Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Giant Steps Are What You Take .. [Ryker]

[member="Ryker Tal'verda"]

A small ground speeder stopped just before the edge of the ocean. The early morning light gave some warmth, but the breeze from the sea cut that all away but gave them the scent of the ocean, salty and refreshing. A light spray hit their faces as a wave boomed into the rocks and sizzled into the air in a white wall before falling to the rocks before them.

Coci pulled around her robe and wrapped her body close and enjoyed the freshness of the morning. "Ryker, we will be training here today", she said a the youngling came by her side and she pointed to the rock formation.

"Are you ready?", she asked looking down into his face with a smile. "Lets go!", she said taking the first of the steps down the rock formation to the edge. Ryker and she will use the natural environment for this lesson, far better a place to learn force skills then a class room.
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

The air was fresh and laden with the smell of the sea, The young Togruta basked in the beauty of the day. He had no idea what Master Coci wished to teach him but he was very excited to learn from her. Truth be told the young man looked up to the woman beside him in the speeder.

A happy chuckle left him as the sea mist sprayed him and Master Coci. Once they arrived and exited the speeder Ryker quickly followed the Master down the ridge towards the rocks, His excited tone flowing freely as they walked. "I'm excited Master Coci, and will do my best....But what are we learning today?"
"Well .. it has come to my attention that you do not know how to use the force to run and jump", she said lightheartedly. Coci took his hand in hers and walked Ryker down to the unusual rock formation. "And this is the perfect place to learn it".

"See all the different levels of pillars of rock? we can start off at the base and work our way up", she pointed to the small area of formation "But lets start with jumping".

At that point, a large rogue wave hit the shore and sent a white wall of spray into the air before them, Coci could feel the droplets of mist on her face, it felt so good and refreshing. She could not help smile and made a mental note to bring [member="Nina Heavenshield"] and Theo here one day for some fun.

"But before we begin, I want you to tell me how you think you could use the force to jump".
[member="Ryker Tal'verda"]
The Togruta followed happily hand in hand, Chuckling as the spray of the wave splashed them. She was right though, He had yet to learn how to use the force to power his running and jumping. Luckily Master [member="Coci Heavenshield"] was a Master of the force.

He was not really sure how one would go about using the force for such but he thought for a moment and answered. "I'm sorry Master Coci, But I really don't know. Maybe focussing it through the muscles?" It wasn't a great answer but he knew she was about to teach him exactly how.
"Yes, you push it through to your legs giving them strength and power to use", she said as they stopped in front of some of the smaller rock formations. "But first let us jump up on this first one without the force", bending her knees slightly Coci leaped up off two feet onto the strangely rounded rock. Once Ryker had joined her, "When you jump you use all your senses to gauge the high and distance, through this you power your legs to complete the jump, now lets try it again to the second and this time take notice of what your body is doing".

Again they make the second jump together. "Now, I want you to concentrate and focus the force to your legs. We are going to try and jump up three rock to that column there", she pointed above them. "In the same way you jump without the force, using your senses, but this time only use enough of the force to complete the jump".

Coci propels upward, and stand to watch Ryker.
[member="Ryker Tal'verda"]
Without much effort at all the young togruta hopped up onto the first rock as Master [member="Coci Heavenshield"] had instructed. As he listened to her next instruction he readied himself and quickly hopped to the next stone with a happy chuckle as he landed safely, taking note of what he'd down as he jumped.

Master Coci had leapt already to the next rock high above and was waiting. He cleared his mind and allowed the force to flow through him like a like a calm stream, Pushing it mainly towards his legs, His muscles tingling with energy as he leapt upwards. The force propelled him up higher than he'd ever jumped before, Maybe a little too high, His heels just barely catching the edge of the rock and nearly causing him to fall off before finally regaining his balance and looking to Coci with a triumphant smile.
She made a grab for Ryker, as he landed a little awkwardly near her, but there was not real need as he righted himself. Coci smiled back at his great triumph, it is good to see someone so willing to learn anything of the force. "Now lets jump up all the way to the top, keep in mind your senses and judge each leap before you try until it become more 'natural' to you".

