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Ginnie's Forge

The Ring of Deimos-Chaabar
(The Ring of Fear, to be afraid)


  • Name: The Ring of Deimos-Chaabar
  • Manufacturer: @Ginnie Dib
  • Affiliation: Aedan Miles
  • Modularity: No

  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Corusca Gem; Nihil Smokestone;
  • Classification: Artifact
  • Size: Small
  • Weight: Very Light
  • A beautifully crafted, but unassuming piece of jewellery, adorned with corusca gem, and nihil smokestone.
  • Increases & Maintains the Force Bond between Aedan Miles & Captain Livia Maddox, through its' compatriot ring, The Ring of Kar'ta Jorbe.
  • Projects Aedan's intentionally chosen emotional state.
  • Empathic Projection: The Ring of Deimos-Chaabar is a mentalist projection device, expanding the intentional emotional state Aedan Miles wishes to put forward, to a 100 ft radius.
  • Aura of Fear: While wearing the Ring without actively engaging its' powers, Aedan exudes a terrible aura of fear, which can shake the knees of even the most grizzled of warriors.
  • Battlefield Meditation: The Ring aides Aedan's talents in Battle Meditation, and other like-mentalist skills, to expand his abilities with less energy expenditure.


  • The Force: In the presence of Ysalamiri, Void Stone, or Force Null fields, the Ring of Deimos-Chaabar is nothing more than a handsome piece of jewellery.
  • Brittle: While Nihil Smokestone is hearty, the ring is susceptible to harm. Anything from a lightsaber to enough force can crack the ring, thus rendering it useless, until it can be completely repaired.
  • Madness: The Ring is a symbiotic device, which forces Aedan to delve deep into negative emotions to have an adverse effect on those around him. If actively used for too long a time, the Ring can push Aedan toward the edge of madness, and if he does not pull back, will kick him over the edge.
  • Mentalists: A Force User of equal power to Aedan, or one with a particular talent for Mentalism will be able to counter and protect themselves from the negative effects of the ring.

Pirate King & Mandalorian Warden Aedan Miles came across a new officer, in his bid to increase the Mandalorian Naval forces under his command. With time, Captain Fury Maddox caught Aedan's eye, for her severe countenance in command, for her ability to withstand the tortures of her former Sith imprisonment, and for the conversations they shared. Love bloomed, promises whispered in the contentment of the galaxy's eternal night. He would send scouts to recover her inherited ship, the Sumatiyara, the treasure-trove of Livia's longtime best friend, the deceased Lord of the Fringe, Anders Sivas. Upon the Sumatiyara were materials from Anders' father, a Sorcerer of Rhand, and from Anders' own collection of force-imbued Corusca gems.

The duo of Aedan and Livia belonged together, and in order for Aedan to fulfill his duties to both Mandalore and his fleets, Livia commissioned Ginnie Dib to forge a set of rings. It was a fitting tribute to her lost friend. A familiar idea to expand on Aedan's mentalist abilities, and give him the ability to project emotional states upon the people around him.

If Aedan wished to extoll his troops, the Ring of Deimos-Chaabar would help, by decreasing the energy taken by expanding his field of influence, and by intensifying the desired emotions present. Yet, the true power of the ring was in aiding the aura of fear and terror in all who opposed the Pirate King.

Unprotected, non force using individuals are the most susceptible to the negative effects of the Ring, much the same as a Jedi Mind Trick is easiest accomplished on the weak minded.

The second ring crafted for Livia, is a companion to the Ring of Deimos-Chaabar.
The Ring of Kar'ta-Jorbe
(The Ring of Heart-Reason)


  • Name: The Ring of Kar'ta-Jorbe
  • Manufacturer: @Ginnie Dib
  • Affiliation: Livia Maddox (Bio)
  • Modularity: No

  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Corusca Gem; Nihil Smokestone;
  • Classification: Artifact
  • Size: Very Small
  • Weight: Very Light
  • A beautifully crafted, but unassuming piece of jewellery, adorned with corusca gem, and nihil smokestone.
  • The innate ability to discern where the Ring of Deimos-Chaabar is at all times.
  • Increases & Maintains the Force Bond between Aedan Miles & Captain Livia Maddox, through its' compatriot ring, The Ring of Deimos-Chaabar.
  • Projects a state of calm and passive accelerated healing.
  • Shared Burden: As long as [member="Aedan Miles"] is wearing his companion-ring, Livia can 'share the burden' of his mental state, to help pull him from his madness and share his mental stress.
  • Aura of Calm: While wearing the Ring, Livia exudes an ever-present aura of calm, to temper those around her within a 50 ft radius... or just herself and Aedan depending on Livia's mental control.
  • Healing Charge: With proper concentration, Livia can drastically accelerate the natural healing of her, or someone else's body.
  • Battlefield Meditation: If in proximity to The Ring of Deimos-Chaabar, it aides Aedan Miles' active talents in Battle Meditation.


