Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Good day

I’m happy to be those things and my own knowledge of Star Wars has its gaps so we can learn together!

I’ve got a variety of characters from Jedi to Sith, law enforcement to criminal.

In the mood for anything in particular?
I know this is unrelated, but if you're just getting into Star Wars..I'm a strong believer that the Bane trilogy of books are the most amazing and would probably let you learn some things as well. Path of Destruction, The Rule of Two, and Dynasty of Evil are all on youtube for free. The video I found for Path of Destruction skilled quit a bit of the first part of the book but I'm sure you can manage to get the information from that. Either way, hope you enjoy the forum and I REALLY hope you check out those audiobooks. They are amazing.
Well, just for context, Darth Bane lived around 1,000 years before the battle of yavin and each book is separated 10 years from one another and goes over his life. It references the old republic and he's the guy that set the ground for Palpatine to do what he did in the movies.

AND I'M DONE. Sorry guys, just finished my third listen to it and always like to tell new star wars fans about it. I'll let this get back on topic
I’ll shamelessly off topic my thanks for the recommendation of the Bane audiobooks. I had no idea and have always been interested in checking out Star Wars books, just ‘never got around to it’. Huzzah!

But yes on topic I’m offering Senestra Sylverian Senestra Sylverian if you want to roleplay. She is a Sith.

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