Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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As some of you know, I was lucky enough to get accepted to the dental hygiene program I've worked my tail off to get in to.

However, it's taken over my life - if that wasn't obvious since I haven't even logged on in five days - and any free time I find is spent doing things like...eating, sleeping. The essentials.

So it's time for me to depart.

You guys are a great group, one of the best boards I've had the pleasure of being a part of.

I will be back in the summers, or if my schedule ever stops looking so crazy. Also probably to either praise or queen about the movie in December.

Until then, hit me up on Skype if you want to reach me - weezykissadude. But if you have my number or are friends with me on Facebook, hit me up there because let's be honest. I hate Skype.

Be well everyone - until next time!

- Kaily


The Second Seal, broken.
[member="Matsu Xiangu"]

All the sads. :(

Have fun drilling people's teeth, boo. :p
We'll be here when they lock you in jail for malpractice you have time again.

[member="Matsu Xiangu"]

A huge congratulations for getting into the program!

I'll be sad to see you go (my Master!) but real life takes precedent of course.

I'm glad I got the chance to thread with you while you were here. You're a brilliant writer, so I hope you keep writing as well!

Take care :)
[member="Matsu Xiangu"]
This is the part where I try to find a gif that properly expresses my emotions and slash or is humorous
This is also the part where I fail
Because you're really cool
And I'll miss you, but I'm also really glad that you've gotten to a point that you've wanted to be at for awhile.
So maybe poetry would work better.

The Drifter's Melody by Megan R. Bokowski

The time soon comes for parting,
And our time is at an end,
The rest of your life is starting,
And we have no time at all to spend.

You knew one day you'd have to go,
But thought you'd have more time.
We can't reverse time's one-way flow,
But at least you'll have this rhyme.

You had your shining moments,
Upon this life's darkened stage,
And in my book of wonderments,
You'll never be just another page.

Like the exploding of a star,
You've changed me in and out,
Your light will travel with me far,
Past when all other lights go out.

Something Something, Au Revoir, Probably by Jordan "Nyx" Van-Daalen*
*Jordan Van-Daalen is my pen name, btw
I am a drifter
A wandering soul
With no home of her own

I travel and roam,
From one place to the next,
Only ever stopping to take a rest

Upon my searching,
For nothing and everything

I often meet people worth remembering.

Some make me cry
Whether when I depart,
Or when they find their way into my heart

Others are the reason I leave
Whether to painful to bear,
Or to grand for me to keep near.

You were not the latter,
Of course you were the former,
One of the few who made me want to stay

From day to day,
From summer lights to winter nights,
The shine of your soul helped keep things bright.

Now, for once in my life
I am not the one leaving.

The winds of change
Have turned us onto different paths
Sending us to travel on opposite-bound tracks

We've both found gold,
Buried within or taken with pride,
There's no longer the question of if we tried

Am I crying?
I am a drifter, a wandering soul
And here, where I found you, I have found a home

You and the others
Have given me a place I can stay
It's a sorrowful thing for any of us to part ways

None shall forget you
Nor will any even consider it
We will keep you in our minds, even if we leave too

But this is where
We say our goodbyes,
With shakes in our hearts and shimmers in our eyes

No, we won't say goodbye
No matter where you go, no matter how far
The most we'll ever say is au revoir.

Until we meet again, friend.

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