Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Go to law school, they said...

Lucia Nox

Somewhere in the grey area. will be fun, they sai--wait, no one said that. :huh: This isn't a LOA, just a heads up.

Good news: I'm starting my last semester of my third and final year of law school this week. The light at the end of the tunnel is drawing near--or is that just my life flashing before my eyes as I realize that the bar exam is right around the corner? Either way, I've stuck around for this long, and I'm pretty excited to be a few months away from tagging a J.D. at the end of my name. Just between us, can we pretend that it stands for Jedi?

Bad news: inevitably, IC posts will be slower. Last semester was so brutal that I poofed from the site entirely, but I'm determined not to let that happen this time. Whenever school gets so hectic that I stop doing fun, creative things just for my own happiness, that's usually a bad sign. Chaos is a ridiculously awesome way for me to honor my creativity, indulge my nerdiness, escape from the real world, and simply unwind. Cheers to you people for making that possible. :)

In the meantime, I'm planning to continue steadily with the threads I currently have cooking ( [member="Aria Vale"] | [member="Grigori Tarasov"] | [member="Zhin Zondaar"] ). I also welcome discussion for other threads if any of you are interested and don't mind that I might be a bit pokey here and there. I'll always keep the line of communication open if something comes up, and I'm only a PM away!

Thanks again!

Lucia Nox

Somewhere in the grey area.
[member="Vengeance"] Twelve. Years. Old.

[member="Ludolf Vaas"] Spot on. Thank you so much!

[member="Zhin Zondaar"] I am a J.D. like my father before me. :cool: (Actually, my dad's not a lawyer--but let's roll with it for the joke).


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