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Gillian Katar


NAME: Gillian Katar
FACTION: NastassTech, Trade Conglomerate
RANK: Mercenary, Engineer
AGE: Twenty two
SEX: Female
WEIGHT: 198 lbs (She is much MUCH denser than she appears to be)
EYES: Gilly's eyes are never seen behind her visor that glows an iridescent blue light. However if the visor is removed her eyes are milky and white.
HAIR: Cut into a Mohawk her hair is the color of a bright robin's egg blue that matches the color of her visor’s light.
SKIN: Incredibly fair skinned -almost too pale. Like someone had kept her away from even artificial sunlight for far too long to the point she would almost appear to be a drowned victim.
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes. Though has little to no training that she has retained or remembered.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
  • Ocular Burn:Without her visor Gillian is completely and irrevocably blind.
  • Irrational:Gillian is quick to temper and can be incredibly stubborn. Often she lets her words and actions free without thought of rank, manners or possible retaliation.
  • Dense:Due to a more weighted Skeletal structure swimming is difficult to nearly impossible after long periods of time and usually avoided if possible at all.
  • Phoenix Effect: The technology managing her indoctrination cause Gillian to respond to any mention of her previous life with aggression. Sometimes her reactions can be irrational and unpredictable due to the changes. This is an ongoing matter they are trying to address and repair (Without her knowledge)
  • Tis but a Scratch!:Because of her Icarii body it is very nearly impossible to kill Gillian. One would need to completely destroy her brain.
  • Visual Instrument and Sensory Organ Replacement: Her visor sees in night vision, ultra violet and heat vision, it can also upload compound blueprints and any other vital information she may need.
  • Beta Phase: With the radical and experimental technology within Gillian's body, she is incredibly durable and can absorb far more shock than a completely organic body could. This unique metal also gives her body an electrical affiliation she can handle volts much higher than what would normally be acceptable without causing damage as it might with normal technology and a complete organic body. Instead the current is passed through her frame, routed away from any more delicate hardware and thrown into the ground through her feet or hands.

  • Tech Buff:She is extremely technologically literate.

APPEARANCE: (I will include more pictures of personal attire as I make them)
Gillian is almost frail by appearance, her body is thin and shapeless as though she might be somewhat malnourished. Her arms, legs, fingers neck all seem long. Her clothes are often high collared, though more often than not the sleeves will end at the quarter length. Though constants on her body are the large earrings she wears on her ears, the weighted hoops are part of the technology and are actually something akin to a small storage space where brain activity; and vital signs are recorded and logged accordingly to be wirelessly uploaded to a main computer. Her visor is attached to her face through magnetic diodes on her temple. The sleek metal holds completely firm to her face and would take a very sizable slam in order to pull them off. It completely obscures her eyes and eyebrows making the reading of normal emotions rather difficult. However the visor light -a single constant band across her visor will actually act accordingly with her facial expressions, making at least basic emotions more readable. If one would be able to knock the visor from her thin face they would see very wide, very blind eyes. Her retinas appear almost burned, making them sightless and a milky white. Gillian’s irises and pupils almost nonexistent and torn, making the eyes unsightly and perfectly useless without her visor. This is by far the most damaging scar from the operations given to her. That and a sizable scar stretching along the back of her neck where the operations tapped into the neural pathways there.

Gillian does hold another thing as a constant, a gemstone seeming engraved on the flat of her tongue. The square cut stone known as the Aqua Aura Quartz stone is the only aesthetic part of her attire that does not seem to serve any kind of rational function (to her knowledge). The blue stone is roughly the size of a dime. She also has a holster against her thigh where she keeps a standard issue pistol, a large knife pocketed in her boot and a small ring against the small of her back where she holds her primary weapon fabricated for her own use. The staff is a multi functional weapon usually separated into two batons when held in storage. These batons were crafted for someone with her skeletal structure, or a droid. The Batons can connect to create a long Bo staff. The weapon doesn’t have a blade, but vibrates at such an intense frequency that a strike to the head would disrupt the neural pathways and knock you flat. A strike hitting you with the intense vibration increasing the damage and often disrupting the body’s blood flow and stunning the muscles causing an intense tingling sensation and heat at the place of impact.

