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Faction Glory to the Empire - A DE Empire Day Celebration

Cademimu V

In the midst of the Core Wars with the Galactic Alliance, and after the Battle of Coruscant did the Dark Empire stand its ground while within the Empire’s cultural heart of Cademimu V a celebration of its strong foundations under Emperor Fossk took place within the center of the capital. A long standing tradition upheld by Imperials dating back all the way to Emperor Palpatine is now celebrated once more in a time of war against forces that the Dark Imperials saw as a threat to the ideas of order and peace. People gather and cheer, stormtroopers march next to Imperial tanks, and the thunderous steps of AT-ATs follow shortly behind. The Imperial Anthem is sounded all throughout the city mixing in with the marching procession, and cheers of patriotic citizens watching excitedly as the Empire shows off a display of its military might and magnificent culture all overseen by Emperor Fossk himself from the very center of the Imperial Heart. It is a time to celebrate what it means to be an Imperial, the meaning of Empire.


Objective: 1 Hail The Empire

A parade is held in the center of the capital city “Imperial Center,” Marching crowds of Stormtroopers pass by while tanks and walkers follow suit. On the streets the people celebrate with fireworks, street food, and all manner of patriotic fun. Those close with the Emperor himself, the ruling council, and the Empire’s top military command are invited to celebrate and watch the parade from the Governor Nute Griimda Nute Griimda Palace within the Capital of Cademimu V. Many come to worship the glory of the Empire, while intrigue is rampant throughout the celebration.

(Open to Imperial High Command, Imperial Ruling Council, and any Imperials who like to socialize.)


Objective: 2 Urban War Games

Outside of the celebrations are a series of War Games in an abandoned section of the worldwide city. Imperial Forces fresh from the Battle of Coruscant hone their skills in close quarters combat. Imperial Forces are locked in intense close quarters fighting with simulated Alliance forces and Jedi. The goal is to clear out the force of Alliance soldiers and Jedi that have secured a part of the city with heavy armor and artillery, leaving many of the Imperial forces to divide in order to clear street by street. Imperial forces must clear out the simulated Alliance forces, and capture the abandoned section of the city to win.

(Open to Imperial Military, New Sith Order, Dark Side Elite, Maw, Knights of Ren. Etc)


Objective : 3 Imperial Crackdown

The shady underlevels of Cademimu V have become a festering disease of crime that has plagued the entire planet. While the celebrations are underway on the surface, covert forces led by the ISB have begun a ruthless crackdown on the criminal element surrounding the cultural heart of the Empire. Many smugglers are suspected of trading back to the Alliance if not some being suspected double agents formerly in the employ of the Empire. Imperial Intelligence will stop at nothing until this hive of scum and villainy is put back into check. Imperial High Command has ordered a stop to this rabble, a raid of the underlevels and the shadow port is needed. Clean out every cantina, club, and dark alley until order is secured.

(Open to ISB, Dark Side Elite, Imp agents/spies, Stormtroopers participating in the crackdown.)

Objective: 4 BYOO​

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The Trade Federation Occupational Council significantly altered the landscape of Cademimu V following its acquisition from Emperor Fossk of the Dark Empire.

Turning the city-wide planet into the foremost industrial capital of the entire Empire was no small feat, as the transformation created a hub solely dedicated to the production of armaments and weaponry of diverse specifications for the Military Industrial Complex.

The city's skyline was now dominated by towering factories and warehouses, churning out weapons and equipment to support the Empire's military endeavors even with the loss on Coruscant.

The planet's economy flourished as a result, with job opportunities increasing and the population booming as workers flocked to the city in search of employment in the thriving industrial sector.

Although there was still trouble from the Lightsworn Incursion that occured several months prior, small factions of resistance began to emerge throughout the city, gradually amassing increasing support for the radical principles of the Light Side amidst the shadowy depths of the urban underbelly.

Councilwoman Mar-Tem assumed the role of interim Governor of Cademimu V after Nute Griimda Nute Griimda was apprehended by the Strategic Intelligence Agency while in a meeting on Zygerria with the Zygerrian Slave Empire. She expressed dissatisfaction with the Empire's lack of effort in locating the missing Ruling Council member.

"Let us hope they find you soon, Dear Griimda." She said with a sigh - glancing out of the windows of the palace as the parade marched on.



The parade brought a tear to Bo's eye, if he could cry. Clad in his best black uniform, the Admiral watched the parade from one of the Imperial officer party suites that overlooked the precession.

"All hail the Empire." The reign of the Fels was over, and with their fall, the rise of a true and glorious Empire not held back by petty squabbles between light and dark. What did it matter, so long as they served the Emperor and provided peace, justice, and security to their Empire? He smiled behind his cortosis mask, or rather, wriggled the corners of his gaping maw, as his species did not have lips to smile with.

