Wilhelmine Dahma

Location: Spaceport, Cloud City
As the early evening sky turned a bright shade of tangerine, purple-grey clouds wisping up to curl around Cloud City, occasionally obscuring her view, Tamm'orr'nuruodo walked from one of the many casinos to Cloud IX Landing, the main spaceport which was situated in one of the lower levels. She’d never gambled before, found it wasteful actually, but after a couple hands of sabacc, the Chiss military commander was hooked. Of course, she’d lost every hand, but she envisioned herself coming back to that very table to try next time with more skill and less luck.
Morro’s life up until the last three years had been quite unsophisticated for galaxy standards. She had, not necessarily a rural upbringing, but akin to a military brat’s beginnings, bouncing around from region to region on Csilla with very little interaction outside of her species.
But one thing she did know is that humans - and the First Order Navy was primarily made up of humans as far as she could see - barrelled through the pronunciation of most Chiss names in the most ineloquent fashion, as though chewing up the word and spitting it out.
Therefore she was known as Morro or preferably Commander Morro.
Recruited by the First Order after saving half of their crew from a small and unexpected skirmish in space with the Galactic Alliance, she had an appointment with Admiral Rausberger, a prominent figure of Central Command. The Chiss female wore her own Expeditionary Fleet uniform as she hadn’t technically gone through the enlistment process which included all sorts of medical and aptitude tests and as ordinary as the uniform was, Morro stood out among the sea of humans and droids with her royal blue skin and luminous scarlet eyes.
When she could not immediately locate the Admiral, she began to inspect the vessels in the port, examining, scrutinizing and admiring based on her own tastes. The distinct woodsy odor of a dilnlexan cigar was her first hint that the man to whom she’d been referred was close by.
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