  • The Force: In the presence of Ysalamiri, Void Stone, or Force Null fields, the Ring of Deimos-Chaabar is nothing more than a handsome piece of jewellery.
  • Brittle: While Nihil Smokestone is hearty, the ring is susceptible to harm. Anything from a lightsaber to enough force can crack the ring, thus rendering it useless, until it can be completely repaired.
  • Mentalists: A Force User of equal power to Aedan, or one with a particular talent for Mentalism will be able to counter and protect themselves from the negative effects of the ring.
  • Share the Madness: While easing Aedan's negative mental state, Livia can be susceptible to the same madness & horrors in his Dark soul. If Livia bears too much of Aedan's mental burdens, or does so for too long, she can damage her own resilience.


Pirate King & Mandalorian Warden Aedan Miles came across a new officer, in his bid to increase the Mandalorian Naval forces under his command. With time, Captain Fury Maddox caught Aedan's eye for more than her talents in the Navy. For her severe countenance in command, her ability to withstand the tortures of her former Sith imprisonment, and the conversations they shared. Love bloomed, promises whispered in the contentment of the galaxy's eternal night. Aedan recovered her inherited ship, the Sumatiyara, the treasure-trove of Livia's longtime best friend, the deceased Lord of the Fringe, Anders Sivas. Upon the Sumatiyara were materials from Anders' father, a Sorcerer of Rhand, and from Anders' own collection of force-imbued Corusca gems.

The Pirate King was not a man of calm countenance, but a ferocious and tortured soul, given to the mounting madness of the Dark Side of the Force. This wouldn't do. He was needed to Command, and provide direction for Clan Akaata and the pirate fleets. Thus, with the holovids of Anders Sivas and her own research to guide her, Livia took a trip to Sabarene to petition her former Admiral [member="Manu Xextos"] for advice.

He gave to her a spirit of calm. A touch of healing, for the former Sabareni Captain & recovered Glitterstim addict. Livia returned to Mandalorian space with an idea of the task at hand: and a name. @Ginnie Dib. The young Mando'ad was a talented Goran, and Alchemist. Together, the Captain and the Goran developed the dual rings.

The Ring of Kar'ta-Jorbe is a healing & calming device to those under its' influence. It was a fitting tribute to her lost friend and the new course of her life. She would heal herself, and those around her, while Captaining her ship with an aura of calm.

With training, Livia can control the radius of the ring within its' limits, and access the healing qualities of the Ring. She can also sense her partner's emotional state, and 'shoulder the burden' of his dwindling mental state, to increase his defence against the Dark which lingers in his soul. The ring is a conduit for Livia's fortitude, giving her the ability to 'glean' the stress from Aedan, and give him a modicum of relief, by taking it upon herself.

The Ring of Kar'te-Jorbe, is a companion to the Ring of Deimos-Chaabar.
(Run Through with Fear)


  • Manufacturer: @Ginnie Dib
  • Affiliation: Aedan Miles
  • Model: Not-Applicable
  • Modularity: No