Machines Making Machines


This shadowport was burning. Stormtroopers and Imperial personnel went back and forth from the structure, ferrying contraband earmarked for destruction or the criminals who had been peddling it… Who had also been earmarked for destruction. Antipater took in the scene. Soot occasionally came to land on one of his shoulders, and he brushed it off with mechanical immediacy.

Cademimu V's criminal underworld was something of an open secret. There must have been a time where the local administrators were content to receive their kickbacks and look the other way. In the wake of that fiasco on Coruscant, that sort of indulgence was quickly falling out of style. Kickbacks did not project an image of strength. Crackdowns did.

Eventually one of the reasons for his being here was dragged out of the shadowport: a one-eyed kubaz. About as roughed-up as one would expect from this charade. His file indicated he had a limp, but that wasn't immediately apparent given that he was being roughly conveyed by two of Antipater's own droids.

As they drew closer, Antipater noticed the kubaz bore a nasty scorch mark on the shoulder. His breathing was labored. He'd been shot. Unsurprising. A cursory scan indicated he would live, even if in discomfort for some time. The droids dropped the kubaz at the droid-moff's feet.

"Hello, Onor."

Onor managed to push himself off the ground with his one good arm, but failed to rise further. He stared at Antipater with his one good eye and said something in the whistling, bleating language of the kubaz.

The rough translation amounted to something along the lines of, "Fuck. You again?"

"I hoped we might re-discuss my offer of employment."

"Yeah? Do I have options?"

"In a manner of speaking." Antipater lightly indicated a nearby shuttle with an open hand. "You may leave here in my custody or with your peers."

Onor's gaze followed Antipater's hand and he saw them. The other criminal delinquents who still lived were being shoved aboard a blocky-looking prison transport. Over the flames, Antipater could distantly hear the shouting, wailing, protesting, begging. All the usual indignities thinking organisms usually engaged in an effort to prolong their meaningless lives.

Onor swallowed audibly. "What'll happen to…?" He trailed off.

"I'm unsure. I have heard it will involve a furnace."

The kubaz slowly looked down at the ground. At the ground. His hands clenched themselves into fists and he was silent. Antipater permitted a full minute to pass before making the decision for him. "Put him on my shuttle."

His droids scooped Onor up with the same indifferent ceremony one would normally reserve for a sack of vegetables, and off the kubaz was dragged to a less grisly fate. He would be grateful in time. Or at least compliant.

Antipater brushed again soot from his shoulders. Another pair of his droids emerged from the smoldering shadowport, a struggling palliduvan with extensive facial tattoos held between them. Her file indicated an intolerance to certain wheat products. A genetic disorder. How that came to be logged in the imperial databases was a novel mystery.

She stopped her pointless thrashing about on catching sight of Antipater. "No way."

"Hello, Neyras," he began, "I hoped we might re-discuss my offer of employment."

In Umbris Potestas Est

Tags: Nute Griimda Nute Griimda Bo Vuto Bo Vuto

"I would hope so." The voice of Vanessa Vantai spoke up in response to the interim governess's utterances. She smiled at the woman, somewhat sincere, somewhat pained. Governor Griimda's incarceration was unfortunate, especially due to the potential of the Galactic Alliance to use his incarceration as a propagandistic tool - not too dissimilar to her own work with the world of Ord Mantell. It was an uphill battle, one that the Empire needed to be prepared to fight, no matter the cost and no matter the effort placed.

"Regarding Governor Griimda's present state - what can you tell me of it?" Perhaps the more she knew, the more she could inquire of certain individuals or beings and figure out a solution to retrieve him from the clutches of those maleficent hostiles.
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Tags: Nute Griimda Nute Griimda Onrai Onrai Bo Vuto Bo Vuto

Detritus truly had never been one for any gatherings. The Shadow Priest often preferred preaching the ways of Shadow, and his fearsome Knights of Ren to burn and take anything that they wished, and now with the Emperor himself left to his own devices and his isolation, many of the Imperial Ruling Council, even for lowly advisors such as Detritus did many start to find opportunity. Many would talk here today, many would form alliances, for the foundations of the Imperial way of life was being actively celebrated street by street with vendors and games. All sponsored by COMPNOR.

The people were made content, happy of celebrating now close to a millennium of Imperial ideals. After the disaster that was Coruscant, even the shadow priest himself knew that careful steps had to be considered, plans made, and an Empire to bring back on the mend.

“O World Eater. Please strengthen my resolve so that I will prevail with a heart that speaks Imperial.” Detritus would mutter to himself in silent prayer, his masked covered head was slightly bowed. His robes consisted of a standard Imperial code, one of the standard belts seen on an Imperial officer shined in the light. He could feel the rumbling, and hear the thunderous steps of AT-ATs outside, he could see drinks like Corellian Brandy and Tarisian Ale shake in their glasses from the respective festivities outside.

