Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Glad to be back.

After being gone for more than a year I have finally gotten back to one of my favorite writing groups.

Hello everyone. Looking forward to writing with you again.

Now if I can only remember where I left Daxton Bane.....


[member="Archon Xris"]

Good to see you again, mate! Hope you've had a good time! You may remember me better by my character Equa Dominator, though. :p
My situation is much better now. Who would have thought my laptop slagging itself would take me this long to get back. Hahaha.

Looking forward to getting acquainted with your new avatar. Care for a spot of spice tea with an old man?


[member="Daxton Bane"]

Definitely. Though I'll be having several LOAs in the end of this month and throughout the next one, so my posting may be really hectic. Maybe after one of my current ongoing threads finishes?

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