  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Ori'ramikad Wood, Songsteel, Cortosis-Weave
  • Classification: Scythe-Sword
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Light
  • Deimos-Chaabar: Combines with the Ring of Deimos-Chaabar to power the Scythe's fear-based Hurlothrombic Gas.
  • Ringing In: Identity verifying sensors built into the snath of the Scythe make use of the Scythe possible only for the wearer of the Ring of Deimos-Chabaar. Repulsors within the Scythe will actively work to counter any unauthorized use.
  • Deimos: Each time the scythe cuts an opponent, it increases illogical fear and terror. This is done through capsules of burst-release Hurlothrombic Gas built into the tang of the scythe.
  • Lightsaber Resistant: The Blade includes a Cortosis Weave to 'short out' lightsabers & energy based weapons.
  • Icy Touch: The vibroblade is Echani-designed, with the unique properties of Echani Vibroblade super cooling, making strikes by the Scythe icy to the touch.
  • Repulsor Rearm: Built into the snath & heel of the Scythe, repulsor coils triggered to the Ring of Deimos Chabaar recall the weapon to Aedan Miles on command as long as the ring is on his person.
  • Shaft: Ori'ramikad Wood is as strong as wood could get, but it's still wood and liable to break given the right strike or pressure.
  • Hurlothrombic Gas: In an enclosed space, there is no controlling who does or does not breathe in the fear-inducing gas. It targets everyone within its' range, regardless of friend or foe.
  • Capsules: The Hurlothrombic gas capsules contain enough pressurized gas for twelve to fifteen strikes. Once the capsule is used, Aedan must remove and insert a new cartridge, taking up time on the battlefield.
  • No Ring? No Scythe: If Aedan is not physically wearing the Ring of Deimos-Chabaar, he cannot utilize the Scythe.
The Pirate King Aedan Miles needed a weapon as prestigious as his new title of Warmaster of Mandalore. The Mand'alor's personal Goran (beskarsmith) Ginnie rose to the challenge. Her talents in Mandalorian weaponry and Sith Alchemy meant a true synthesis of the two... yet the Mandalorian fashion was to create technological weapons which worked regardless of the Force. How could a true synthesis be created?

Ginnie Dib began her Sith Alchemical training as a thirteen year old girl, crafting her own Alchemical & Beskar Forge on Ziost. When both Alkor and the enigmatic [member="Livia Maddox"] came with the conundrum of Aedan Miles' proper gear, Ginnie cracked her knuckles and got working. This was going to be a weapon to last generations, if treated right. It would be a masterpiece of Mandalorian practicality. Her dar'vod might have put time into Phobos Devices, but Ginnie knew she could find technological ways of increasing such effects without the legendary mechanisms.

The Scythe would combine with the power of the Ring of Deimos-Chaabar, to create a compounding state of fear in all opponents, who met with its' blade. This combination is not alchemical in nature, but chemical. Ginnie crafted Hurlothrombic Gas capsules to trigger, when the blade meets enough force. The bursts of chemical gas are a technological accent to Aedan Miles' force powers.

Ultimately, the Scythe is a vibrobladed weapon made of fine materials and finished with replaceable gas capsules. Several of the fragile capsules can be kept on Aedan's person, for reloading the gas in extended battles.
RWPS01: Rhaegy-Waegy Protection System 01
  • Manufacturer: Ginnie Dib & MandalArms
  • Affiliation: [member="Rhaegar Dib II"]
  • Model: RWPS-01
  • Modularity: Yes
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Armorweave, Nanites, Laminanium, Silicar, Holoemitter Components, Cortosis Weave
  • Classification: Anti-Blaster Defensive Armor
  • Weight: Average
  • Resistances
- Blasters (And other plasma type weapons): High
- Kinetic: Average
- Lightsabers: High
- Other: Slug throwers and melee blades: Low

  • Heads Up Display
  • MandalArmsQKC (With 'Mama's Got You' Instant Parental Communication Mode) Used with permission from [member="Kaine Australis"]

[*]Built-In Life Support
[*]Keep Rhaegar Safe Proximity Alerts (Sensors, which when triggered in 'Mama's Got You' Mode automatically fire the jetpack to bring little Rhae-Rhae to the nearest 'friendly' presence, as annotated by the comm signals in his Comm-Pack
[*]Repulsor Pack
[*]Holoemitters: Several 'run and hide' modes can be accessed by Rhaegar, including 'shaped like rock', 'common bulkhead' and 'rubbish bin' disguises. While Infra-red or life scanners would not be fooled, the visual searcher can be.
[*]Cortosis Weave: The Laminanium armour is inlaid with a Cortosis weave, shorting out lightsabers which attempt to cut Ginnie's precious muffin in half.
The RWPS-01 was developed by a frustrated single mother, whose little boy thought he could be a warrior before age thirteen. Having lost [member="Rhaegar Dib II"]'s father at Eshan, while nursing newborns, Ginnie never had the chance to finish her husband's nearly completed armour. The beskar sat fallow, dust settling on the project.

