Gna Grimwasp
Bad ass space fairy

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Intent: Personal walker for Gna Grimwasp
Development Thread: If necessary
Manufacturer: Gna Grimwasp
Model: Gna-T
Affiliation: Gna Grimwasp
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Terenthiun / Desh Scatrium
Role: Reconnaissance/ Personal Speeder
Height: 1 meter
Length: 0.5 meter
Width: o.4 meter
Weight: 5kg
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 1
Propulsion: Bipedal
Top Speed: 30 mph 48.2803 kph
Armaments: Shadow tech rifle
Squadron Count: na
Passenger Capacity: 1
Cargo Capacity: na
Misc. Equipment: basic scanners
small thrusters add a 5 ft jump for 10 seconds.
Strengths: fast and agile
small target
Weaknesses: lacks power
limited sheilkding.
Made to make Gna " useful " as Jacky Duzzle's sidekick in combat the Gna-T
is light fast and versatile running light saber batteries it rarely requires charging.
it has a mounted blaster and a small silhouette and fraim it acts as a small back up and offers cover fire.
Primary Source: na