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Approved Species Glimmering Oil

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  • Intent: To create a mutagenic type of substance which would allow my character to spread the mutation/hybridization she's underwent.
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  • Scientific Name: Compound B76/32009
  • Abbreviation: [ GO-1
  • Common Name: Glimmering Oil
  • Virus Family: Modex Primera
  • Origins: [X] Defunct N&Z Laboratory in wild space
  • Other Locations: at this point Hraelga only and samples in The Redoubt
  • Description: Glimmering oil is in essence not exactly a virus, but a virus WOULD be the closest thing to compare it with, considering it does have viral properties. On the onset, Glimmering oil mainly looks like a somewhat thick, viscous substance akin to tar, with a red sheen within it denoting that it does carry iron particles and hemoglobine. The more oxygenrich the environment, the more reddish the substance will look.
  • Morphology: [ The very basic form under a electron microscope is an bent eliptical shape with dangling microtubilii
  • Size: 270nm unaturally uniformly
  • Color: reddish black
  • Distinctions: The Glimmering oil is distinct in both its form, which looks a lot like oil or liquid metal, meaning that though the organisms responsible for the infection are extremely small, because of their nature to pack together tightly, they start resembling a black, red goop with clear markers to liken it to both blood and oil. The mode of entry is in fact relatively common, though where with most viruses and bacteria the entry is generally wholly accidental and by chance, Glimmering oil, like a packhunter actively seeks to find entry through whatever means, as it reacts on the heat and force sensitivity of beings in the area. The stronger the being's connection to the force, the more agitated and active the Glimmering oil nearby will be.
  • Source: Synthetic in nature, but with biological building blocks. The virus, even if it isn't 'technically' a virus, is a combination of infected blood which had mutated through the introduction of a strain of the Blackwing virus [see canon link], it had then been spliced with a whole heap of other viruses and bacteria, all in an attempt to create something that rather than destroy, would build. Something that was looked at with a keen eye was the rapid healing ability among the galaxy's many species and eventually through luck, the people responsible for the original Compound B76 managed to get their hands on a specimen of the Bryn'adul. One at first, but a second would follow later; a stronger, more promising example of a much higher caste within Bryn society and with a latent force sensitivity that had not been tapped into yet. Eventually the combination of the B76 compound and the repeated tests and injections within the latter Bryn specimen caused not only a mutation within the compound, but also within the Bryn who was aptly called Project B77. Sadly, when the host had managed to adapt to the compound after thousands of repeated injections and a whole host of mutations, Project B77 broke lose and exterminated the entirety of the laboratory and its working staff.
  • Host Species: The Glimmering Oil is essentially omni-infectious. It is capable of infecting every living or semi living thing, including other viruses, making this a 'super' virus in a sense. Though due to the genetic mock up of its now original host, it will have its most profound effect, but also greatest successrate on members of the Draelvasier or Bryn'adul races.
  • Host Range: Broad (Many Species). All bio-organic species of fauna, flora ad funghi can be seen as susseptible for the Glimmering Oil. However, droids and Force dead entities are in fact completely immune.
  • Viability: It can survive in practically any and all types of environments, though extreme cold does make it inert. Low to mid radiation may affect its strength and effectivity, while lethal doses of radiation may in fact destroy the virus. Long periods of sustained mild radiation may also make the virus inert.
  • Lethality: High In truth, the virus itself does not necessarily kill. It is programmed and created to turn living things into what is considered the 'Perfaected' state, a name coined by the old laboratory and handled by Project B77/Hraelga Nacht. It implies that it will mutate its host through the process of reshuffling and recombining the host's DNA and RNA on a massive scale, the resulting mutations as such can most definately be fatal and would come with excrutiating pain that could in effect lead to additional casualties through suicide due to madness and pain overcoming the victims.
  • Severity: Extreme. The mutations when becoming infected start small, perhaps a bruise here and there, some leasions and maybe loss of hair or teeth at first, depending on the amount of the glimmering oil ingested, injected or otherwise, the variation of mutations may be much faster, much more visible and much more demanding of the host's body. When the Glimmering oil truly starts to take hold, it will multiply itself rapidly, expelling the blood within a host's body in order to veritably become the blood themselves.
  • Infectivity: Very Low,: In its current state as being solely linked to its host Project B77/Hraelga Nacht, it shouldn't be that easy to spread, considering she would have to bleed to effectively infect someone and even then it shouldn't be easy to do so just yet. However, the infection could reach the Extreme range when for instance enough of Hraelga's victims die and pool together, considering the survivability of the Glimmering Oil, it could infect fauna, flora and funghi, beginning a rapid spread that could consume a whole planet in a matter of weeks.
  • Modes of Transmission: Contact transmission. Glimmering Oil must be ingested and reach the bloodstream before it can effectively begin its 'work'.
  • Incubation Period: 12 seconds to 1 minute before mild symptoms start with direct ingestion or exposure through wounds. Hours when ingested in very small amounts or when it entered through very small wounds or scratches. Bites from infected beings may also tend to cause infection, but depending on the severity of the bite, the incubation period could be between several days to even weeks, making it much harder to contain a spread when people think they've managed to dodge a bullet.
  • Re-Infection: It can always essentially reinfect as long as it has not completed it's task of turning their host into a perfaected being. However, in very, very rare occassions immunity might have developed...though the chance of that happening is infantesimally small.
  • Vaccine/Cure: Currently...non, though chemotherapy and virus suppressants may at the very least increase the incubation period or when fast enough may turn the virus inert.