Coci turned and looked up over the formation, and start her ascent to the cliff tops. Jumping with ease across the face of it, taking varying direction just to change things up, Ryker could try the same if he felt the confidence. Once up the top, they would go for a run, to help strengthen his legs to use the force, before they would find their way back down.

That part of the lesson involves more, but she will explain jumping down when the time comes.
[member="Ryker Tal'verda"]
Amazement filled the young ones eyes as he watched her bound from cliff to cliff. His mind would clear and his force began to center in his legs. He quickly judged the distance between the cliff he was on and the cliff Master [member="Coci Heavenshield"] now stood perched on. With a soft exhale he leapt into the air, The force propelling him higher and further than before, Flowimg through him freely still as he landed squarely beside Master Coci
[member="Ryker Tal'verda"]

Coci reached out to grab Ryker as he landed just to make sure he did not fall. But her face beamed with delight as he had learned the art of the force jump. There is more to come, they had to get down and this took a little more concentration.

She placed a hand on his shoulder, "Well done Ryker, you have it!", she declared to his smiling face. "Now all we have to do is get down", she said looking down at the marvel of the formations.

"The principle is the same, except that when we are about to land imagine something that would break your fall. The force is pulled around you to slow you down until you land with ease. Like a cushion under your feet. If you don't you will hit the ground hard".

Coci pushed off the top rock and jumped down about ten rocks below to show him her descent and soft landing. She turned to look back up, "Try it but one rock at a time until you get comfortable with your landings".
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

To say he was not a bit worried for the safety of his legs would be a lie, But none the less he pushed it from his mind as he watched Master Coci land softly onto the ledge far below. He knew he could do this, And with that thought in mind he leapt from the rock and began focusing on a cushion of force energy beneath his feet. Mere seconds later his feet landed delicately upon the rock below, A smile once again beaming across his face as he continued hopping down from rock to rock until he stood beside Master Coci once more.
As the little Togruta landed beside her once more, Coci smiled down into his face. "You have it Ryker, well done". Her hand rested on his shoulder. "And in time as you grow up you can strengthen this skill with lots of practice, but now for the second part of this lesson".

Coci began once more to bound up the rock formations, "Follow me! and with more speed". She had to admit to herself, this lesson was fun and she was enjoying herself. She finally reached the top and waited for Ryker. Looking behind her, she enjoyed the view as spread before her was the rolling fields of green, the wind traveling across the grass like a hand gently pushing it at will.

Once Ryker would join her she would begin the lesson of Force Speed.
[member="Ryker Tal'verda"]
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

He was having fun training with Master Coci, Who had just bounded away and back up the rock ledges once more. It was his turn to follow her and so he cleared his mind allowing the force to flow freely through his form and down to his legs as he bolted forwards and leapt high into the air, Missing the first and second ledge, He would quickly put to use what Master Heavenshield had already taught him and form a cushion beneath his feet just as he landed softly on the third ledge up. "That was close" He thought as he smiled up to Master Coci and quickly bounded up to stand beside her and admire the view..... "This is really fun Master"
Although children seem to have boundless energy, Coci waited for Ryker to catch his breath. "Over the ocean are vast forests yet to be explored by the Sanctum. There is still much on Voss that we need to investigate, some good and some bad". She looked down smiling at him. The wind had picked up and pushed against them as if willing them forward.

"Now, we will run. The method is the same, push the force to your legs to give them strength in your muscles and bones, but save some for the body and arms as they are needed too. Race you to the top of that hill", she said pointing in the distance. She will let him run off first so she can see if he has it before she will follow.
[member="Ryker Tal'verda"]
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

"Bad Master? I hope that's not so, I like the peace on Voss." He stated softly as the wind caressed his face bringing forth his normal smile. He stood still and just basked in the moment before turning and looking at the hill Master Coci spoke of, It was not far away and he knew he could easily run to it without the force pushing him....But why know how to weild the force if you didn't plan to use it?

