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Public Glow of the Coruscant Underground {Character Intro}

Joelsi Leconer

Somewhere in the Coruscant Underground
Joelsi adjusted the bristles on his fake mustache as he carefully mopped the floor in front of him, staring at a singular point on the floor as he swept back and forth, his headphones playing a constant stream of music as he mindlessly tuned it out. Joelsi noticed a stray nail on the ground of the decaying, tile floor of the bathroom, a few feet from a small pile of them on the edge of the bathroom door. The janitor shivered as the cold Coruscant underground air found it's way into the bathroom in the form of a sudden current. Joelsi walked over to the scattered trash, as the voice of the DJ came over his headphones. "...It's been a hectic few months for everyone here on Coruscant, it seems that time's just slipped away. And here's someone who knows all about that..." Joelsi knelt down to pick up the nails, quickly depositing them into a nearby waste-basket, but he paused at the last one, considering it for a moment, before stuffing it into his pocket. Joelsi gazed out towards the glittering lights of the Coruscant underground, taking a moment to bask in the distant glow of the underworld, bringing a sense of freedom and control that Joelsi knew all too well. But his mind quickly came back to reality, and the cage that he now found himself in, entombed in the urban sprawl of Coruscant. It had only been a scant few months before when he went on the run, leaving the Hutt Cartel and everything else behind in a hurry to outrun his past, to escape the long arm of the law. But he'd escaped jail to find himself in another, fear and paranoia blanketing his mind constantly. Joelsi took the nail out of his pocket, and carved a series of words into the wall, alongside graffiti left by other employees and hooligans.

"TL WAS HERE" The graffiti read.

Joelsi took a moment to sit against the wall, as he threw the nail into the waste-basket. His ears were filled with the song, and a very appropriate set of lyrics played.

"Ain't it funny, how time slips away..."
Wearing: Spy Gear

Armed with:
Laser Knife
Treppus-2 Vibro Blade
Poisoner's Ring
Laser Ring
Light Ring
Hypergem Ring


Lockpick Kit
Anti Security Blade
Biotech Tool Kit
Poison Kit
Mini Forgery Kit
Scout Transmitter (4)

Pilot Battle Droid

Current Configuration: Alice (See Bio)

It was a sweet heart deal.

The Biot watched from a rooftop as her prey ran, her body recently loaded with implants and Droid upgrades. Care had to be taken to avoid risk of over clocking. Multiple military grade cybernetic and genetic Upgrades, making and already deadly Android deadlier.

Coruscant was still recovering from the Devastation in some sections. Damage inflicted by the Maw. In all the chaos, a lot of rats had taken the opportunity to jump ship, while new ones had scurried about, eager to fill the void.

Vera had been making a lot of money lately as a spy for hire, pretending to be one of many female operatives named Alice.

As a matter of fact she was taking great delight in pursuing criminal elements as a sort of Super Natural monster, who had been terrorizing the criminal underworld of Coruscant. There was no shortage of vermin to toy with...

"Alice" had been contracted to go after a particularly nasty guy running a trafficking ring.

It had been fun, stalking him, getting past his every security measure, picking off his friends. Hacking his bank account, making him paranoid of every shadow. But now the game was at a close.

The green skinned Mirialan ran for his life through the alleyway, ducking into the building. He had at last seen glimpses of it...a pale skinned red head in scant wear who only looked like a woman.

He barged into the bathroom that Joelsi Leconer was in. He was disheveled and terrified.

"Help me! Help me hide, please!" he begged the man. "It's hunting me! It'll kill me!"

Joelsi Leconer

Joelsi looked up from his sitting position at the man, initially very confused.
"What? Uh, I don't know how to help you, buddy. I mean, maybe if you could tell me what this mystery 'it' is, maybe I could. Maybe." Joelsi shook his head slightly as he stood up, realizing there were very few places for his new disheveled guest to potentially hide.
The disheveled, terrified man grabbed Joelsi Leconer by the shoulders.

"It's a demon! A monster! It's hunted me for weeks! Killing everything! Stealing my money!" he hissed desperately with a Shatner-like over-delivery. "It hides itself! It's after me! I was one of the most powerful crime bosses in this whole section and it reduced me to a pauper overnight!"

The man spotted a bathroom stall that hadn't been cleaned yet.

He rushed into it, like a lawyer hoping to hide from the T-Rex, and closed the stall door

"Just don't tell it I'm here! Maybe it won't detect me through the smell!"

