Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Going to See It! Is VII Worth It?


Well-Known Member
So. Going in the next hour to see it. What say the populace? Am I going to love it? Hate it? Adore it? Cry?

NO ACTIVE SPOILERS ARE ACCEPTABLE IN THIS THREAD. Hence no spoiler tag! Just want a base review! Is it good enough to warrant the trip!

I repeat, NO SPOILERS. Will report.


Well-Known Member
Neither of you are any fun!

And POODOO my ride is not going to be able to be here. Going to have to wait till a later showing....*tear*

Connor Harrison

It's everything you want as a Star Wars fan and more.

No complications, no gimmicks, no nonsense.

It's Star Wars. End of.


I saw star wars. It, in my opinion, is better and more enjoyable to a modern audience than all that have come before it, including the cartoons and video games.

It is also nothing like what I was expecting. Nor is it anything like the recent Star Trek movies.

JJ did an amazing job and has done justice to a great franchise.

Ultimate Spoiler
No Really, don't look
You'll regret it.
Do not fall to the dark side!
Don't do it Anakin! You're the chosen one!
This movie contains the saddest of moments.

The feels are real.

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