Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Glen Perlion




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NAME: Glen Perlion



SPECIES: Gurlanin

AGE: 100 (young adult)

SEX: Male

1.6 meters long when in natural form.
1.8 meters tall when in human form.

WEIGHT: 80 kg

EYES: Orange/yellow

HAIR: Black

SKIN: Typically covered in black fur. Usually white when taking humanoid form.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Gurlanin traits:
+Strongly telepathic with their own race
+Sharp canine teeth
+Able to shapeshift to shapeshift to around humanoid forms.
+Long lived
+Echolocation in natural form
+Smooth voice
+Excellent for stealth as they can disappear to almost any form of detection
-Will revert to natural form if knocked unconscious.
-Natural telepathy does not extend to other beings
Personal Traits:
+/-Enjoys tasting new species
-Poor distance vision. Somewhat blurred eyesight.
+Very strong hearing/smell
+Higher instincts than normal
+Keen sense of taste
+/-Tends to rely on his speed and instincts
+Somewhat skilled swordsman and combatant
+/-Force sensitive (Untrained)
+Good hunter
+Cool head, except when hungry or tasting

Like most Gurlanin, in his natural form Glen appears like a completely black canine with sharp teeth and orange eyes. He generally prefers this form, but will take whatever is convenient for the situation. He has a human form that he leans towards when choosing another appearance, to make it more convenient, which is a caucasion male with black hair and a slim build.

Glen was a member of a Gurlanin pack. His eyes were often weak and he had more trouble than normal for a Gurlanin in seeing. Although still able to view a wider range of things than a human, his distance vision was poor, and even up close he often had trouble fully distinguishing things. As a result, he often relied on his sense of smell and sound to move around. Making his natural form all the more valuable. He could locate people, and objects, but getting details was hard. As a result, he often relied on his sense of taste and occasionally his natural instincts, enhanced by the force, to allow him to actually hunt. This same lack of vision resulted in a keen interest in his use of taste for identifying things, allowing him to pick things out by biting or gnawing on them. And also resulting in a very strong interest in seeing how other species tasted, rather than just by their smell.

His near blindness also brought with it the necessity of keeping silent, something he got very good at. And his proficiency with hearing and smelling out people rather than relying on his eyes grew to a point that hunting became an excellent challenge for him. Eventually the pack was approached with a job, they needed someone to scout out an enemy. Glen jumped at the chance, not just because they were obviously paying, but because after they were done he’d get the chance to taste test the targets. It was a wonderful experience, it was then he learned even more about differentiating between one species and another. The way they spoke and acted, the way they smelled, and finally. The way they tasted. The target group was a small armed base, he didn’t remember who of, but they had a lot of species to choose from. And after his scouting was done, and his report, he joined in on the job of taking them down. Taking bites and then vanishing, only to return elsewhere.

However, his return would not be something he would enjoy. Rather than finding his pack and bringing with him the credits for them, he found nothing. They were gone. He couldn’t find any trace of them on the planet. It took him weeks before he heard that some packs had gone to Vena or Bastion. Whether he’d find one for him there, would be told in time.





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