even for reference when she was checking it the Nirvana came up, the silver hulled ship might not seem like a great stealth ship but it was one fo the fastest in the galaxy for its size with a hyperdrive that really nothing else could match or beat. Kras was hard pressed to find a ship that could intercept it if it chose to move quickly using its overdrive boosters or if it chose to sun dip then well there wasn't much else.... Except the stealth systems themselves. They were like the Rac the basis for this all with what they could do and put together. Nothing overly fancy just the systems of a ship that is needed to make sure it will function in stealth mode without a cloak or the proper hull plating and then they would work on and offer those upgrades to get the people really happy and exited.

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