Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Good Afternoon everyone

I've been browsing the website for the past few days and there is a lot to take in. The biggest being the current year time, over 800 years ABY is kind of baffling to think of, but that just goes to show the length in which people seem to want to play and expand the beloved SW universe.

I too like to think I am a fan and really just wanted a place to talk and discuss scenes or stories with people. The foolish dream is to one day think you can genuinely write Star Wars Stories but for now one should be content with just having companions to converse with on the subject. If i am distant it is because I'm busy with school and work but will try to be around if able.
Hi [member="Orden Baric"] welcome to Chaos!

You're right, writing a story with the breadth of Star Wars is hard, but we have fun writing our own stories and I hope you will too :)

If you have any questions about the site or how things end up here then feel free to ask :D

Hope you enjoy your time on the site and good luck with school and work!
Well it's all just grasping at it so far. Taking it all in. I'm sure there is a million little nuances that make the site tick and work. I'm not even sure where one would begin. All I know is that I have a simple goal of trying to build this character up from the ground floor as it were. That being, outside of his desires he has very little in the way of wealth, fame, notoriety or contacts. I'd love to experiment with actually having him evolve as he is written into stories, while also hoping to have my own writing abilities expand as I do so.
That's why we're all here, letting your character evolve as you write is a great feeling.

Probably the best place to start is to join a faction. They have writers and stories going on you can jump into and people who are always willing to write with you to tell your story.
[member="Orden Baric"]

As [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] said, it really is an awesome feeling to watch your character grow and evolve. Especially from ground zero. Had the joy and pleasure of witnessing that on my old SWTOR character, but don't know I have the fortitude for that ground-floor slog again (Power is addictive, man...) Good luck out there, buddy!

Captain Keeli

Captain Keeli, back from the dead.
[member="Orden Baric"]
Welcome to Chaos, enjoy your time here and don't hesitate to ask me or any of the incredible staff members here questions.

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