Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Going in Blind



Near the Hakawa Isands

Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Nouqai Veil Nouqai Veil

Makai hadn't been on Dac since he was a child. His childhood home was here,where he lived from about age six until seventeen, until it was sold off when he went off to university. He had been tempted to take a boat and view it, but ultimately he decided it would be best not to. His schedule was packed enough as it was and going down some memory lane right now wasn't on the agenda.

The floating city was smaller than the main ones, if they were on land it could most likely be described as a town by Dac standards. He was here on business - more ocean mining and extraction platforms were going nearby. It had been a finalizing of mining and extraction rights. He was also idly thinking of expanding his agriculture operations here as well - maybe build one large facility to get things done. It would be easy enough, perhaps their own floating city-like structure.

Something to toss into the plans for the planet.

Right now, he was meeting with Nouqai. Miss Veil and himself had met through various aquatic dealings - he had joked they were instantly friendly due to being part of the 'Aquatics Club', despite their differences. He hadn't seen the woman in ages, both had been busy. According to her message, she was busy in the Tingel Arm. He was invested heavily in the Tingel Arm. Seemed they should meet.

Plus, he had a favor.

Hands shoved into his navy blue trousers, iced blue eyes searched for her behind his sunglasses as he stood outside the small cafe. Given her unique appearance, she should be easy to spot.

The past few months had been turbulent. The young tech savvy lady had been cut of from the world and its connections when she was taken by the Lightsworn. Much of her freedom was regained when her friend Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell had brought her to the Tingel Arm Coalition. She had yet to reconnect with many, although those she knew in the Sith Order was still a tentative endeavour to take with.

The Tingel Arm had recently expanded its influence to Mon Cala, a waterworld. She was glad to find out one of her follow aquatic acquaintance was there for some of his business dealings at the moment upon reconnecting with him. She had not been to the planet much before, and it was a joy to get to another planet where much of its sentients were either aquatic or amphibious.

Nouqai arrived to the place of meeting. It was one of the main floating cities. She found her way to the cafe, looking around to find her fellow aquatic buddy.
Makai spotted Nouqai Veil Nouqai Veil quickly after looking up from scrolling through the HoloNet. Device went into his breast pocket and he closed the gap between them, moving to greet her. They had meet in Sith space since he had been doing out in that region and hit it off as two fellow aquatics - her moreso than him - but there was still a bond there despite his half-aquatic status.

"Miss Veil, how have you been?"
He leaned in and kissed her cheek in greeting before stepping back to look at her. "Besides, what brings you so far out this way? Mon Cala? I normally expect to see you when I'm on business in more Sith-y regions of the universe. Speaking of, you've been missing in action for awhile...easy I suppose due to the nature of life."

Makai moved to open the cafe door for her, urging her inside. He was looking to talking a bit and eating some of his childhood favorites. Couldn't get fresher fish than a waterworld. Plus, he was eager to see if Miss Veil would take him up on his offer. Casteel Mer'taal Casteel Mer'taal had been resistant to his efforts in getting him a date, maybe Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr. would be a little less ornery.
From her upbringing, she wasn't used to such formal and intimate greetings such as a kiss on a cheek, but she'd learn. Even when they had met in sith space, Nouqai had given her lightside name than the one bestowed upon her by Malum. She was known by two, but that didn't bother her that much.

Makai asked about her whereabouts. "Well..." The amphibious sentient trailed as she stepped through the threshold. Nouqai didn't even know where to begin, the past few months had been incredibly turbulent. She would not particularly say it was the nature of life.

"Have you heard about the Tingel Arm Coalition? I've found myself more with the Jedi lately. I'm just figuring things out." She admitted, although it was not the whole story, but she truly did not want to revive the experience.

"Anyway," Nouqai sighed as she took a seat at one of the tables. "What about you? Go here often?"
"Tingel Arm Collation? I've heard a few rumblings. I've got an eye on them in case they try something crazy. I don't know if you heard but there were rumblings in the Galactic Alliance at one time about seizing corporate property. Don't need these guys thinking the same to further their cause."

Sitting across from her, Makai merely nodded. Jedi. Sith. All the same and he couldn't quite comprehend all the nuances. However, figuring things out he could understand, that made sense. If he was reading between the lines, it seemed she was throwing her weight behind this Collation as well. He would have to find more information.

"I have been busy. I don't think that is surprising. Seems we've both been trying to take the universe by the horns, so to speak."

Looking around the space, he shook his head.

"No, this place wasn't here when I was a kid. Just thought it would be a nice, neutral place to meet up. Plus...I have a favor to ask. If I ask in public there is less chance of you making a scene."

Nouqai Veil Nouqai Veil

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