Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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GIF reactions to coming back

Kila Cadau

Mando Rally Master (With a metal kneecap)

Indeed I am. And here is basically how I reacted to each stage of returning to Chaos, because it needs to be shared.

Upon coming back -

Tears and all. You're welcome.

Upon seeing [member="Azrael"] was alive -

Followed immediately by -

I have issues, vod. I'm sorry.

Upon seeing [member="Ordo"] being referred to in the same paragraph as the Sith -

Not entirely sure who I was directing that at - Ordo or whoever wrote that paragraph. Probably both.

Upon seeing that I had missed signing up for the war games -

Upon seeing that [member="Preliat Mantis"] had gotten captured -
[member="Kila Cadau"] Hey Kiddo - welcome back.

Also - you have some serious GIF issues.

What is Kila's current status btw? Alive, Dead, Zombie, Sith Experiment gone wrong, #itwasalladream?

Kila Cadau

Mando Rally Master (With a metal kneecap)
[member="Azrael"] I have no regrets and speak nothing but the truth. Also, still trying to figure out Kila's status. She'll be coming back to the Mandos, no doubt about it, but in what state is still...under discussion. #itwasalladream is not an option...but I do think some Sithy magic will be lingering and causing problems.

[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"] We need to thread. We really. Need. To. Thread.

Gods, it's good to be back.
[member="Kila Cadau"]
I have a new alt on the rise that I'd like to use. I simply need to, well, you know, get the bio up.
Along with the month-long project I'm starting for her.
Yay for eight-hundred-twenty-seven years of a biography to write?
I'll, uh, go get to that.

Kila Cadau

Mando Rally Master (With a metal kneecap)
I will END you if you do not come back to life, Ordo be Ar'klim.

[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]
*goes to find Mando'a spreadsheet*

*knows things*
I shall indeed laugh.

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