He would nurse a glass of Corellian Whiskey under his mask. He wouldn’t allow anyone to see the Orbalisks that fed from his body, for the only ones that did know of the creatures would be his enemies. His fingers often retreated to his cloak, feeling along the metallic hilt of a lightsaber he acquired prior to his evacuation from Coruscant. His momentarily pondering came to a quick end, he heard the voices of several.

Detritus would move in, hoping to converse with many, and perhaps bring the idea of where the Empire’s future lies. Perhaps, he would find a higher calling, or perhaps someone who could best be molded for the hard days, and the wars soon to come.

“Hail the Empire.” Detritus would say, his voice echoed beneath his mask, he sounded enthusiastic enough but something else was there. “We have gained and suffered much, the Emperor left to his plans. We as loyal servants to his highness, we must seek to carry out his vision of Empire. I fear the Alliance will be emboldened after Coruscant, but in the days ahead we must all remember the meaning of Imperial as founded by Palpatine long ago…” Detritus would say looking to several in the room, wondering who would join him on the discussion of the Empire’s future, and how the Emperor’s vision would be realized. His gaze shifting to the procession of the parade outside of the Governor’s palace.


Detritus Ren Detritus Ren
Onrai Onrai
Nute Griimda Nute Griimda

After the attack that had set in motion the great invasion of Coruscant, the Grand Vizier, second only to the Emperor himself, was anxious. Oh, she carried herself with her typical grandure, a charm that emminated from her being, her gaze one perfect blend of both motherly concern and penetrating intrigue. She had always been curious but a new feeling stirred within her; anxious. She had little doubt in the fortitude and capabilities of the Imperial forces sworn to protect her but there were deeper concerns now, ones from within. She had known that her ascension to Vizier would come with increased threats; afterall, she led the Imperial Administration. But it was quite another thing entirely to live through attacks and plots on her life.

The Mandalorian and Alliance assault on their capital facility had made her resolve stronger. It had served as the perfect cover for their assault on and reclamation of Coruscant and the rest of the Core. "Stamp out rebel elements", she had said. "Destroy the vile Galactic Alliance" she had barked.
Now she felt uneasy. She refused, however, to allow anybody to know this.

Her arrival on Cademimu V had been rumoured but not confirmed with Imperial personnel until the day itself. Foreknowledge of her movements encouraged sporadic and emboldened attempts on her life. The populace would be abuzz of her attendance. She was the 'Mother of the Empire' and she intended to hold it close to her bosom.

In the meanwhile, she would attend to the members of the Council that were also in attendance. She entered the room without fanfare, a troop of soldiers taking to the border of the room and securing it, kettling the attendants in an even more heightered state of security than before. She smiled graciously, nodding her in to those in attedance.

She made her way to Detritus Ren Detritus Ren and gave a respectful nod.

"Your words ring true on a day such as this. Our Empire is in a state of infancy yet and vulnerable to attack. However, their boldness will betray them. I have little doubt in that."
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Mar-Tem quickly turned away from the window as the Governor of Ord Mantell Onrai Onrai approached her. The Neimoidian received a comprehensive briefing from the Occupational Council regarding the prominent members of the Imperial Ruling Council, including their characteristics and the various decrees they had implemented.

Ord Mantell was experiencing significant economic growth, as a large portion of waste had been transformed into valuable exports and construction materials used for constructing casinos and luxurious residences catering to the affluent members of the Empire.

We do not have much information on that subject - The only details we possess indicate that he was abducted on Zygerria during a meeting with their delegates. Following a slave riot, he mysteriously disappeared without a trace, likely into Alliance hands." She returned the soft smile with one of her own, although quickly becoming anxious about the possibility of assuming the role of Governor, as she did not have the proper skills for such a prominent position in the planetary administration.

The Neimoidian observed quietly as both Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf and Detritus Ren Detritus Ren entered the room with their customary style, exchanging polite words about the Empire and their enigmatic emperor.

I fear, that my superiors within the Trade Federation will become unsatisfied with the Empire once public knowledge of Nute Griimda's capture by the Alliance comes out on the Holonet Channels. Less investments and then eventually a mass-pullout of industry and shipping services" Mar-Tem explained further, petting the small creature within her hands to calm her nerves. The Trade Federation was a powerful sponsor of the Dark Empire and to lose their backing would enable the Alliance to ramp up production considerably.

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In Umbris Potestas Est

Nute Griimda Nute Griimda Detritus Ren Detritus Ren Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf

"Why did he go to a planet that the Empire has nothing to do with?" Vanessa asked, an eyebrow raised at the frankly ridiculous story the Neimoidian woman had told her. "If he is the representative of the Trade Federation insofar as relations with the Empire goes, he has no business going to an unaligned world - certainly an unaligned world run by opportunistic slavers who could and did sell him out at the earliest opportunity." Whatever rationale could be provided for this was, at least in Vanessa's visage, something that made little sense.

