Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Good or Evil


Good is rather difficult for me for some reason, i struggle to write it and have less fun.

That being said, I'm greatly enjoying writing complete moral gray with my Corporate Character.
I prefer playing characters. Some of those characters do subjectively bad things, and others do things that are commonly considered good, but those are how others interpret my actions and choices. They're not what's going through my mind when I'm making decisions for a character.

Fabula gives all of her income to charity. Commonly considered good. She also actively seeks to murder any creatures that have a touch of Dark Side on them. Subjectively bad. But the motivations behind these are not "I want her to do evil" or "I want her to be the good guy."

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
I prefer playing good and this is for one reason.

I used to have an old char, which is my namesake on skype, called David Tharkosa. This man was as twisted as i could be as a murderer and torturer and it sickened me playing someone like that... but i also liked it which also sickened me. so in recent times that is why most if not all my chars are good, Solan and Glyph being the two that are good yet keep their sense of evil methodology in handling threats...
Good. Definitely. I constantly lose my muse for evil ones, plus I am more comfortable writing characters who have nearly the same moral compass as I do (though oddly, I am comfortable writing anything else than myself if the morality is the same as my own).

The Hound

all my evil characters or "Dark" characters tend to stagnate but so do my super "Good"

I prefer Neutral
Bunker-level Normal
I like to think of character alignment more like the 9 Moral Alignments from such games as Dungeons and Dragons. Even then, my characters usually don't fall into a completely perfect alignment, but they tend to be between Chaotic Good and True Neutral.
I have way to much fun writing evil characters. Playing the good guys and the 'good' guys is still fun though. Though the best ones are the ones that are a healthy mix of good and bad. Ain't nobody got a perfect alignment, yo.
Some characters I define good and evil with, for various reasons.

Kei likes to look at the average person as 'good' for example, it helps to write his muse, and gives him a desire to protect the average person.

Whereas others have no definitions for these terms, there are just people, this helps with empathetic characters for example, such as when I write Nato empathy, and conversely a detached Sera/Raien.

Then darker characters, if we are just talking about intensity, I find it difficult to write physically sadistic things out or read them for that matter, not so much to play out the effects of them, characters can grow through those kinds of experiences quite drastically, but fade to blacks are preferred after a point.

Psychologically my darker Sith can go all day and do some really heart tugging scenarios, as can their lust for a fight (depending on the muse),

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