Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Give me stories

My muse for Cyril has skyrocketed recently. If anyone would like to thread with me, be it a story, training, duel, bar thread, etc, I'm open to anything. Faction does not matter. Just hit me with your ideas folks.


[member="Cyril Grayson"] id do some stuff with ya on this guy...could use the practice. I would say training thread but then ur a jedi master im sitting here a sith knight lol....
[member="Ulgra"] - Great! Whatever you're feeling, character, story, etc...I'll probably be up for it.

[member="Darth Rapax"] - The best training is experience. We could have a duel -- non-lethal of course. Give your character a bit of experience dealing with Jedi opponents.
[member="Cyril Grayson"]

Aside from a Sith and a Bounty Hunter you could possibly run into, I'm working on a new Jedi who could use a master; if you're interested of course.
[member="Darth Rapax"] - Alright, I'll shore something up here in a moment.

[member="Veino Garn"] - Most definitely. Cyril enjoys Veino's company.

[member="Pitar Brounake"] - Much as I like younglings, I don't think Cyril would be a very good influence on a child. The Jawa could certainly be interesting. If it's the Sith, we could duel, or have a philosophical battle, or both. A bounty hunter could come after him, as he has a few standing bounties in various parts of the galaxy.

[member="Ulgra"] - Same as what I've said to Pitar when it comes to the Sith and the bounty hunter. I could have Cyril teach, sure, though he's got responsibilities to a few other students too. Nothing that will divide his attention too much though.
Greetings mate, I guess I will note my interest here ^^

And I may also be fanboying over the original Warden from the Dragon Age Origin trailers.

So yeah. I got this young Mandalorian (link in the miniprofile), who I would love to rp with your character if you want to do something with an out of the water youngling who while is Mandalorian only does bounty hunting / mercenary work part-time and is more of a mechanic. I don’t have any specific ideas but I hope there is still interest.

[member="Cyril Grayson"]
[member="Aloysius Tal'verda"] - Sure bud. Put up a thread, and I'll post.

[member="Veino Garn"] - Want to do something after these invasions/skirmishes? I think an aftermath thread might be fun.

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