(Cutaway of Arnold saying "Wrong" as he blows away the gun store owner)

Neither knew it, but the monster was already in the building, and heard them perfectly as it got closer, hidden by an extremely hard to detect Stealth field...

Joelsi Leconer

"Don't you grab me!" Joelsi said as he lightly shoved the terrified stranger, anger in his voice. At the mention of the word crime boss, Joelsi raised an eyebrow, the terrified man stumbling through his words. After hearing his suggestion to "Just tell it I'm not in here ", Joelsi shrugged and said, "Well, that probably won't work, but..." Joelsi stepped closer to the stall door as he remembered seeing this man somewhere. Joelsi searched his mind for the answer, until he remembered. He had seen him on the nightly news once, he was apparently one of the biggest human traffickers in the underground, and he had gotten off scott-free because of his slimy lawyers. Joelsi's hand curled into a fist, and his rage grew. The scumbag reminded him of the traffickers his father had sold off his little sister to, and that only further accentuated Joelsi's moral outrage. Ironic, from a man who used to kill people on the regular. But at least those people were other criminals. Not like this guy, who preyed on the innocent. Jolesi knocked on the stall door. "Yes?" "Hey buddy, I know somewhere safer you can hide. C'mere, I'll show it to ya." In a fit of desperation, and foolishness, the man opened the door to the stranger who now knew he was a crime boss and who clearly had barely suppressed anger in his voice. Joelsi acted quickly, throwing a punch into the face of the scumbag who was sitting on the toilet, making him slam into one of the nearby dividing stall walls. Jolesi quickly picked him up, blood from the man's freshly broken nose pouring onto one of his knuckles. Joelsi picked him up, dragging him over to one of the sinks on the other end of the room, slamming his head into it, a chunk of the porcelain flying off, smashing into a million pieces on the floor, the man falling over, groaning in pain.
"Whatever this demon thing is, I hope it gets you. Piece of chit." Joelsi walked out of the bathroom, leaning against one of the outside walls.
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No sooner had Joelsi Leconer (appropriately) expressed his contempt and disgust than "Alice", still concealed in a super high quality stealth field moved toward the passage, stopping as the Janitor walked out.

In the past, the Android Vampire had been such an absolute Sociopath that it wouldn't have hesitated at killing him also. But recent upgrades and life experience had changed a once completely savage monster.

But she was hungry already. Better do this quick.

No sooner had the Janitor started leaning against the wall then he would see the door open of it's own accord and close.

The screams that occurred within were ghastly, prolonged, accompanied by multiple bone breaking sounds and lion like snarls.

Still in a stealth field Alice walked out, the invisible Android dragging the crime lord, who looked mangled and broken.

"I left it spotless, I swear..." The Android said in a deep feminine rasp. "Now just to hang this motherfether from a good lamp post. This place got any rope?" she asked very casually.

Joelsi Leconer

"Thanks for not messin' up the place. I swear, it's like people think this bathroom don't got any trash cans and they just leave their chit everywhere. Helluva thing to clean up. Don't need a buncha guts and blood dirtying up the joint any more. As for rope, there's some in that supply closet, there." The janitor nodded to a nearby door, before his watch buzzed, and he pulled up his sleeve. "Well, it's the end of my shift. Nice meeting you, miss."
"Thank you! You've been so helpful." Alice said, going to the supply closet and getting out the rope, still invisible. Still dragging the corpse.

"I won't hang it too close to your place of business..." Alice assured and began dragging the corpse and rope off.

Then she stopped, her enhanced audio sensors picking up nearly sub vocal communication.

Her recent augmentations, a combination of both miniaturized Droid Upgrades and high powered cybernetic implants to help her body deal with the strain of constant superhuman feats also came with a host of surveillance and stealth upgrades.

Her brain's miniaturized, wireless Droid Source Ripper sent out a tight beam signal, finding an encrypted comlink and easily hacking it's transmission.

"We got him. He's inside. We'll make the rent this month with the blood of Joelsi Leconer ." Came the hacked transmission. It was in the Mandalorian language.

Heard strange sounds. There's something in there with him. Heard screams."

"No witnesses."

The Android, still experimenting with morality, was tempted to simply leave. But with upgrades to her intelligence came the curiosity of what would happen if she decided to help someone randomly for no reason at all.

"Pardon me, sir..." Alice said, at last decloaking, revealing a thin, pale skinned red headed woman in some sort of white, but revealing leotard, packed to the gills with experimental micro electronics.

"I've detected a transmission. Mandalorian. They want you. I can smell them. They are moving very quickly. We have two minutes, tops."

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