There was a time when Gillian Katar was a completely different person, a different face, a different life with different morals. She was a Jedi apprentice known as Nora Aquilla, a spitfire of a young girl with potential, but curious in her breed alone. The Icarii are a much endangered species who, until a few hundred years ago thought to have been extinct due to past wars and genocide where her kind were hunted and slaughtered by Sith and the Empire. The remnants of the Icarii remained hidden in plain sight for many years due to their completely human appearance. Some of Nora’s ancestors found their way to Coruscant where they remained under careful protection to the handful they have now. Due to the tense political war that triggered the genocide hundreds of years before Nora was used to being monitored, but she wanted to make a difference, she wanted to be the good that helped change the galaxy for the better and if she could gain the trust to become a Jedi she would have the ability to safe guard all species, so the balance could be maintained and there would be no fear of extinction for all. She was still rather young when the Sith invaded Coruscant and tore down many Jedi. Nora was presumed to be amongst the dead....and in many ways that fact remains true.

The Nora they would have known, died on Coruscant in the battles and fray.

What remained was a mirage of horrors, a severe and violent series of invasive and experimental operations, with her mental and physical limits being pushed not just to change her body, but to change her psyche. This was simply more than bringing someone over to the dark side, more than luring someone into the shadows with the promise of power and success. This was dragging someone, viciously over into the inky blackness against their will and in the process forcing them to believe it had been their own choice all along. She was not the only one to have this type of experiment done to her, but one of many captives taken from the overthrown Coruscant capital and many across the galaxy No Gillian was in fact one of many test subjects of any breed and size. If the technology was a success they would no longer have to lure someone with dark promises....they could just make them believe in whatever the One Sith wanted, whatever was there’s to believe would be the victim’s “original thoughts”. They would become true puppets on a string on a mass produced scale, perfectly trustworthy soldiers, or pawns willing to die in droves for a cause they think they believe in, all without mental scars or the messy chance of a subject grasping their old morals or the possibility they could be saved. They made new people, new lives, new souls that inhabited the body of their choosing.

Because of her Icarii breed, the husk that was once Nora was the only survivor of the grueling tests that broke the young girl’s mind and body. Now gutted of her morals, her pride, most memories and almost all of her knowledge of Jedi training, she was a husk of a person, an empty shell gradually filled and implanted by the persona that is Gillian Katar. She is the sole survivor of the experimental technology that resides within her entire body. The complete indoctrination brought Gillian to believe that it the operations were a necessity, something that had to happen to further her own ideals. She hates the person who was Nora, the person who inhabited the body before her because it isn't who she is anymore, that person is dead, that person is gone and she doesn’t miss her – She was a weak soul. In her mind the person who was Nora was a fragile, fool hearty girl with petty peaceful ideals that would have gotten her nowhere in the end. Now Gillian sees how it should be, how to properly evoke the changes she wanted. Above all else it is in her mind it was the completely voluntary operations that allowed her to reach this mind set, many of the operations, any and all of her memories as Nora were completely obliterated, leaving her only with a few memories that made the indoctrination seem far kinder. It was because of the technician’s, her overseers and higher ups for seeing her potential enough to give her this possibility and save her from herself on Coruscant. They saved her from being useless, they made her into the person she was today. In her mind now anyone who thought differently, thought that they could ensure peace with love and balance was just kidding themselves. The difference between right and wrong, the haves and the have nots will always be in place if they continue on that mentality. There will never be balance with the world they are stuck with today, and playing nice and asking politely doesn't cut it. Currently now Gillian works for Nastasstech as a hired gun, technician and bounty hunter to the higher ups. She is constantly monitored for seeing how well her indoctrination holds, how the technology functions in these morally stressing situations. Gillian’s technology has entered its Beta phase, where the true limits of the technology will surely be pushed.





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