Jairus Starvald

Erilnar, Centrality
The Magrail Project
[member="Darth Imperia"]
Binary Buddies was a small company all things considered.It had no locations to speak off and apparently was even run out of a simple freighter. But, and this but was good enough for Tai Fa, Thengil spoke highly of Imperia's analytical abilities. Specifically, her ability to know when to fold 'em.
A meeting was called, then.
BB didn't have the resources to actually produce these droids that Fa needed, but apparently Darth Impy was quite good at designing things. He didn't particularly want to involve big companies into this project, at least not until he was part of those same great companies himself.
It was basic paranoia and security.
So, a meeting was set with Darth Imperia. To discuss a potential contract for aiding with a project concerning the restoration of a planetary-wide railway.