Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Going Major?


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Well the new mapdate is up and we are once again neutral. It's been suggested that we protect our area by gaining the Mimban Hex that we are in. Yes, that'll open us up for possible invasions too, but we are so small that perhaps we'll be overlooked. Either way if someone tries to dominate the area before we can, we'd still have to fight to try to keep Commenor.

So shall we try to gain the hex? Or just stay as we are?

Either way, we'll still have some great stories out of it.
[member="Lady Kay"]

Im not sure what this faction could do as a lone planet, but maybe speak with the owners of Rendili, Kuat, and maybe Broktilla to see if there can be a Unification of planets. Alone though, I'd think against it.
[member="Lady Kay"]

I'd say no only because minor is just as good as major (if not better, IMO) for story purposes. You go major all your stories and focus go to map game, which is all about war. I don't see Commenor being a military faction, I see us being more commerce.

To be very honest, I like minor factions a lot better as well, there is less stress, more story, and less drama. But that is just my opinion. Feel free to go as you feel necessary. :)


Sphaera Tea Company Owner

We are in the hex just south of Alderaan. With so much empty space there now, it's hard to pinpoint it directly.

[member="Tydus Wryeens"] [member="James Justice"]

This is why I ask, so that I can hear everyone's opinions. We are not a military faction, no. But we have our own fleet and ships. For protection of course :p And the Embassies help in that regard too, bringing in other gov'ts to help protect their own.

I'll let more weigh in on their thoughts :) Fair is fair.
[member="James Justice"] [member="Lady Kay"]

Well I've just gata ask, have you spoken to the Adimin of the Mandalorians to see if they are gana head your way? Cuz that would put a lot of weight to your suggestion to go major as the Mandos might make trade a bit difficult.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Tydus Wryeens"]

The Mandos make everything difficult for everyone. It's a large part of why some of the factions went minor. Going to them would only send them in our direction. Though I think that they have enough to deal with with Omega and the GA. Plus they have an Embassy through Clan Raxis and there's been no fighting so far, thankfully.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Thanks [member="Darben Skirae"] :)

I can find stories in either way that it goes. But it's looking like we are staying minor. So we'll have to be on our toes to anyone writing dominions in our sector.

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