Kiandra Kinases
Courascant Undercity.
Things hadn't changed much in the Undercity since One Sith had taken over. The scum here didn't really care who was in power, for they had their own power structure. You didn't mess with certain individuals and you'd be fine. One of these particular individuals was the blissfully ignorant and privileged Kiandra Kinases.
Kiandra was the wealthy heiress of her dead father's highly profitable and highly illegal business. Frankly put, Daddy Kinases was a Mobster and after he parted this plane of existence Kiandra had always been looked after by her father's old business associates. One such associate was Gor, the 658 lbs Yuzzem who happened to follow Kiandra into the undercity with a large cart of food.
Because Kiandra was so privileged she tried to make other's lives just a little bit better. Handing out food and smiling was just a small thing she could do to brighten the day of those less fortunate.
Things hadn't changed much in the Undercity since One Sith had taken over. The scum here didn't really care who was in power, for they had their own power structure. You didn't mess with certain individuals and you'd be fine. One of these particular individuals was the blissfully ignorant and privileged Kiandra Kinases.
Kiandra was the wealthy heiress of her dead father's highly profitable and highly illegal business. Frankly put, Daddy Kinases was a Mobster and after he parted this plane of existence Kiandra had always been looked after by her father's old business associates. One such associate was Gor, the 658 lbs Yuzzem who happened to follow Kiandra into the undercity with a large cart of food.
Because Kiandra was so privileged she tried to make other's lives just a little bit better. Handing out food and smiling was just a small thing she could do to brighten the day of those less fortunate.