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Approved NPC Ginny Laurs

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Taramaz Arcturus


  • Intent: I am creating this submission to create a significant other for [member=Taramaz Laurs], aswell as a battle partner.
  • ​Image Credit:
  • Role: The constant lover, and semi-secret, but obvious wife to [member=Taramaz Laurs], aswell as his partner in most fights.
  • Links: [member=Taramaz Laurs] [Lover]
    [SIZE=10pt]Exodus Crash[/SIZE] [One of Taramaz' Dauntless Commandos]
  • Theme:
  • Age: 31
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species:
  • Appearance: Long, soft, red hair, like a fire. 5'4/1.64m, and lean. Pale blue eyes with freckles, soft, white skin and rosy lips. She typically wears some lighter armour in combat, otherwise, she prefers tank tops, jeans, skirts, booty shorts, joggers, or a loose t-shirt. No dresses. Never dresses.
  • Name: Ginny Laurs (Pronounced Gin-E La-or-s)
  • Aliases: Ginny Korr, Gunnery Sergeant Korr, Sargy (Pronounced Sarge-E), Ma'am
  • Nicknames, from Taramaz: Cutie, lovefire, lovie, wifey, princess
  • Loyalties:
    [SIZE=10pt]117th Dauntless Legion[/SIZE],
    [SIZE=10pt]Dauntless Commandos[/SIZE], [member=Taramaz Laurs]
  • Wealth: She's not too wealthy, living off the pay from the Confederate Dauntless Legion. While it keeps her alive, it's not anything for her to flaunt.
  • Notable Possessions: N/A
  • Skills: She's a Dauntless Commando, an elite trooper. Giving her more than sufficient aim, and courage. As well as weapons training. She's a self-taught dancer, though not a very good one.
  • Personality: Shy, and embarrased, especially when Taramaz publicly shows his love for her. She acts inferior to a lot of people, but when she's in uniform, she's hell to anyone in her path, except her sweet husband. She's not much of a romantic, but falls into Taramaz' traps rather easily. She feels completely safe around him, otherwise she's calm when he's a fair ways away. Where he can't embarrass her.

She typically hangs around aboard the Dauntless ship, or with Taramaz', whether it be in his house, or in his Scimitar, or his TC-500. She's not much of an alcoholic, only able to hold one or two glasses before she starts feeling a bit queasy. She's bubbly when she's alone with Taramaz, she can also be quite playful with him. She likes to jump on him, and ride on his back. She's not much of a cook, or anything for that matter. So she spends most of her time lounging around waiting for Taramaz to show up and do something.

  • Weapon of Choice:
    [SIZE=10pt]Alterra MK. 1 Fusion Rifle[/SIZE]
  • Combat Function: She's a Commando, more trained for side line assault, or flanking. Special Operations, though she can hold her own in front line combat. She is more than able to keep up with Taramaz, though she knows better than to stay too close, in case she gets in the way of one of his sabers, or force powers. She can be quite helpful in combat, and normally, not a liability. She excels at using a rifle, and aiming. Not much of a tactical mind though, she prefers to be told what to do.

  • Commando - She is trained as a Dauntless Commando, meant to be naturally fearless. She is extremely skilled in combat.
  • Rage - If somebody actually hurts her beautiful Taramaz, she'll do anything to do the same, and more to the poor victim who tried to hurt Taramaz. She doesn't feel too much pain when she's angry, and just keeps going, her physical strength is increased a bit aswell. Though not significantly.
  • Rage - When she's enraged, there's not alot that can calm her, save for the comfort of Taramaz.
  • Shy - When in public, around Taramaz. She's terribly shy, and often stutters, and stumbles over words.

Born on Corellia, as Gennifer Korr, she had a moderately uneventful life. Her family always had money to spare, as such, she always had nice clothes, jewellery, pets, nice food. She went to a private school, but dropped out at grade seven in favour of a more eventful life. For, you see, the life of wealth bored her, as such, she ran away from home, and lived on the streets, and in homeless shelters until she became the legal age to join the military. She searched around for a while, trying to find a cause worth fighting for, then. She found it, the 117th Legion was accepting applicants for it's unique Dauntless Commando program. So, she joined. The program funded transport, food, drink, and other necessities, just as if they were a Commando already.

She trained for the standard time, and passed with flying colours. She went on living on the Dauntless' ship for the rest of her career, on a low salary, eating the provided food and drink. Serving in battles with the other Dauntless, and training. Up until word came through that she was being assigned and dispatched along with forty-nine other Commandos she didn't know, nor cared to know, to serve under the command of Knights Obsidian Executor [member=Taramaz Laurs]. She found out through a few contacts that she was being sent to an almost certain death on the planet of Eshan, and fighting against the Mandalorian Empire.

She had heard of the Mandalorian super commandos in combat. More specifically, read stories about them back in the old days of the Old Republic and Sith Empire Era, during the Cold War. Where they were brutal and ruthless hunters with shining armour that could survive lightsabers and blaster bolts. She was, admittedly, scared for her life, but found solace in the calm and reassuring voice of their Sith Commander. Taramaz Laurs ensured they had all secured themselves safely in the drop pod they were using to get down to the surface. And something about him charmed her. Perhaps it was his size, the intimidating presence he imposed upon those around him. Or was it the burning waves of, what she later found out to be, Dark Side Power. Or was it his looks? She couldn't tell, nor care.

She followed the man, marching towards the city. They'd fought through waves of SLaM droids, and she was certain they'd been killed atleast three times. What really amazed her was when he saved them from the crash of the Star Destroyer, and pulled the rubble off of them. All fifty of the commandos that she had been sent with had survived. And then, in the aftermath, when they got a chance to breath, she pushed away her nervousness, and showed herself to be Dauntless. She approached him just as he was about to board his ship, which had been docked with the Dauntless mothership, and asked him out. He did her one better, and offered her a trip to the beautiful world of Naos-III. Where he showed her the ice lakes, and held her close as the snow fell softly.

It was there that he asked her to marry him. It caught her very much off guard, but she said yes. She didn't even think, it was just a natural response, one she didn't regret. It was kept a secret from her Commanders, and most of everybody in the galaxy. They married secretly, and didn't have a ceremony, just signed a few papers at an office saying they were legally married.
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