Directorate Officer
Intent: To provide the Galactic Alliance with a large battlecruiser design
Image Source: here
Canon Link: N/A
Restricted Missions: N/A
Primary Source: N/A
Manufacturer: Galactic Alliance
Model: Breakthrough-class Battlecruiser
Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
Production: Limited
Material: Alusteel armor plating, Tekonite, Ferrocarbon Frame, starship components
Classification: Heavy Battlecruiser
Length: 4500 meters
Width: 800 meters
Height: 650 meters
Armament: Very High
6 Onager-class Plasma Railguns- 100 Angon-class Hypervelocity Cannons
- 6 Trident-class Autocannons
- 45 Firestorm-class Plasma Turbolaser Batteries
- 80 Ion Cannon Batteries
- 60 Rhongomyniad-class Mass Driver Cannon Batteries
- 8 Aura-class Tractor/Pressor Beam Projectors
- 40 Forward Harpoon-class General Purpose Warhead Launchers
- 80 Turreted Light Energy Torpedo Launchers
- 12 Erebus-class Jamming Arrays
- 25 Rainburst-class Flak Cannon Batteries
- 30 Plumbata-class Defense Batteries
- 25 Sentinel-class Point Defense Emplacement Batteries
Defenses: High
Hangar: Very Low: 8 squadrons
Maneuverability Rating: Average
Speed Rating: Low
Hyperdrive Class: Average: 2
- Encryption Network
- Escape Pods
- Internal Security Systems (Embedded Mantraps, Automated Laser Traps, Internal Force Field Generators)
- Oracle-class Communications Package
- Standard Detention Cells
- Standard Life Support Systems
- Standard Navigational Systems
- Standard Sensor Array
- Tractor Beam Projectors (x40)
- Aegis-class Anti-Concussion Field Generator
- Angon-class Hypervelocity Cannons
- Aspis-class Shield Systems
- Aura-class Tractor/Pressor Beam Projectors
- Erebus-class Jamming Arrays
- Firestorm-class Plasma Turbolasers
- Gulfstream-class Maneuvering System
- Harpoon-class General Purpose Warhead Launchers
- Hyperwave Inertial Momentum Sustainer
- Onager-class Plasma Railguns
- Plumbata-class Defense Batteries
- Rainburst-class Flak Cannons
- Retribution Feedback Shield
- Rhongomyniad-class Mass Driver Cannons
- Sentinel-class Point Defense Emplacements
- Trident-class Autocannons
Heavy Long-Range Hitter: The Breakthrough is designed to smash enemies from long-range with a variety of long-range ordinance launchers ranging from massive Onager-class Plasma Railguns and hypervelocity cannons to smaller energy torpedo launchers and mass driver cannons.
Durable: The Breakthrough sports a thick Alusteel armor plating and high-grade Aspis-class Shielding along with a supplemental Aegis-class Anti-concussion Field Generator, making it exceptionally durable on the battlefield.
Slow: The Breakthrough is a slow ship, even for its ponderous size.
Few Starfighters: The Breakthrough does not carry many starfighters, and the few it normally carries are defensive interceptors. It relies heavily on other escorting ships to provide offensive strikecraft for the fleet.
Technical Descriptions
Command and Control: Breakthroughs are among the largest Galactic Alliance vessels available, and thus are often chartered specifically to act as flagships for high-ranking Alliance officers. To that end, Breakthroughs have entire internal complexes dedicated simply to housing large command staffs for GADF, GASC, GAAF, GADF, SpaceOps, GAG, and the GASF. There is also a reserve guest housing complex inside for Irregulars, travelling Jedi, diplomats, and other guests who may also be involved in operations involving those units. Whatever their origins or mission, Breakthroughs have a quartet of dedicated command suites that house massive, oversized holo-projectors to help display battles in realtime for coordination and planning purposes, as well as extensive com-scans, computers, and simulation software
Communications: The Breakthrough makes extensive use of multiple Oracle-class Communications Packages that allow the ship to handle thousands of incoming and outgoing transmissions as a command and control vessel. Aside from the Oracle packages, Breakthroughs also host multiple encrypted HoloNet transceivers, allowing commanders and VIPs to remain connected with their superiors and subordinates even as they travel across the stars.
