Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Going Into Surgery Soon

So i'm not sure when i'll be back. I'm kind of scared and have been kind of locked away when i found out i needed this procedure done. Apparently the odds of me making it are...not as high as i'd like. And given that i have sickle cell plus no spleen does not help my odds.

So if i suddenly poof and never come back. Figured yall should know why.

Sorry for any RPs i fell off of cause of all this. Hopefully i'll be able to saunter back here and RP with you guys. Cheers lads. Hopefully i'll be back with no issues.
[member="Queen Sovereign"]

Oh my, thats

All of our thoughts and prayers are with you! Go into the surgery with confidence, knowing were all behind you! Please let us know back here when you are able that you're okay! Take all the time you need to recover we'll always be here!
[member="Queen Sovereign"] - You rest. You think positive. Do things that make you happy and relax you. Any medical person in an emergent background can attest that sheer mental fortitude can do some weird fluxing to your survival rates.
[member="Queen Sovereign"]

I admire you for being able to speak so openly to us about this despite your unease. You'll be back, though, I know. Until that time, we will be missing a skilled writer. Still, heal up and come back to us!
Like Sweet-Tarts Without The Sweet Part
Been where you are. <3 Hang in there. You'll come out of it breathing, if in pain. But, pain means you're alive. Looks like you've got a lot of people here that care about you, and I'm sure you've got some with you other there right now.

Take your time healing. It's a long and sometimes frustrating road, but it sounds like you're familiar with that already. Just know you've got a 'lotta support, from friends AND strangers (me, hi :p).

Keep fighting. Always keep fighting. If you've been through hell already (sounds like you have), then you know the drill. <3 You'll make it.

Connor Harrison

[member="Queen Sovereign"] Wishing you nothing but the best for a smooth operation and a speedy recovery. All will be here waiting for you on your return. Take care. :)

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