Listed from uncomfortable to lethal, also granting insight in the virus' full mechanism.

  • Minor discomforts: This includes sudden appearing bruises, bleeding gums, anxiety, hotflashes, hairloss. These effects are generally only possible through indirect infection such as ingesting trace amounts over a prolonged period of time or insignificant scratches by infected creatures, plants, etc. only 0.05% of the infected stay in this stage.
  • Medium discomforts: Loss of teeth, cramps, vomiting, itchy skin and severe anxiety and emotional instability on the violent spectrum occur. These symptoms are generally the first sign of any standard infection through bites or small wounds. 1.00% of infected have the luck or had the speed of treatment to contain the internal spread of the Glimmering oil to this point.
  • First Mutations: After a massive spasm attack throughout all the muscles on the body, the body will collapse and begin to vomit out the host's blood all the while hemorhaging profusely, this is a sign that the glimmering oil has reached the bloodstream and has begun its work in earnest. 98.99% of all infected reach this state when left unchecked and depending on the severity of the infection. Out of all infected creatures, plants and funghi... 50% of the infected die during this stage. This stage will also be followed with halucinations, strange dreams, constant thirst and hunger on an abnormal level.
  • True Mutations: Bones will shunt, break regrow, reform and expand as part of the Glimmering Oil's process of turning one into the Perfaected self, skin may be lost, veins may become more leathery or even metallic in appearance, the pain during this process is so excrutiating that at least half of the people reaching this state die not by the mutations, but by their own hand. Hallucinations and visions will become worse, sleepwalking and insomnia will have overlapping stages, with hunger and thirst reaching their abnormal peak as the virus instructs the body to provide more building blocks.
  • Final mutations: The final stage, where all previous mutations will stabilize and solidify. Generally those who reach this stage will not die, but will be forever altered and no longer whatever being, plant of funghi they had been before. They are now connected to the original B77 project and assimilated into a semi-hivemind experience. Beings that have reached this state will effectively be immortal in terms of aging, but while the mutations may have made some being stronger, faster and better... interruptions or bad material may end up with grotesque, hollow reminders of who the people once were.