That is, until the first time Rhae Jr. ran away. Sure, it was a training camp for Mandalorians, but the act sent virile and ever present terror through his Goran (Beskarsmith) mother. She wasn't about to lose Rhae Jr. the way she lost Rhae. Being the Mand'alor's personal Beskarsmith had its' advantages, and Ginnie threw her half-completed projects off the table to work tirelessly on the RWPS-01, aptly named the Rhaegy-Waegy Protective System for the sole purpose of reminding the little squirt that he was a child and ought to be home tugging his twin sister's pigtails, not trying to figure out what end of a gun to hold.

While Rhaegar is a child, there are no offensive weapons on the RWPS-01. A purely defensive tool meant to seek him out in the case he ran away from home again, the armour can biometrically track and latch onto the boy, swathing him in layers of protections, and instantly chiming the nearest 'friendly' Clans of Mandalore HUD on the 'Safe List'.

Nanites work in tandem with the Laminanium alloy, which can form and reform, melt and harden on command programmed to protect the charge inside, and to form over Rhae's body, when he was silly enough to escape his babysitters and try to 'be a man like Daddy'. Armed with recordings of his mother's voice, and a high priority private comm link between the protective system and Ginnie, she can keep tabs on his location and scold him something fierce, or help him through when he does manage to seek out an ill attempted battlefield.

  • Blaster Resistant
  • Vacuum Proof
  • Medical Interventionalist: Auto-injecting Bacta Packs in both thighs & arms.
  • Nanotechnology: The Nanites which make up the solid-state armour are biometrically triggered to only work on [member="Rhaegar Dib II"], and seek him out in any situation where his vitals peak above 'median lines'.
  • Vulnerable to Slugthrowers
  • Vulnerable to blades in joints of armor
  • Small armour for a small little man.
  • No Offensive Weaponry.
  • Location Ping can be hacked by an adequate slicer to locate the child.
Armour of Gakkirr Arvimdeam
(Ascension to Goddess Armour)
Helm (with visor up)
Under Armour

  • Classification: Anti-Blaster Armor
  • Weight: Average
  • Resistances
- Blasters (And other plasma type weapons): High
- Kinetic: Average
- Lightsabers: Average
- Other: Slug throwers and melee blades: Low
- Sonic: High

  • Heads Up Display w/Scanning Tech & Targeting Computer
  • MandalArms QKC
  • MandalArms Gravitic Vambraces
  • Life Support + Rebreather
  • Hermetically Sealed Environment Filters
  • Reflec Coating
  • In-built Songsteel Blade weapon at right wrist.


  • Blaster Resistant
  • Vacuum Proof
  • Reflec Coating: From a distance, Adara's armour can be harder to detect.
  • Harmonic Resonance: Rare Etaan Crystals were grafted on the underside of the chest plate, to enhance Adara's natural ability in Force
  • Qixoni Crystal: While inside the armour, Adara's natural affinity to the Force is augmented by Qixoni crystals inset into the back-plate.
  • Vulnerable in gaps in the armour
  • Vulnerable to blades in joints of armor
  • Force Void Zones: Any force-based effect is useless in the presence of Ysalamiri, Voidstones, or artificial means of suppressing the Force.
The Armour forged to prepare Adara Raxis for her future Verd'goten is a singular masterpiece of the Goran’s (beskarsmith) work. In a synthesis of Force Imbuement, Sith Alchemy and Beskarsmithing, Ginnie Dib and Adara’s father Kaine Australis crafted armour light enough for Adara’s physical limitations, but defensive enough to not only protect her in battle, but aid in empowerment. Due to her unique birth and childhood, Adara has few physical attributes to aide her survival in battle. She is, above all, not a close quarters fighter. Thus, the more useful tools were those which enhanced Adara’s powers in the Force, giving her an advantage to outweigh her limitations.

The addition of the crystals both enhance her Force Powers, and especially the master-power of the Infernal’s firstborn: Force Bellow. Etaan Crystal’s harmonic vibrations aide in the increase of resonance. Their unique timbre also helps dim the negative effects of sonic weaponry. Qixoni Crystals enhance one's power in the Force, so long as Adara is not under the influence of a force null bubble.

In order to create more defensive measures, Adara's armour is coated with reflec, thus making her harder to see from distances, but ineffective from close-range.

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