"Oh I'm so going to beat you there Master" He spouted as he bolted forwards in a run towards the hill. He'd started slow at first but as if second nature he allowed the force to flow through his lithe frame adding extra speed and power to his legs and feet making him almost a blur as he ran headlong for the hill, His smile beeming at such a feeling of rlfreedom.
Once Ryker had gotten some way ahead, Coci watched. He had started off slowly which would be expected, but as soon as he took the chance to use the force all that changed. Faster and faster Ryker ran, almost becoming a blur to her eyes as he reached the last part of the hill. Coci took off, running over the long grasses that played in the wind until she was behind him.. "I am catching you", she yelled out in fun. Although a fun race between them she still wanted him to push himself harder, there was still much left in reserved that he could draw upon, and she wanted Ryker to understand the true nature of the power he can summon.

They both would be atop the hill in seconds ...

"Come on, first one to the top wins the ice cream back at the Temple".
[member="Ryker Tal'verda"]
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

The wind whipped around him as he ran faster than he'd ever ran in his life, His mind was clear of all things save for running. In fact he was so enthralled with running that he didn't even notice that Master Coci had caught up and was right behind him. Her words broke his concentration and startled him just enough that he misguided the force through himself and launched himself into the air as he got startled. Seconds later he crashed down softly onto the side of the hill just below the peak with a load painful groan.
"Oh no!", she yelled out realising she had startled him. Coci ran up the hill and to the other side to find Ryker laying in a mess of groans. "That was a great jump on the run Ryker", she said trying to give him heart and take his mind off what happened.

"Are you alright Ryker?", she asked kneeling down next to him. She reached through the force to see if he had sustained any injuries from the fall but apart from some minor bruises he was find. "Lets sit for a while and catch our breaths before we go back to the Temple".
[member="Ryker Tal'verda"]
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

A she knelt by his side he carefully rolled onto his back and looked up to Master Coci with a smile. He was not injured as far as he could tell and Master Coci had not yet reached the hills peak, So as his smile grew he extended his slender arm outward and rested his hand upon the top of the hill as his slightly weakened voice emitted..... "I'm fine Master.... But you owe me an icecream" His head nodding towards his hand that now rested atop the hill.
She sat down and started pulling on some grass in idol thought. It is very pleasant here, the breeze off the ocean cooling to the blood and the scent of the sea soothed the mind, she lifted her gaze toward the out stretched waters, crashing there intent on the rocks below, she could see the tops of the spray lifting into the air fizzing and falling etching its authorship in the rocks.

How long had this ocean pounded against such a fortress as this? it made her insignificant to think on it but it is these pondering that ease the mind in many ways, making us all remember how unimportant we actually are or rather our troubles. Our troubles with come and they will go and then we pass into the next life but the ocean and rocks will remain for the next generation to ponder on.

"Come on Ryker lets go home ... and I will buy you that ice cream", she stood up and began to make her way back to the speeder. "If you run to the speeder in record time, I will buy you a double scoop".
[member="Ryker Tal'verda"]
the end...
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

A soft smile had found his lips as he sat beside Master Coci and just took in the wonders around him. The cool morning breeze a soothing relief to his warm skin, Cooling him off after his training. It reminded him of his home on Mandalore and of his mother.

Seeing Master Coci stand and walk towards the speeder he quickly hopped to his feet and followed side by side with the Master, Her offer of a second scoop though appealing would not be attained on this day. "I'd rather just walk with you if you don't mind Master...My legs are a bit tired" His legs were not actually tired and he still had more than the energy it would take, but he simply felt like walking with her and enjoying a bit more of her company before their return to the Academy.

*The End*​

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