Listening to Mar-Tem's final comments, Vanessa smiled. "Then you tell your superiors that your predecessor, with full understanding that he was acting outside his position and with full knowledge that he ceased to have Imperial protection the moment he traveled outside our borders, chose to willingly endanger himself and create a diplomatic incident. I see no reason the Federation will cease doing anything with the Empire given we are in no way at fault - if anything, given the Alliance now has custody of him, perhaps they should threaten to withdraw investments and industrial capacity from their side instead." Onrai had the credits stockpiled away - if the Trade Federation did decide to withdraw their financial and industrial support from the Empire, she would invest accordingly, take over abandoned industrial facilities, and continue profiting using the remnants of their own abandoned trade routes.

"After all, you're not the sort of Neimoidian to go off gallivanting to the far corners of the galaxy to get yourself into trouble, are you?" The smile was particularly telling, and Vanessa viewed what had happened to her onetime business partner as a victory either way - personally or for the Empire itself. Her observation as to the other members of the Imperial Ruling Council entering the room was to give them a polite smile. As it stood, she had some other things to focus on.




Empire Day. A historic day that was celebrated as the anniversary of the First Galactic Empire of Emperor Palpatine, and since then has become a staple of Imperial tradition used to commemorate the anniversary of every iteration of the Empire in recent times such as the New Imperial Order and the Core Imperial Confederation that preceded the Dark Empire. Usually officers like Rackham would find themselves within the Imperial Capital to partake in military parades and simply engage with other Imperials, but today was different. With Grand Admiral Sularen's capture at the hands of the Galactic Alliance, it was up to Rackham to fill up the shoes left by the Grand Admiral until he could be safely retrieved and resume his duties as Warlord of the Empire.

However Rackham knew he wasn't like the Grand Admiral as he lacked any diplomatic and political skill in addition to having little knowledge about military tactics and strategy. As such if Rackham was to successfully carry out the Grand Admiral's mission in his absence, he would need the assistance of individuals who were skilled in politics and diplomacy along with military tactics and strategy. With access to various files maintained by the Imperial Security Bureau it wouldn't be long before Rackham found his particular candidates for the job to join him in fulfilling the Grand Admiral's mission and before long he would find the ideal candidates to act as his political and military muscle to assist him in advancing Sularen's plans.

Before long, as most high-profile Imperials gathered at Cademimu V for the Empire Day celebrations, Rackham would remain alone within a conference room of Sularen's Shadow Hand fortress on the desert world of Kampe waiting for the arrival of his guests ready to formalize the creation of a "Shadow Triumvirate" that would soon form the foundation of the ISB Colonel's plans to continue the Grand Admiral's main projects until his return. Hopefully everything would go smoothly today as there was no room for error. Everything needed to go as planned lest the enemies of the Empire be given more time to organize themselves and undo the Grand Admiral's projects before they could properly materialize.


HPI representative, Crime boss
Objective: To meet Rackham
Location: Kampe, Deep Core
Equipment: Lightsaber resistant rapier | Kaldrweave noble attire | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit undersuit || OPBC-01m
Tag: Rackham Rackham | Sergan Vanori Sergan Vanori
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


Runar had not been in the Dark Empire for very long, so he was a little surprised by the call he received. However, since the message said that there would be company related things in it, so after consulting with the Terraris Command High Command, who allowed him to go to this meeting, Runar said yes. HPI was a bit of an interesting arrangement, as the company was fully under the control of Terraris Command and thus had their protection. Another issue was that the head of Terraris Command and the official owner of HPI was the same person, the Empress. As a matter of fact he was mainly in close contact with her children.

It wasn't so important at the moment, though; the important thing at the moment was that he had to meet Rackham, though he didn't know why yet. However, even Runar knew that making connections in the Empire was definitely to his advantage. He was well versed in such things, having been a Crime Boss in the Netherworld. It was another matter altogether that here in Realspace, the man didn't have much influence, only those behind him. But that could finally change today.

As Runar was representative of HPI, he arrived on the scene in an HPI boat. So far he didn't know much about why Rackham had invited them to this place. Upon arrival, he got off the shuttle and let himself be led to the place where the host was waiting for him. He didn't know if they were expecting anyone else or not. When he walked closer, he offered his hand to Rackham, and if the other man accepted, he squeezed his hand.

"Welcome, I am Runar Ævar. May I ask why you called me here and if we are expecting anyone else?" he asked him.

After the introductions, the man looked around the conference room, then sat down in one of the chairs, if there was a name tag, he looked for his own, if not, he sat in the one closest to him. The sangnir was already wondering why he had to come here. In the times the Empire was now in, there were too many opportunities to discuss the subject.

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