Hull: The Breakthrough borrows heavily from massive superfreighter design, using thick but prefabricated ferrocarbon framing to form a massive skeleton through which factory-assembled rooms and bulkheads are welded to. This internal structure is then covered in thick, alternating layers of alusteel and tekonite. Alusteel was chosen for its relatively good and cost effective general purpose defensive value, especially combined with shields, while Tekonite was used to absorb and dissipate high velocity projectiles, such as those from hypervelocity cannons.
Hyperdrive: The Breakthrough has a pretty typical hyperdrive system for a ship its size, capable of propelling the vessel up to x2 speed. The prevalence of interdictor technology being employed by the First Order has inspired the Breakthrough's designers to incorporate multiple hyperspace coils in the ship's HIMS design, allowing it to better penetrate extensive interdiction efforts.
Security: Based on experience from Lucerne Labs subcontractors working on the design, the Breakthrough makes extensive use of code cylinders to control sensitive access to the ship and its systems. Tripping or attempting to force one's way into the system can not only trigger silent alarms that inform the ship's security team, but also trigger any number of automated traps. Forced access to most restricted rooms triggers man traps concealed underneath the deck's plate in an attempt to immobilize the intruder. Key rooms, corridors, and junction points are further guarded by Class VI automated laser projectors and force-field generators. In terms of electronic protection, the ship utilizes a basis encryption, relying more on the isolation of networks to protect it from dedicated slicing attacks.
Shields: Breakthroughs are equipped with two, separate but overlapping deflector shield array networks. Approximately 60% of the ship's shield power is dedicated to an Aspis Shield System network. This adaptable shielding can be adapted and layered to meet most of the Breakthrough's needs. The other 40% of the allocated power for the Breakthrough is run through a Retribution Feedback Shield, whose energy feedback function is most often used to hit targets that otherwise too small to effectively target with the vessel's larger guns.
Sublight Drives: Breakthroughs are propelled through space by relatively underpowered ion engines derived from those originally used on the FSCV. While sluggish, they are also exceptionally fuel efficient for a ship of the Breakthrough's size. Logistics was considered more important than pure combat efficiency, especially that the ship was expected to engage opponents from long-range. Because so much of the ship's firepower is actually dependent on its spinal mounted weaponry, the Breakthrough actually has enough maneuvering thrusters to typically give average performance for a ship its size, though the Gulfstream maneuvering system can temporarily boost its maneuverability up even more at the cost of making the ship almost stationary.
Weapons: If Breakthroughs are known for anything, it's their exceptionally high firepower. Its primary weapons consist of six, spinal mounted Onager-class Plasma Railguns placed in the center of its hull. These behemoth weapons are typically used to pound its counterparts from long-range with exceptional precision. But because these weapons are limited by the ship's sometimes lacking maneuverability, they are backed a hundred, turreted Angon-class Hypervelocity cannons which are more suited for hitting relatively targets relatively smaller and more maneuverable than those of the Onagers. These long-range guns are then backed by long-range missiles, notably light energy torpedo launchers. Several dozen forward facing Harpoon General Purpose Warhead Launchers provide the ship with some versatility in mission specific ordinance. The Breakthrough also supports smaller numbers of other anti-capital ship weaponry, which allows to engage ships from typical broadside maneuvering patterns. Lastly, the ship sports evenly dispersed groups of sensor jamming arrays, flak cannons, light defensive projectile launchers, and automated autoblasters to protect it from small threats like enemy strikecraft and boarders.
Carrying Capacity The Breakthrough is designed primarily as a long-range combatant, and little emphasis was placed on making it a carrier vessel. It does have four fighter hangars however, with two on either side of the ship located just before the massive engine pods. This position provides them with excellent protection from the typical head-first slugging matches the Breakthrough is designed to win. The Breakthrough also has many small hangars spread throughout the vessel capable of holding a shuttle or two. These support craft are mostly used to facilitate day to day logistical needs of the vessel, but also can be used to move troops around as needed. In terms of troops, the Breakthrough carries the equivalent of an old Imperial battlegroup into battle. While this is relatively small for a ship the Breakthrough's size, it is more than capable of defending the Breakthrough from boarding attempts in conjunction with the ship's security features.