  • Highly Adaptive: Glinstering oil is in a sense very adaptive to its environments, resistent to most common types of damage such as kinetic, thermal or electric energy, it can survive for long periods of time on any sort of planet, slowly seeping into the planet's ground, infecting pools of water, fauna and flora, slowly but surely reshaping everything into IT'S desired shape of Perfaection.
  • Not technically a virus or disease: The glimmering oil does not operate by the logic of viruses and diseases and is in fact much closer to nanotechnology in a sense, following an imprinted pattern of improvement and evolution until either death or Perfaection is reached.
  • Very high incubation variation: With its incubation period depending between species, what sort of ingestion or how severe the direct contraction, people may think they have been cured or spared the infection only to be afflicted by the symptoms between seconds or weeks later, making it highly unpredictable and much harder to identify hosts and carriers prior to the outburst of the symptoms.
  • Highly succeptive to radiation: As a strange mixture between organic and cybernetic on a molecular level, Glinstering Oil has some fundamental biological weaknesses, one of which is radiation. While most small scale radiation may force the glinstering oil to become inert and inactive, high doses of lethal radiation or sustained may actually destroy the glinstering oil on a microscopic/cellular level, removing the danger it poses as it becomes nothing more than black-colored goop.
  • Force Dead: Those who are force dead are in a sense not of any interest to Glinstering oil, for they lack one key component for the glinstering oil to operate: Midichloreans.
  • Practically harmless without entry point: The Glinstering oil needs an entry point. The likes of plants and trees easily absorb the oil through their roots, animals will ingest the oil either through the contaminated plants and water which can hold trace amounts. However, to have full exposure such as any bodily orifice or wound is necessary for the Glinstering Oil to actually be able to mutate a person...though it isn't advised to bathe into a pool of it.
  • Amount of oil: Small, trace amounts of the oil are harmless and could in a sense even be beneficial, large amounts would be irreversable though, especially through ingestion.
  • Mutation: While it CAN go rapidly, the mutation may depend on each individual, species and even gender, with males apparently have a much lower resistance against the mutagenic properties of the oil. This also means that should one have come in contact with the oil, if quick enough, isolation and removal are still possible, though like a poison: once it can reach the bloodstream...other meassures are needed.


The Glimmering Oil has its origin in the Blackwing Virus, which several decades back in the past had had a severe outbreak, which resulted in the infection of millions if not billions of people and at the time, a company called Nargath and Zanareth Umbrella Corporation had been working on a possible cure for it, creating viral suppressants and other compounds, but when the laboratory which housed this research was left unchecked and cut off from the company after the Second Great Hyperspace war, the ideals of removing and overcoming the Blackwing Virus turned to assimilating it, turning it into something beneficial for the a cruel sort of way at least.

This laboratory spliced the blackwing virus, combining it with several other viruses and bacteria, all for the sake of creating something unique, something unprecedented: a virus that could protect its host, bond with it and make it stronger, but to find creatures that could survive the trials that came with the compound B76 they had created were hard to find...that was until two specimens of the Bryn'adul had been found and whose initial higher healing capacity and biological adaptability seemed to make them prime candidates for testing.

Hraelga, dubbed Project B77 by the scientists had been captured after her self imposed exile years prior to the second great hyperspace war, her captors had utilized her lack of food, shelter and thus strength to capture her and when they finally had a former high ranking, pure Draelvasier in their hands, they couldn't resist tinkering with their new subject, as all scientists at first driven to figure out how a thing works, before attempting to improve upon it or deconstruct it. Hraelga sadly had to go through both, endlessly being pricked and prodded, being dismanteled and kept alive artificially, but through the pain and torture she endured, the hundreds of strange variyng compounds injected into her, she changed, her innate healing and evolving nature rapidly mutating her, incorporating the strange compounds injected into her system and slowly losing her Draelvasier self and becoming something more.

One of the resulting creations of this combination of rampant evolution, mutation, and strange chemical compounds was the Glimmering oil, Hraelga's very blood carrying her madness, her forced desire to evolve, to overcome, to adapt and eventually...become Perfaect. Though the Glimmering oil for now is contained outside of this galaxy, Hraelga already has a steady supply of the material by herself.
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