Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gold, Guns, Girls

First stop- Tatooine. Zax and her crew landed just outside of the famously villainous Mos Eisley. Not for long. She didn't think her Calico would ever end up here. Why would he? Nobody wanted to be here if they didn't have to. Of course, as with everywhere she went, it didn't hurt to have a quick look around and spread the word-
The pirate Queen herself, Z, was looking for a man named Tal'Verda. She'd pay big.

She'd have the whole damn Galaxy lookin' if she kept it up. She'd find him. One way or another, she would. It wasn't like her to give up.

"A'right, fellas, I'm headin' into town for supplies. Hold down the fort while I'm gone, goddit?"

"Yes Ma'am!"

She stepped down the ramp, pulling an old dust colored scarf around her silvery hair. As she shuffled through the sand she hummed a tune to herself, a popular song. Her favorite song. It was already double noon when she arrived at the outskirts of the bustling city. Over head the planets twin suns blazed with silent intensity. She lit up her first cigara for the day. Just a quick fix until she could get the real stuff.


Morality Policeman :)
Tatooine was certainly not the place she preferred to perform her whoring. That was probably why she was not taking to her usual side job today and instead elected to accompany the good ol' cap'n--whether she liked it or not.

Mia had heard that black was quite oddly the norm in the desert (It made no sense to her. Her Imperial education had always taught her that white reflected light--and therefore heat--much better. But, oh well.) and had thus donned her black robe with the flared sleeves for the day trip, wishing to see the markets or whatever quaint things one visits on these forsaken worlds. Who ever thought to live out here in the first place? What passed for civilization here must have started out as a colony of marooned cosmonauts.

Mia was adventurous, though. Heck, she was a pirate and an 'exotic entertainer', after all. "Yargh," she joked as the trudged through the distorted atmosphere of this baked, thermally soaked world, unfolding her fan to repel the smoke from Zandra's cigara. "What is our main event of the day?"

[member="Zandra Tal'verda"]

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